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Warning, this story might be or feel a bit rushed, please do bear with me. I didn't want to split this into parts so it's going to not only be a long chapter, but a bit of a rushed one at the same time.


Fun fact: Chester comes from a high-class family, that has an obsession with being in power, whether in relationships or in general. So, when Eggman, put him on his mission of going after Sonia in the hopes of getting Sonic (number 22) back, he eagerly hopped on that bandwagon since he had been infatuated with her for a while, but couldn't due to needing to fulfill his other missions.

Wait I just realized some of yall, might of not met Chester yet, since you probably avoided the chapter. Ok let me explain. Chester, was Sonia's boyfriend though sadly she hasn't broken up with him yet, due to not given the chance too. Even though she feels as if they had already broken up.

Ok, now enjoy the rest of this chapter OwO


Chapter 37


They all met up at Amy and Shadow's house, as Shad treated the sibling's wounds as well as Sonic's who was now out cold on one of their couch.

Apparently, that took a lot out of him and he had passed out while worrying about his sibling's safety, though there was a bit of a problem...
They had spotted something sticking out of the hero's neck though Shad had managed to safely removed it.

But that didn't stop them from worrying as the object turned out to be some type of dart that injected some kind of serum into the blue hero's bloodstream as Amy went over and sat on the floor holding the hero's hand, "Sonic...You didn't need to push yourself so hard like that..." the pinkette murmured with a deep frown on her face.

As Shadow sighed shaking his head "Shad, we should keep a close eye on Sonic, do you think you can find Sonia and Manic for me and tell them what happened?" Amy asked while looking over her shoulder at the dark male who bowed his head.

"And what about the trip to your parents?" he then asked while tilting his head slightly "tell them, we'll be a bit late," Amy says while returning her attention back to the napping blue blur, that rest peacefully.
"Of course," Shad answered as Shadow went to the kitchen to make something for them to eat, even though he should be resting to give his body time to heal.





The next day came around, as it was now early in the morning.

When Sonic finally woke up, as he groaned in pain clutching his side tightly before he tried to roll over onto his side, when the rest of his body began aching.
"You should be more careful Sonic," someone says earning the blue speedster's attention when he opened his eyes to see he was inside of...Whoever house, probably the man who was standing in front of him, "you've had a rough day yesterday, and the misses has been extremely worried about you," Shad said calmly to the hero.

Who had a troubled look on his face before shutting his eyes tightly, not knowing who exactly the ebony male was talking about.

"I'll go make breakfast, then I'll wake her up shortly so she can come see you," Shad then says causing the hero's ears to perk up.

'See me? Who?' was all that ran through his foggy mind, which was still processing his surroundings at the moment...

As he then whimpered and tried to move a little bit, only to feel a sharp pain going though his body in waves before he reached up to place a hand on his head when he got a huge migrain causing Shad to leave the kitchen to check up on him.
"Honestly, why don't you listen," Shad said calmly while removing Sonic's hand from his head to feel the hero's forehead as he soon shook his head.

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