Doctors appointment and Unexpected circumstances

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I would like to make another announcement, but this time it's not going to be a fun fact. So, uh, I have no clue where the character Maylee came from...

It's been years since I've touched this book, and I've both gained friends and lost them its been a long time so, it's either:

A. I created them which is kinda unlikely I think, then agian maybe not unlikely, or B. She belongs to someone else and they had given me permission to use their OC. So for the creator of Maylee, thank you for allowing me to use her for just in case if Maylee really isn't mine.

Alright, that's all I wanted to say, thank you for reading this everyone enjoy the rest of the book!!


Chapter 22


A week and a half went by as Sky carried Amy to the hospital as she clung to his fur a soft smile on her face enjoying the soft breeze that flowed through her hair.

The werehog would even pick up a bit of speed to run fast which earned him a giggle that he loved hearing.
He liked making Amy happy, it truly brought him a lot of joy and...He also felt like he owed Amy a lot for the things she's done for him, though it may not seem that way to the pinkette, but it truly meant a lot for Sky. 

Soon the werehog slowed down to a trot once they arrived at their destination and Sky entered the building causing people to freak out but Sky didn't mind it as he was on the mission, and carefully laid down once in front of the front desk lady who was doing her best to stay professional.

"H-how may I-I help you?" she asked while shaking "I have an appointment today," Amy answered with a soft smile as the woman hesitantly nodded her head before quickly typing away at her computer.
When Sky yawned a bit and laid his head on his paws relaxing a bit especially when he felt Amy rubbing his ears "o-ok, j-just wait i-in the waiting room p-please an-and uh...d-does he have to be here?" the nurse questioned, a bit scared her mask slipping by the second.
"Yes, I won't do this appointment without him," Amy said with a dead serious look on her face until Sky stood up and went to the waiting room where he got down so Amy could get off and sit in one of the chairs.

While the werehog laid his head on her lap his tail wagging softly happy to know she felt comfortable around him.

Even though people were avoiding them as much as possible.

But, apparently, Sky didn't set off anyone's allergies or caused harm to anyone so he wasn't kicked out of the hospital, much to a few people's dismay since he scared them.

Though except two brave kids went up to the two when Amy gave them a soft smile, while Sky looked towards the children who moved closer together holding one another hands scared until Sky lifts his head off Amy's lap to lie down giving the kids access to his large head so they could pet him.

One of the children had reached out which encouraged the next child beside him to pet the overgrown canine.

As the kids then squealed with joy and continued to happily pat away "see, he's really nice," Amy said softly putting her hands together now causing a few of the people to relax but others were still uncertain, about having the large canine around.



Soon, Amy was called up and was told what room her doctor was waiting for her so, Sky carried her to her destination with a soft smile on her face.

"Thanks for staying at my side Sky," she whispered to which the werehog responded with a wag of his tail until he managed to enter the room with Amy giggling at him as the doctor almost screamed in fright but quickly recovered clearing his throat.

"Ms. Rose, correct," the doctor says once he got himself together "yes," Amy replied while being carried to the bed so she could sit down a bit as Sky sat beside her on the floor laying his head on her lap.
"Um," the doctor hummed glancing at the werehog who huffed a bit closing his eyes and relaxing "well, let's just begin with the tests," he says with a soft sigh then grabbed his clipboard so he could ask her some questions.







It was...a bit unexpected. 

She was fine just some seconds ago, and now Amy was being taken to the emergency room leaving Sky in her room to wait for her return.

You see, the pinkette had suddenly fainted in the middle of her check-up when the doctor asked if she could stand on the scale for him and she had agreed.
But neither the doctor nor the werehog could see this coming, EVER!!

So now, Sky was just walking back and forth with worry as he whined a bit having a horrible feeling that something else will happen if he wasn't near Amy.

He waited for hours for her return as he was still restless.

While walking back and forth in her room concerned as the sky began darkening as day turned to night when Amy was finally brought into the room.

Sky moved out of the way to let the nurses put Amy down on the bed and started to hook her up to machines managing to focus on their work than the large canine that was sitting in the corner waiting anxiously. 
But stayed still to let the nurses do their job.

Then once they were done, the nurses went out of the room quickly giving Sky a chance to relax and go towards the resting pinkette.

He lightly nuzzled her hand to let her know she wasn't alone before laying at the bedside her. 

His ears pointed forward to protect her from anything that could bring her harm or just to make sure she didn't wake up alone.

Yawning a bit, he lifted his head up with his ears pointed forward to listen out for anything, as if there was a stranger that tried to break into the room, he would get to them first.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang