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I walked towards the main island with Hajime and the others beside me.

I couldn't believe it.

Nagito's trying to weed out the traitors.

"Hey..." Fuyuhuiko's voice made me stop in my tracks, "Now that I think about it... Could Nagito be..."

"Planning a murder?" Kazuichi finished.

"What?!" I exclaimed, "that's preposterous! Surely he won't do that, right?" I reasoned. "I mean... After everything... Surely he won't...?"

"But based on how he was talking, it sounded like he was targeting the traitors," Fuyuhiko explained.

"There is no such thing!" Sonia stated, "The traitors don't exist!"

"Well, regardless of who he's targeting... It doesn't change the fact that he's still planning to kill..." Kazuichi pointed out, "then we gotta tie him up again! Forcing him to stop is the only way!"

"T-Tie up?! Are you joking? Nagito's not some animal gone rogue! I-I'm sure he won't..."

"Plus, it's not possible..." Chiaki added, "Without Nekomaru... We won't be able to--"

"Then I'll do it! I've got what it takes to deal with someone like him!" Akane volunteered.

"Then, that's a yes, right?" Kazuichi looked around us to find confirmation. Everyone nodded whereas I looked down at the ground, avoiding the mechanic's stare, "Just leave it to me! Once I come up with a plan, we'll meet up again!" And with that, we all dispersed back to our own cabins.

I entered my cabin and plopped down on the soft mattress below me.

Surely Nagito won't plan a murder, right?

I've known him for so long, there's no way he's capable of killing someone...

Then again, he was capable of becoming a Remnant of Despair...

I sighed and closed my eyes.

I hope he's alright...

I heard the distant chime of the Monokuma night announcement as I felt myself succumb to sleep.





I tossed and turned in my bed as I heard the familiar knocking on my front door. I grew annoyed at the persistent knocks and stood up.

I rubbed my eyes to try and stay awake as I gently pulled open the door to reveal...

 "Good evening, Y/n!" It was Nagito, "hope I didn't wake you," He let out a toothy grin.

"D-Darling? What are you doing here?" The rest of my sleepiness disappeared at the sight of him, "Shouldn't you be back at your cabin?"

"About that..." He trailed off, "I was wondering if you would like to take a stroll with me? I couldn't sleep... And maybe spending time with you could help me... relax a little, you know?"

"B-But only if you want to...! I'm sorry... I shouldn't have come here so late... Trash like me should just..."

"It's okay, Nagito," I smiled and gently took his hand in mine, "Where would you like to go?"

Nagito lit up at this and intertwined our fingers together, "I was thinking the shore. It looks beautiful at night."

I squeezed his hand and closed my door behind me, "That sounds wonderful, Nagito."

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now