The confession

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Slides into the room, greetings people. I want you all to be prepared for the following since I've been dropping a few hints every now and then. No there noticeable, but they are in the chapters previously above, no I won't tell you where hehehe.

Now, you all just have to guess the next move I'm going to be playing here and the chapters after this one.

Ok now

Fun Fact: Shadow gets along with Sky, way better than he does with Sonic even though they're technically the same person, he feels a better connection seeing as Sky was developed due to an experiment that occurred to our beloved hero.


Chapter 41


Some more days went by as it was now fall, and Shadow was walking around annoyed, his ear twitched in agitation. 

As he sighed when he felt someone bump into him, further annoying him as he glared to see that it was just Sonia who looked dazed and confused causing Shadow's annoyance to subside for a bit at the sight of her, as instead he was filled with confusion.

"You?" he only said as Sonia blinked until her eyes finally focused when she started to look around "where, how did I..?" she quested until she looked up to see Shadow in front of her.

"Oh, Shadow!! When did you get here?" she asked surprised while stepping back when she realized just how close the two were "you ran into me," the ebony male said as his ear twitched in annoyance once more.

 "I did?" Sonia questioned before she frowned "but, I don't remember leaving the house today," she muttered to herself before she sighed and looked up at him once more "can you, accompany me for a second?" she asked.

"Why should I?" Shadow questioned annoyed "please. Just until I get my mind straight," Sonia says as she looked up at him with pleading eyes as he just glared at her.

When his eyes landed on the necklace that was around her neck. It shinned brightly, taunting him as he clenched his fists, his eyes glowed slightly before he clicked his tone "whatever," he grumbled annoyed when he received a light forced smile from the woman.

"Thank you," she then says as the two began walking together in silence since Sonia didn't want to annoy the ebony male further, though she was delighted to not be walking alone.





With Amy 

She had found Sonic who was laying underneath a tree resting a bit as she went over and stood above him.

"Sonic," the pinkette called softly causing the hero's ears to perk up "hm," he hummed but didn't bother with opening his eyes "can we talk for a bit," the rose soon asked as Sonic's ear twitched until he opened his eyes finally to look up at Amy, a slight blush on his face.
"What's up?" he questioned he earned a soft smile from the pinkette who soon took a seat right beside him "well um..." she started off while hugging her knees to her chest.

As Sonic sat up and looked at her "I...normally go to Sky to talk to him...But he hasn't been around as of late and...well...You really remind me of him so..." Amy says as the hero snorts a bit "I'm going to be his replacement until he returns huh?" Sonic questioned when Amy began blushing but she softly nodded her head.
Until she felt a hand on her head earning her attention "not to worry, he'll show up one of these days. It's not like he'll be gone forever ya'know," Sonic says "how do you know?" Amy questioned confused.

"Well. He's closer than you think, and has always kept an eye on ya even if you can't see him right now," Sonic says in a matter-of-fact tone, which earned him a little smile from the pinkette as she leaned into his chest, making his tail wag.

"Thank you Sonic," she whispered before sitting up correctly a tender smile on her face "alright, now since I'm going to be his replacement, go ahead and speak your heart out, I'm listening," the hero soon says as he crossed his legs then leaned forward curiously.

"Ok," Amy replied while giggling softly when a gentle breeze went by them as Amy looked at the ground holding her knees closer to her as Sonic blushed softly, she looked so beautiful today.

Then elsewhere in the bushes, someone was secretly snapping pictures while sending the evidence somewhere before glaring right at the blue speedster whose ears perked up but mainly to listen to whatever the pinkette was telling him.
While they tried their best to remain quiet while on alert for a particular large canine that could be anywhere...

"My, my, what have we here," someone whispered in their ear causing a shiver to go up their spine when they slowly glance over their shoulder to meet deep crimson red eyes "did you know, it's very, impolite to spy on people," the ebony male whispered with a smirk and before the person could say anything.

Shad covered their mouth quietly dragging them away a hungry look in his eyes while the person struggled to get out of his grip before going limp...






After a while, the two were now walking the park together when Amy shyly reached out to lightly touch the blue speedster's hand as he glanced towards her "what's up?" Sonic asked curiously "um, can we hang out some time. Together I mean," the pinkette questioned while stumbling over her words a bit.

To which, the speedster began blushing embarrassed "what?" Sonic questions his tail wagging slightly as Amy's face started turning redder by the second.

Until Amy stopped and clenched her fists together as she looked at the ground embarrassed as the hero waited to hear what she wanted to say "w-w-wi-will you..." Amy stammered embarrassed, not able to look at the hero who waited for her to speak.

"W-will you...Will you g-go ou-o-out with m-me?" the pinkette soon asked as she shut her eyes tightly as Sonic's tail wagged happily, and his face began to get warmer and warmer until it reached his ears.
"You, want?" the hero questioned until Amy's ears lowered "n-never mind, pre-" she was then cut off "no, no, I would like to," Sonic says as he stepped forward and carefully took Amy's hands into his when she looked up at him her tail wagging as well.

"You would?" the rose asked her eyes sparkling "yea, of course, let's set a date together," Sonic said with a soft smile on his face.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Where stories live. Discover now