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I fought the urge to throw up everything I had for breakfast. My legs felt weak under me. They weren't able to sustain my weight as I fell. The others immediately came to my aid, unaware of what I saw until they looked in the direction I was facing. I couldn't take my eyes off the sight. 

"Y/n!" Hajime was the first to come up to me, "Y/n! Listen to me, everything is going to be alright, okay? W-We'll find out who did this to Nagito... I swear!" I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying.

"Nagito..." I did my best to crawl towards my lover, my best friend, my everything.

I sobbed as I sat next to his body, his face one filled with terror. His eyes were opened, windows to his soul that had disappeared long ago. I've always loved his eyes, even during our times in Hope's Peak. I've always admired its grayish-green color. It reminded me of the forest with all its foliage. Now, I couldn't stand to look at them. The life that was once held inside of it is now empty. 

I placed a hand over his eyes and closed them. He doesn't deserve any of this. 

I couldn't stop the tears streaming down my face, even when the others began to investigate. I was still in denial. 

"Nagito..." I whispered and shakily placed my hand on his cheek. His skin was cold to the touch. It was always like that, but now it was even colder. Another sign that he's no longer here.

I couldn't bear to separate myself from his corpse, even when Hajime and Chiaki began investigating. The way they pointed out all of the injuries he had suffered made my heart break even more. I can't stand this at all.

"Y/n..." Chiaki looked at me in sympathy. My lips trembled as a sob came out. He's dead. He's never coming back.

"C-Chiaki... Hajime..." My voice trembled as I looked at the two people I was closest to in this entire island... apart from Nagito..."What am I supposed to do now?" My voice cracked. I couldn't even communicate properly with all this crying. I wish I had found him sooner, maybe then he would not have suffered this terrible fate. 

"This is all my fault..." I cried, "If only I had found him while you guys checked the islands... If only I had never left his side. If only--"

"Y/n... This isn't your fault," Hajime crouched down to my level and placed a hand on my shoulder, "This is no one but the murderer's fault... Don't blame yourself, please."

"Then what am I supposed to do now that he's gone?!" I exclaimed, "He... He didn't deserve to die like this! If anything, he shouldn't even have died!" I cried even more.

Chiaki came to my side and wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed onto her shoulder, dampening her jacket, "I-It's alright, Y/n... Let it out..." She rubbed comforting circles on my back as I continued to cry.

After what felt like a minute, she let go and looked at me, "How about you sit this investigation out, okay? Hajime and I can't bear to see you like this. W-We'll come and get you once this investigation is over. How does that sound?" She offered.

I shook my head, "I... I don't want to leave him."

Chiaki sighed and wiped stray tears from my cheeks, "That's alright, Y/n. You can stay here and guard Nagito while we go over and investigate other places to give you two some privacy, okay?" I nodded to her words and watched as she smiled.

"That's good to here," She stood up from the floor and said something to the others, "We'll be right back, Y/n. Stay safe," And with that, everyone left the warehouse.

I pulled my knees close to my chest and sobbed. My heart felt heavy, everything hurts.


After what felt like an hour, everyone came back. At this point, my tears have already dried. I felt empty. There were no thoughts running through my head. I was completely and utterly drained. 

"Y/n..." Chiaki whispered from the entrance, "It's time."

I turned to the direction of the door. They were all waiting for me. I merely nodded in response and tried to stand up. My legs quivered below from lack of use. Luckily, Hajime rushed to my aid and helped me stand up. 

"Thank you..." My voice was hoarse.

"Anytime, Y/n..." Hajime let out a small smile and guided me throughout the journey to the trial room.

I stood on my podium. Nagito's spot had his picture with his face crossed out. I felt sick again.

It took a while for everyone to get situated at their designated podiums but when they did, the trial started. Monokuma's booming voice echoed throughout the room as he explained the rules once again.

"I wonder..." The bear trailed out, "Who in the world killed him? I'm sooooo curious!"

"If he was killed trying to reveal the traitors..." Fuyuhiko began the discussion, "Then it's obvious that one of the traitors did it! They were trying to shut Nagito up!" 

"The killer didn't tape the mouth to shut Nagito up!" Kazuichi argued, "I'm tellin' you, they were torturing him!"

"So that's why he was so beat up..." Akane spoke.

"What were they trying to find out by torturing him?" Chiaki wondered.

"Definitely the bombs hiding place!" Sonia exclaimed.

"Then the suspect... Is totally the one who found the bombs first!"

"Wait, that was Fuyuhiko!" Kazuichi gasped.

"What the?!" The blonde let out, "I-I found it by coincidence!"

Countless of voices spoke all at once. I didn't dare to talk, I held my head low. Tears were threatening to spill again.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now