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The sun had already set by now. The sky was littered with stars as nothing but the sound of the ocean waves accompanying us. Nagito and I had just finished exploring all the islands of Jabberwock. All that was left was the main island, where the cabins resided. We crossed the bridge from the 5th island to the main island, hand-in-hand when we were suddenly approached by Hajime.

"Why, hello there, Hajime," Nagito waved.

"Nagito! So glad to see you! Chiaki was looking for you, she said to meet her at the lobby," Hajime smiled.

I looked at the brunette in suspicion. Usually, Hajime doesn't even acknowledge Nagito's presence, let alone smile at him. 

"Really?" Nagito smiled, "Everyone put her up to that, right?" I saw Hajime's smile drop.

Nagito observed the brunette's sudden change in expression, "I guess that's a yes, huh?"

"H-How did you know?! Did Y/n tell you?!" Hajime pointed at me.

"Hahahaha, Y/n hasn't told me anything," Nagito vouched. "But it's good timing! I have something to discuss with you all, too..." He grinned.

"You do...?" Hajime questioned.

"If everyone's at the lobby, that saves me a lot of trouble," He explained, "And I want you to come too, Y/n. Even if you're not directly involved with the plan."

"W-What? But--"

"No buts, let's get headed to the lobby, shall we?"


The three of us walked towards the hotel lobby with me cautiously trailing behind the pair.

Hajime stopped in his tracks, hesitating to open the door.

"What happened, Hajime? What are you so nervous about?" Nagito sighed

"I-I'm not nervous..."

"Hahaha, you're a terrible actor, Hajime." The luckster laughed and shoved Hajime out of his way, "Oh, well... If you're going to slow us down like that, I'll go inside first," Nagito grabbed the doorknob with no hesitation.

"Nagito! Wai--"

As soon as the doors opened, Akane tackled Nagito from behind, her arm around his neck, "All right! I got him!" The gymnast exclaimed.

Nagito stayed silent and glared, "Uhm... What are you doing?" 

"Don't judge us for this, but we're going to tie you up!"

"Tie me up...?" He laughed, "you guys are really are disappointing..."

Hajime and I looked at each other, confused by what he meant.

"How long are you going to continue behaving  so shortsightedly?" Nagito continued, his tone becoming more annoyed by the second, "You gotta look at the big picture, you know..."

What is he talking about?!

His words are getting more cryptic than ever.

"It's fine if you don't understand... You can just see the end without knowing."

"Now then, let's begin! The beginning of the end of Jabberwock Island!"

And with that, a loud boom sound followed by a blinding light engulfed my senses. I felt my body being thrown on the floor as hundreds of small rubble and dust grazed my skin.

My ears were ringing, tears pricked at the corner of my eyes from the dust, my body was numb.

But despite all that, I could still hear Nagito's laugh.

"Hahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahahaha!" Nagito stood amidst the rubble and the flames, his grin wide, and his eyes swirling in excitement. 

"It's amazing! These amazing fireworks surely fit the beginning of the end!"

The... end...?

I felt my eyes grow heavy as I passed out.

Love Is Hard For A Shut-in | Nagito X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now