Running out of Time

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Yeah, I've changed this whole chapter once agian hehe oh! And this book shall have a bit of a horror vibe to it too hehe.


Also, just like last time with Maylee, I don't remember if Luca belongs to me or not so once more, to the creator of Luca thank you for allowing me to use her unless they were originally meant to be a male. Sorry about that.

Now we can continue on with the story UwU

WAIT, WAIT WAIT!! WARNING: Mention of dead robots, and robot assault is that makes you uncomfy you can skip this chapter. I'm sorry but I won't be able to find safe zones or else I'll be putting you all through zigzags. 

Ok, now enjoy the story, thank you UwU


Chapter 26


There was a meeting going on at the base as the heroes were asked to be there for an important meeting/introduction.

"So, what is it? Have you found a clue yet?" Rouge asked from the place she was sitting which was, on Omega's shoulder "not yet, but I think we may have a lead on their location," he says as everyone nodded their heads until Maylee and Luca stepped forward.

Earning the group's attention "we have a plan, but we're going to need your help," Maylee spoke up "and who are you," Espio questioned with a tilt of his head.

"I'm Maylee and this is Luca, we came here at first to spend some time with Amy. But since we know she's in trouble we need to find her and find her fast," Maylee explained to them with a serious look in her eye.

As Cream slowly started to become fearful as she hugged Cheese close to her chest with worry "w-what do you mean? What's going on?" Cream asked until Maylee and Luca looked at one another as if they were trying to come to a hard decision.
"We'll leave Amy to tell you that herself, as all we know, she has to return home on a certain day or year and if not. There will be chaos if she doesn't return in one peice," Maylee says.

Now, this caused the others to become worried "you see, Amy's parents are a bit...ok, a lot, they're very protective of her, and we were sent here, by her mother via email to check up on her for them and well...We don't plan on telling her parents that their daughter, was literally abducted on our way here," Maylee explained as Luca nodded her head in agreement.
As everyone listened silently until the hedgehog clapped her hands together "so, we need your help on locating her," she finished off.

She really needed the others to understand how serious this situation is, since after all. 

The email they received was much more...Terrifying to read than to say out loud, but they seriously need to hurry up and find Amy to see how she was doing to tell her parents that their daughter was either ok or not ok and fast.




Sky's ears pointed forward as he forced himself to stand up and shake his fur out as he shivered from the cold but he had a terrible feeling going through him as he moved toward the end of his cell.

Though he now had a bit of a limp due to the amount of pain he was suffering from at the moment.

He whimpered slightly before lifting his head up and sniffing the air, but only gaged and shielded his nose from the smell of his cell and the factory actually everything.

Shaking his head, he huffed, he remembered Amy being taken away so she could be somewhere within this building, and he needed to locate where she was exactly even if...
He had to deal with the smell...

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