Learning something new and odd happenings

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Alright, welcome to the next chapter everyone. Same as Luca and Maylee, I know I'm sounding like an old repeating record right now. But as stated before, I have no memory of whether or not I've owned these characters (besides Eggface's wife. I remember creating her somehow) but anyway.

To the supposed creature of Shad, thank you for allowing me to use him I hope you don't mind, that I've changed his personality. You see, I felt bad for how I presented him in the past/portrayed him. So I've given him a different role in the story.


Fun Fact: It's been a while, I know. But anywho, Maylee and Luca don't know about Amy having a brother. Just like the rest of her friends. Though there is a particular reason for why the knowledge of her having a brother is kept secret.

That you might end up finding out in either this book or possibly the next book now with that out of the way, let's proceed with the story.


Chapter 29


The rest of the day went by pretty well, especially with Maylee and Luca visiting Amy's house to check up on her, a lot.

As well as Cream, Cheese, and Vanilla who were worried sick about the pinkette's disappearance as well.
Sonia also visited as well, to check up on Amy as well as to talk with Sky who listen to her whenever she needed to talk about anything since she was dealing with nightmares and of course, Manic wasn't any help at all just like she predicted.

Though Sky didn't mind the company coming around as he yawned softly then looked up at Amy who was peacefully drinking some warm tea that was fixed for her by Shad. He had completely moved in, with Shadow and Amy to keep a close eye on the three.

As Shadow was out at the moment doing some grocery shopping sadly.

Until Amy's ears perked up when she heard a voice.

It was low and grumbling, but it also had a bit of Sonic's tone to it when she looked around confused.

"Is something wrong Amy?" Shad questioned with a tilt of his head as the pinkette looked at him confused until her eye's landed on Sky who was looking up at her confused as he tilts his head to the side.

"Is Something wrong? I wonder what it is?"

She then took in a sharp breath through her nose, shocked as she leaned back into the couch while Sky and Shad just looked at her confused.

And well, Amy couldn't actually use her voice to say what it was that was so shocking for her.

Meaning the two were just left in the dark about whatever was going on at that moment as Sky soon moved closer to the pinkette.

"What's surprising her so much? I don't hear anything around us, so I guess there's no danger around, but why is she staring at me with such surprise?"

Amy held her cup close to her chest while staring at the werehog still completely shocked until she went to carefully put her cup to the side, as Sky carefully reached up to take it from her and set it on the coffee table.
Then looked back at the pinkette and tilts his head to the side once more still very confused as Shad looked at Amy's necklace "Oh! Is it finally working?" he soon says earning the two's attention.

"Is what finally working?"

"Your necklace Amy," Shad says while pointing to his chest where the necklace was located when Amy looked down at her necklace but became even more confused, "ok, did your necklace glow?" he asks when he received a nod from the pinkette.
"Did, Sky start glowing?" Shad asked as he once agian received another nod from the pinkette when he clapped his hands together "then it's working perfectly," he said with joy.

"Ok, I think I need you to explain this. I don't get it,"

Amy looked at Sky and gave an acknowledging nod of her head as if agreeing to whatever the werehog was saying as she tilts her head.

Shad gave a small smile at the two's confusion "Alright, I'll explain more for you both," he says in a matter-of-fact tone as Amy nodded her head listening as he placed a plate of fruits down on the coffee table and then a bowl of snacks for Sky.
Sky ate once his bowl was placed in front of him "ok, so, Amy. That necklace that's around your neck allows you to communicate to nonverbal species such as wild animals, like birds, dolphins, wolves, etcetera, " Shad explained a bit as he motioned his hand towards Sky, whose tail wagged softly.

"So you can understand me! Wait you can understand me?!"

Sky's tail went from wagging to him tilting his head before he gave a wolfish grin his tail wagged once more as Amy giggled before petting the werehogs head and rubbing him behind his ears.

Causing him to lean into her touch as he soon laid his chin on her lap earning a soft smile.

Shad smiled softly, before going to the kitchen as Sky then looked up at Amy who gave him a smile.




Soon as the days went by Sky did a great job of taking care of Amy, though he had begun to act a little bit off...

Like he was fighting back against something constantly, or his body would flinch and twitch painfully, he would constantly make sure Amy was ok, which should be considered normal if he didn't literally climb on top of her growling at something either at the wall or window sometimes even the doorway and stairwell.

He was constantly on edge all the time and Shad couldn't even explain what was going on with him, but he did mention something about going back to a lab.

Shadow wasn't any better either, as he was beginning to have constant migraines that caused him to need to rest more often which was very out of the norm for him to do. He never had migraines nor could he get sick, with the need to sleep so this was quite off for him.
Or he and Sky would feel like they could hear something that Amy couldn't hear as they would both turn their attention to the sound they assumed was neither.

And it was really worrying her.

So now, here she was hanging out with Sonia, Maylee, and Luca in the living room with Sky laying beside the couch relaxing for a bit.

Shadow, as usual, was nowhere to be seen. He was probably in his room resting.

"So, what your saying is, Sky's been acting funny and you don't know why?" Maylee questioned confused as the pinkette nodded her head "yeah, and Shad, mentioned something about a lab," Amy said as the three nodded their head listening to her.

"A lab? Could it be the one you left from?" the white hedgehog questioned with a tilt of her head when Amy tilts her head confused when she remembered something.

"Oh, also, I can properly communicate with Sky, now too," Amy soon added on when Luca and Maylee just blinked at her as Sonia raised a brow humming until Sky's ears perked up, quickly lifted his head, and looking around the room.

"You can communicate with him?" Maylee questioned confused as Amy nodded her head "yup," the pinkette said with joy.
When Sky got up climbing onto the couch to get the pinkette to lie down as he growled at the window, as his fur spiked up.

Amy frowned a bit but at least he wasn't hurting her, he was always so gentle when he pushed her over he even made sure her head landed on his large paw as a pillow as the three girls looked out the window as well.

But they couldn't see anything, but whatever it was.

Sky was on the verge of losing his mind to whatever that was triggering him at that moment, then about nearly 10 minutes later he finally calmed down.

Then licked Amy's cheek before getting off of the couch "ok, so that's what you meant," Luca says while crossing her arms, as the pinkette nodded while sitting up "yeah, he's been doing this for a while now," she says.

When Sonia looked at Sky who was now laying peacefully beside the couch as if nothing happened.

Something was definitely off...

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