Packing up

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No authors note once more. Sorry about that. 


Fun Fact: Cubot, Orbot, Becoe, and Decoe, plus Bokkun, are in a way afraid of Eggman and his wife but thought not afraid cause there's a chance they'll become scrap metal, there afraid cause of the two's mental health.


Chapter 30


Later on that night.

Sky was watching Amy pack a bag as she hummed a little tone to herself a peaceful smile was on her face.

"What are you doing? Are you planning on going somewhere?" 

The pinkette looked over her shoulder "I am, but not now," she replied as Sky tilts his head confused.

"If not now, then why are you packing?" 

"So, I can make sure I won't leave anything behind. I'm heading back home to visit my parents," Amy says as Sky then got up and went over to the pinkette pressing his muzzle into her side causing her to giggle a bit.

"You're not going alone, are you? Can I tag along with you?"

"Sadly you can't tag alone. Yet, and no I'm not going alone, Shadow's coming with me and Shad as well," Amy answered honestly before petting Sky's head then went right back to packing her bag as the werehog sat down watching her once more.

"At least your not going alone, I trust those two," 

Amy soon leaned over and kissed Sky's muzzle "you worry too much, you silly wolf, you know I can defend myself just fine," she says with a soft giggle though Sky didn't see that as funny since he really was extremely worried about her well-being.

"I think I worry a very reasonable amount and I don't want you to get hurt anymore. And yes I do know you can...I've witnessed it, but right now your still healing,"

Sky whimpered until Amy gently pulled him into a hug nuzzling her face into his fur "it's going to be ok, you trust them to protect me right? But I am very worried about you though," Amy says as she then started to gently rub the werehogs ears to help him relax more.
"You've been manipulated and used by him before and I don't want that to happen to you ever agian either," she continued before she pulled away to look into the large canine's eyes.

His eyes. They also had a bright glow to them, like emeralds and jewels almost like...

She then gasped "Sonic!" she said shocked startling the poor canine who backed away a bit at her sudden outburst "I can't believe I forgot about him! Gosh Sky so much has happened and ugh,"

"Rose, you need to calm down," 

Sky licked Amy's cheek to help her relax, "Rose?" she questioned the werehog who huffed.

"I heard Shadow calling you that, am I not allowed to do the same?"

"No, it's not that...I'm sorry," Amy soon said softly finally relaxing before she nuzzled her face once more into his fur when a knock sounded at the door earning their attention as Shad peeked inside.

"Is everything ok? I heard Amy yelling?" he says "oh, I'm sorry," Amy apologized once more while giving him a gentle smile "Are you sure, you were yelling about forgetting someone named Sonic," Shad says with a tilt of his head.
When Amy sighed and hide her face in Sky's fur one more clinging onto the werehog tightly when Shad sighed softly "alright, just try to be careful Amy, your voice is still sensitive, so no more yelling," he says before leaving.

When Sky huffed before wrapping his arms around Amy's waist to hug her which the pinkette appreciated as she relaxed in the werehogs arms sighing softly.

"I'll...Try to hide this mark from my father, he might kill you if he finds out," Amy then mentioned out of the blue which...scared the large canine as he almost sweatdropped but he huffed once more.

"Please, don't let your father kill me, Rose...I bit you there for a reason,"

"I won't I promise, I love you Sky," the pinkette whispered when Sky's tail began wagging with joy then he gently hugged Amy closer to him.

Then after a while, they pulled away from one another as Amy soon got up and went to find more clothes to put into her suitcase.

"Hey, Rose," 

"Yes, Sky," Amy replied while going through her closet searching for something.

"Can I see your neck?"

"In a minute, but, I would like to know that reason for why you bit me," the pinkette replied while peeking from her closer to frown at the werehog who glanced away sheepishly a bit embarrassed.

"Well...I didn't know any other way to save you,"

"Save me?" Amy questioned confused as she tilts her head to the side, until what she was looking for finally caught her eye and she went right back into the closet to get it, while the large canine just watched her quietly, as he thought of how he should explain everything.
Until the pinkette got out of the closet while hugging something close to her chest as Sky yawned a bit as he soon laid down to watch her.

When Shadow knocked on her door frame earning their attention "oh, hey Shadow, do you need anything?" Amy asked a little confused about what he needed.

"Just, checking," the ebony male said plainly as his ears pointed forwards at the same time as Sky's "oh, ok," Amy says before giving him a soft smile.

"Packing up early?" the raven soon questioned "yeah, I wanna make sure, I have everything with me and not leave anything important behind," she replied as she earned a nod from her brother.

Then with that he just left, as Sky rolled onto his back showing off his belly and relaxing further, his tail wagging lazily in a way.
When Amy put the item away in her bag before going over to the large canine to rub his tummy causing Sky's tail to wag with joy.

"You keep distracting me," Amy said in a semi-angry voice that sounded more playful than angry as Sky whined when the pinkette sighed "whatever I'll just continue later," she soon said with a soft giggle.

And instead, she began just messing around and playing with Sky, who kept her distracted and on the ground out of view of the window while Shadow was seated on the roof watching over the house.
Both of them couldn't shake this terrible feeling that what they went through...Was all just a hoax and more was going to come...


When would it happen?

What did Eggman and his Wife want with them..?

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