Christmas Day and Troubling Pains

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Greetings, it's been a while. I was trying to wait for Christmas day to post this, but I guess I got a bit impatient with waiting for that day to occur hehe. So, early chapter or chapters for this lovely Christmas or Hanukkah.

Warning: Mention of Stabbing, Needle, and blood


Fun fact: Due to no one having a memory of Sonic's werehog form, and people being scared of him when this form comes out, he decided it would be best to hide it instead of showing it off.


Chapter 12


It was now, the big day. When Amy woke up super early and literally jumped out of bed running to Sonic's room her tail wagging with joy "Merry Christmas Sonic!!" the pinkette said with pure joy, waking up the used to be sleeping stud as he gave a forced tired smile.
"Merry Christmas," he replied while yawning before getting out of bed when Amy grabbed his hand and started dragging him to the living room.

Her tail wagged with pure joy as she giggled.

She was almost like a small child having her first Christmas as she sat down by the tree when her eyes landed on the blue hero who was running his fingers through his quills before stretching a bit.

"Ok, you want to eat breakfast first, or open gifts?" Sonic asked her while taking a seat on the floor smirking at her.

"Now, gifts now," Amy says with a large smile on her face to which Sonic reached under the tree taking out the first gift "this one's for you," he says passing it over to her.
"It's from Rouge by the way," he soon added on too which the pinkette started to have a bad feeling about this, but she still went ahead and opened the present.

Though, one glance inside the gift her face began to grow red with embarrassment before putting the box to the side "something wrong?" Sonic questioned with a tilt of his head "oh, no, just bathing suit t-that's all," Amy said sheepishly, before going under the Christmas tree to get the next gift, which wasn't small actually, it was pretty big.

She glanced at the tag before passing it over to Sonic "this one's for you, and it's from Manic," Amy says as the blue hero smiled before opening the gift which turned out to be a guitar.

His smile grow bigger with joy before he placed the box to the side "I gotta make sure that's not stolen," he joked a bit to which the pinkette giggled, though she was curious as to what the hero was talking about and what gift he got.

But he soon reached for another one "this one's for you, but it doesn't have a name on it," Sonic says while passing it over to her which she quickly opened feeling like she knew exactly got the gift for her when she saw a Sonic plush.
A soft smile made its way to her face "it's a plush," she soon said though didn't want to take it out of the box which the hero didn't push as he chuckled a bit.

After a while, the two had opened all of their gifts and were now sitting on the couch drinking hot chocolate together with their breakfast as they happily talked with one another until Amy got up "oh, Sonic, can you do something for me please?" the pinkette soon asked once she was done eating.

"Sure, what's up," the blue hero questioned with a tilt of his head as he watched Amy get up and head to the living room only to return a few minutes later cradling a small box to her chest.

"Can you put this on for me please?" Amy asked while holding the box out to him.

He glanced at the box and then up at Amy before nodding his head "sure," Sonic replied while wiping his hands off before getting up so he could do as the pinkette requestioned.

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