Christmas Party

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I don't know if you guys know this, but I'm seriously having a blast with this book. Hehehe.

Anywho let's begin with our all-time favorite part of this book.

Fun fact: The reason why Sonic didn't introduce his friends to his siblings yet is mostly due to their separating paths after finding their mother way back when they were 10 years old and Sonic was mainly focused on taking care of Eggman, who's always been a pain.


Chapter 7


Some months went by as it was now the winter season. December!

Which meant, Christmas joy was spreading throughout the town, with parents trying to find presents for their kids, grandparents getting ready to fix big feasts for their families, and much much more.
This also includes Christmas parties as well, and Rouge tried to invite all of her friends, it was going to be at Tails' house and Sonic at first was going to come until he found out the party was at night so he made up an excuse of not being able to not go since he had plans for something else. Much to the bat's dismay, but she let it go.

So, wanting to keep that lie, up. Sonic ran around town giving everyone their presents, especially his siblings Sonia and Manic, who were going to Rouge's party.

Then he headed straight to his house to turn off the lights and turn on his tree's Christmas lights before running off once the sun started setting.

Amy, was at the cliff sight watching the sunset as she wore a red turtle neck sweater with a fluffy dark red winter jacket, with a red scarf, and a red headband with a bow on it.
She held a soft smile on her face, excited to see her favorite werehog this day, she also really wanted her friends to see Sky as well. 

As she got permission from Rouge to bring him along as long as he didn't ruin anything since the pinkette had reassured them that Sky was very well-trained and housebroken. She obviously did not know that and just wanted to have Sky with her as well, as she's known the overgrown canine for a while.

Soon, the moon was finally out when she heard the soft sound of crunching snow when she turned around to see her favorite werehog.

"Sky! Come here boy!" the pinkette said with joy as the large canine trotted over to her, the two's bond had strengthened over time making them extremely close to one another, so when Sky pressed his cold muzzle against the pinkette's cheek.
Amy giggled softly and hugged him when she noticed that he was shaking "oh, you must be so cold? Here, I got something for you, it's not much, though," she says while pulling away to remove her scarf then wrapped it around the werehogs neck.

"There now you can be warm, come on, I want to show you off to my friends," Amy said softly as she then started walking.

Sky was a bit unsure of this at first but as he watched Amy walk he decided to just follow her, trusting she would protect him as he protects her, they were a team after all.




Once they got to the party

Amy gave Sky a big smile as she went over and knocked on the door then waited though she did take a second to fix the werehogs scarf to keep him warm when someone opened the door revealing the pinkette's best friend Cream.

"Hi Miss Amy," the young rabbit says but quickly grew scared when she saw the large canine that was with her friend "Hi Cream," Amy said with joy.

As Sky laid his head on Amy's shoulder looking at the young rabbit who started shaking "Cream, it's ok, he's nice. Sky, this is my friend Cream, and Cream, this is Sky," Amy says introducing the two to which the werehog moved his head from the pinkette's shoulder in favor of moving closer to the small rabbit and sniffed her.

The six-year-old wasn't too sure, but she did trust Amy as Cheese was equally just as scared as she was until Sky licked her cheek, taking her by surprise.

"See, he's really nice," Amy says as Sky licked Cream's cheek once more, this time earning a soft giggle from the little girl who then hugged the overgrown canine, before allowing the two inside.

Though, Sky stopped and stepped back to shake the snow and water out of his fur first before heading into the house with a happy trot in his step, his tail wagging softly as Cream giggled at how such a large canine could be so goofy at the same time.

"So warm," Amy said while taking off her jack which Sky took from her his tail wagging with joy.

"Thank you," the pinkette said softly smiling at the large canine who huffed happily and then put the coat away before going back to her side when the host of the said party went over to Amy "um, Amy. Can, I ask you something?" the fox questioned hesitantly.

"Of course what is it?" Amy replied, Sky sitting beside her with his head tilted "why is there a wolf in my house," Tails says slowly while putting his hands together a strained smile on his face "oh, this is my friend Sky, I wanted to invite him over. I hope that's ok," the pinkette says when said werehog laid his head on her shoulder once more looking at the young fox.
"And your sure he's safe," Tails asked receiving a nod from the excited pinkette to which Tails gave in and sighed since, Sky hadn't caused any trouble as of yet...and didn't bring anything outside inside, so he guess he could allow Sky to stay for a bit.

He sighed then shook his head, "fine, he can stay," Tails says as the pinkette squealed with joy then gave the large werehog a big hug nuzzling his fur as Sky's tail wagged.

Though, due to her excitement, this caused everyone to turn their attention toward the pinkette and large canine who were inside of the house.

This made some uneasy, and some were ok with it. All in all, there were a lot of mixed feelings until Sonia went over along with Manic as Sky looked over to them "he's really nice," Amy said happily while putting her hands together.
"He looks nice," Sonia says while holding her hand out to which Sky pressed his muzzle into her hand while Manic just began petting the wolf's head.

"He's not so scary," the emerald-green hedgehog said while snickering until Sky pressed his muzzle into the hedgehog's side causing him to laugh and move away as Sonia giggled covering her smile a bit.

And seeing the two unharmed the party slowly began to return back to normal with them sharing gifts and talking and even a few going over to pet Sky, who didn't mind it as long as they weren't trying to get him away from Amy.
Though Cream ended up leaving after a while with her mom carrying her home since the small six-year-old had to go to bed.

But the party went on until 12 am, to which Amy, and Sky, and a few others started to take their leave.



Ok, ok, so. What if I told you guys Sonic was in control of his wolf side right now..? I just thought you would want to know. Heheheh

Just to torment you all just a little...Only a little bit, hehehe

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