Mrs. Robonik

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Heyo!! I've once agian grown impatient with waiting, in fact, I've grown very impatient with this whole book to the point where...I began working on many many more chapters for you all because there is a certain scene I want to show you all.

That I myself could not wait to show off, HEHEHE.

Alright, get ready to be a bit(a lot) agitated with this chapter. Cause things are about to go, crazy and probably VERY dark *evil laugh* 

So, prepare yourselves for this outcome that's about to take place hehe.

Oh and.

Fun Fact: Mrs. Robonik. Ha! The name of the chapter!! Is actually a very dedicated person and is extremely loyal to him to the point of breaking the law for him. (Wait until you guys see what she looks like when I draw her, your gonna be so shocked)


Chapter 24


A few weeks later, it was nighttime, meaning visiting hours were over now when a single nurse was walking down the hallway alone.

She held her clipboard close to her chest trying to get to a certain location within the building when a sound earned her attention, which confused her.


Glass cracking?

She didn't know, but the direction she was going...It had to be her top priority since it was the quickest way to her desired destination.

That was until a large werehog came through the walls causing her to scream in fear until she realized it was struggling to get out of something while whimpering a bit through was trying to seem tough at the same time.

Then a burst of maniacal laughter earned her attention as she slowly backed away from the scene making a mad dash for it.

The scene she just became a witness to.

Well, Sky had another collar wrapped tightly around his neck as he was given a controlled shock that made him yelp in pain struggling to get free and get to Amy when the sound of heels walking towards him earned his attention.

When he began growling baring his fangs at the person who was making their way towards him "now now, 22. You are in no position to be growling at me you mutt," someone says as the smoke cleared revealing Mrs. Robonik, as she placed a hand on her hip "you know you caused such a fuss when you pull that stunt earlier, so I guess we'll just have to punish you," she says while pressing a button that instantly dragged Sky by the neck as he whimpered in pain.

While the raven huffed and ran her fingers through her long hair that reached to her thighs "such a shame I have to do all the hard work, but I would do anything for my hubby," she gloated to nobody but herself as she returned to her machine setting off the alarms just for fun.

As she skipped with joy at her easy accomplishment, due to her plan that had a bit of a domino effect.




With the heroes, they were dealing with an army of robots that were once more attacking or trying to attack the town distracting them from the problems that were accused within the hosptial.

Though, while also being busy with the commotion 3 people were missing at that very moment.

Which they didn't know was actually planned out for them, by their supposedly new villain who they knew nothing of.

Knuckles was dealing with keeping the Master Emerald safe, as he destroyed bot after bot, even the island was fighting back to protect the emerald and two other enchina's as well were equally doing their best.
(I've sadly forgotten once again how to spell enchinda)

Which lucky for them, they had the upper hand and managed to keep the emerald safe, especially with the plan of one of them staying close to the large jewel but she wasn't alone as a creature was with her helping her protect it.

The second enchina was able to set off the island's defense mechanisms while equally kicking butt as well, with a blaster she had on hand.

Putting holes into each robot that was unfortunate enough to even breathe in her direction.

Cream and Big worked together on helping people leave to a safe house that would protect the civilians who would end up hurt.

Cheese equally helps out by guiding children who lost their parents or guardian to reunite them together once more.

With Shadow

He held his head tightly trying to block out the voices that was bouncing around him.

Trying to coax him back into compliance, trying to get him to go back, making he return to his old ways.

As he growled in annoyance, but the more he blocked out the voices the bigger his headache became but it didn't take long for the voices to go dark filling his head with threats and unforgivable promises to go after Amy and harm her.

Since they've noticed he had a weak spot for the pinkette and if he didn't comply with their wants...









Mrs. Robonik hummed a little tone feeling proud of herself for her very swift achievement.

As she headed to the landing sighed where she got out of her personal shaft carrier before running her fingers through her hair to get it out of her face "Decoe, Bocoe, come here," she called out. 

When the two robots headed over to her instantly "yes," Bocoe asked as Becoe tilts his head curious as to what she needed.

"I have a few things being sent over put them in their respectful cells, away from one another, oh, and if you see Orbot and Cubot tell them to bring Shadow to my office, please. They know exactly where he's located," she says as the two robots nodded their heads.

"Yes, Mrs. Robonik," they said in unison before running off to do as they were told while she headed to her office to get some extra work and planning done.

That way, she could please her husband and make him happy agian.

She hummed to herself once more with a soft smile on her face, as she walked down the halls each light turning on when she got too close to the dark areas within the hall.



Elsewhere there were two friends that walked together as one was looking over the other's shoulder.

"Do you know where they would be located," A dark gray wolf asked curious "not yet, but you will soon," a white hedgehog replied before smirking at her friend who looked up at her confused "I- What are you planning now?" the wolf questioned with a slight frown, "oh, you'll find out. Very soon," the hedgehog replied, as she soon turned off her phone then grabbed the wolf's hand and began running nearly dragging the poor girl.

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