THE PLAN and...

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Heyo!  Nother chapter coming your way at the speed of light! Though this one also, won't be having a fun fact either, soz

Also, no I won't be changing that picture I like it.


Chapter 14


Sonia, Manic, and Amy were now in Tails' house while sitting on the couch or well Sonia and Amy were on the couch, Manic wanted to sit on the floor as he drummed his fingers against his leg.

As the twin-tailed fox stood in front of them "ok, now that you all are here, what did you need to tell, me? And where's Sonic?" he soon says/questioned while crossing his arms.
Cream was in the guest room with Vanilla searching for the gifts they had for the three that arrived at the house.

"Well...Sonic was drugged and kidnapped by Eggman," Amy says quickly to get that out without stalling anymore "what!?!?" Tails shouted as Manic snorted until he was kicked by his sister.

"When did this happen?" Tails asked "yesterday," Sonia answered while putting her hands together worriedly as the young 8-year-old frowned and glanced to the side muttering something under his brother before sighing.

"This is bad...we need to gather everyone up together and form a plan to rescue some immediatly," Tails soon says as the three nodded.

When Cream and Vanilla came into the living room along with Cheese "is everything ok?" the older woman asked concertedly about the yelling from earlier "not really no," Sonia asked as Cream clung to her mother's skirt.



With Sonic/Sky

Sonic was in an intense amount of pain his body stuck between remaining the same and being his werehog form.

Which wasn't a comfortable transition for him to be in.

He curled more into himself growling in pain when he heard a chuckle that earned his attention as he glanced over to see the familiar doctor who wore a sinister grin on his face "well, well, well, look who's finally up," he said in a taunting tone.

But the blue speedster could only manage a growl, his voice not working for him at the moment.

"Oh, calm down and quit with the attitude Sonic. You're going to enjoy the plans I have for you, once this experiment is complete," Eggman says as he soon burst into a fit of laughter.

But Sonic didn't find it as funny as he growled and with a sudden burst of strength went to charge at the bares until something tightened around his neck causing him to collapse with a whimper when the crazy doctor began to laugh harder.

"Oh, ho ho ho, you really thought, you didn't have any consequence for trying to attack your own master, how hilarious you are Sonic," he says while holding his stomach from laughing so hard.
He soon left the cellar as the lights all turned off engulfing the blue hero in darkness hearing the echoes of the madman's laughter as he left the room.

Sonic growled grabbing at the collar as his ears pressed against his head in pain before he curled up into a ball breathing heavily.
His body once more began to burst into another fit of pain that spread throughout his entire body, which was beginning to transform into his werehog form once more as Sky was forced out but his body hadn't fully transitioned yet confusion the poor canine, that was breathing heavily.

He whimpered in pain before laying down in a more comfortable position recognizing the dark area and familiar smells.

He didn't want to go into another rampage knowing he was inside and knowing the outcome he didn't want a repeat of what happened earlier, but he hated being in this cellar.

Sky tried to relax as his ears pointed forward listening out for anything that could potentially help him out of this situation.
Licking his jaws he stared in whatever direction he was currently laying in with the thought of his glare being strong enough to destroy anything in its path.

After a while, the lights turned on when a short gray robot appeared on the other side of the werehogs cellar.

"Ah, you're awake still! Excellent. Well, it's feeding time," the robot said with joy as he was carrying a bowl in his arms but Sky just glared at him in annoyance before huffing annoyed at seeing the unfamiliar specimen.

As he growled "now now, I'm just here to feed you," the robot says before quickly placing the bowl into the cellar and sliding it closer to the werehog.

Who only glanced at the bowl before pushing it away with his paw and laid his head down annoyed, wanting to stretch his legs out and see his friend agian instead of being locked inside of some cell held against his will with the risk of getting hurt if he tried to rampage.
Even though every ounce of his being was screaming for him to find a way out or destroy anything and everything that was in its path until it could be outside, but he just couldn't risk getting hurt...

"Oh, come on, at least eat a little bit of the food we worked oh so hard on preparing for you. We even took the time to calculate the calories you need to keep up your strength and health," the robot said a bit hurt by the werehogs silent treatment.
"At least a nibble," the robot says but Sky didn't budge instead he stared at the wall with a blank stare until the robot sighs.

"Ok, I'll leave that there with the lights on so you can eat it later then," he says before leaving the cellar, though instead of the lights turning off when he left they remained on.

Sky ear flicked slightly until his eyes glanced over to the bowl of meat that was pushed to the side, he didn't trust those guys, he only trust himself and his friend when it came to eating anything.

But these guys were complete strangers to him, but now he was questioning something.

How did his friend know about the crazy doctor?

Had she met him before?

Or is she friends with him?

Sky growled glaring at the wall once more with one thing on his mind and one thing only 'there was no way, she could be friends with a kidnapping, gross lunatic doctor, with a god complex,'



At the HQ

Tails had explained everything to everyone with what Sonia and Amy had told him along with the small details Manic would add in from time to time.

As everyone listened.

Some were worried, some didn't care, some were annoyed, and some were excited to hear about the rescue mission to get the missing blue speedster who just had to get kidnapped by the mad doctor.

But there was one question that was surfing through their heads.

What drug did Eggman put in Sonic?

How did he drug Sonic?

And what did he have in mind that involved kidnapping Sonic?

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