Big brother and Sky on a mission

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No, fun fact. This time either boo. But an announcement instead. Yea so, uh. I'm planning on making a book dedicated to just fanart of my fanfics for all of my Sonic AU's this includes my name AU who will also have its own book dedicated to fanart as well. The images will also but put on my Patreon which, I'll make sure to give each of you a heads up on where to find it.

So yea, that's all I will tell you guys. 

Wait wait, and I'll put the drawing in parts of the chapters too so be prepared you'll never know what you'll find that I'll draw I'm going all out hehehe.

Ok, now that's it, enjoy!!


Chapter 20


Shadow was on his motorcycle going at full speed past the speed limit with Sky following right behind him, managing to keep up with the ebony-colored hedgehog who soon started to slow down allowing Sky to run in front of him to lead the way.

To which the werehog instantly picked up speed, almost as if he wasn't just following Amy's scent alone.

Though after a while, they came to a stop at a dock as Sky started growling and then started sniffing around the area before sneezing a bit, moving away from the salty waters.
The ebony-colored hedgehog sighed feeling he wasn't going to like whoever put their hands on his sister. Actually, he already didn't like them, it was just an estimate on if they could get him to hate them even more at this point.

"Come here," Shadow says earning Sky's attention as he then moved closer to the agent who placed a hand on the werehogs head then took out his chaos emerald.

So he could relocate them to their desired destination though, Shadow was going to need to leave his motorcycle behind, but that was the least of his concerns anyway.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!" he shouted out transporting the two elsewhere.

Just as Rouge and Omega arrived at the destination when the bat snapped her fingers and cursed the ebony male out for leaving them behind when it was supposed to be a group effort while Omega tried to calm her down.

With Sonia and Manic 

They were doing something else completely different as Manic watched his sister search for something within their brother's room.

Which they left alone for now until he was able to get on his feet again. Literally or well, was himself agian actually.
But anyway, Sonia was doing most of the searching anyway.

"Uh, so what exactly are you or we looking for?" he questioned "you'll know once I find it," Sonia replied as she began looking around the room once more then began going through all the drawers humming to herself slightly.

Manic put his hands into his pockets watching his sister search until Sonia growled  "Manic, I understand your confused but trust me. You'll know when you see it, now could you stop standing around and just HELP ME!!" she yelled, causing the emerald green hedgehog to flinch a bit.
"Uh, right right, got it jeesh," he said before he started searching around the room as well with a slight pout on his face.

"You could of at least said please, you didn't need to yell," he muttered under his breath while checking under the dressers and the bed.

Wondering what exactly he had to search for and was equally hoping whatever it was, wasn't just a waste of time for him or them anyway.
Since they could have just gone searching for Amy who was Sonia's best friend and Sonic's Roommate? Friend? Owner? Whatever.

That was until something caught his eye as it shimmered softly causing the emerald green hedgehog to reach for it.

But, that task...It was way more difficult than it needed to be.

So he had to push himself to reach for the item grumbling about how his brother could place something so deep under his bed without much effort or did he just toss it like that so even he himself couldn't reach it.

Manic then sighed then got off the floor cursing under his breath then went to reach for his drumsticks to use them.

"Did you find it?" Sonia asked "I think so," Manic replied before he once again got back onto the floor to try once more to reach for the item, that was in his mind laughing in his face at that moment.

"How about the other side?" his sister then said when Manic groaned in annoyance but got off the floor once more and went to the other side of his brother's bed to try once more at grabbing the object which.
Made his job 10x harder than if he was on the other side.

After about 12 minutes of trying and failing Manic gave up and ran his fingers through his quills "ugh, I can't reach it. Sis, aren't you like, super strong or something, can't you just I don't know lift his bed up?" he says.

"Hm, why not you?" Sonia replied obviously enjoying watching her brother work hard for once, in something that wasn't thievery or lock picking.

Back with Shadow and Sky

The ebony hedgehog was now on Sky's back which the werehog insisted on him doing for the past 15 minutes of their arrival and he would keep pestering the lifeform more so he just gave in.

So now here he was, clinging onto the werehogs fur as they headed in a direction that became more and more familiar to Shadow.

And he didn't like that fact.

Actually, it ticked him off even more, as he had the feeling he was going to meet an old enemy and his pathetic excuse of a son.

Sky could feel Shadow's anger bubbling up through the grip in his hands that was entangled in his fur as well as the ever so steadily rising temperature of the lifeform's body, which was reaching a very uncomfortable temperature for the werehog he was currently riding.

But he kept running anyway ignoring the uncomfortable temperature from the lifeform.



Sky was now laying down to rest a bit while having a drink of water as it was now nighttime so the two were currently camping outside in the woods.

Shadow sighed a bit annoyed as he leaned against a tree staring up at the night sky thinking.

When he looked at the werehog who was now moving away from the river to lay down resting his paws after the long trip to their current location "I guess I should tell you what's going on huh?" Shadow then spoke up, causing Sky's ears to perk up.

"Interested aren't you," Shadow said when the werehog lifted his head up to look at the ebony hedgehog.

Sky huffed as he began to get a bit comfortable when Shadow went over and sat on the ground, his crimson-colored eyes glowed brightly within the night even though the moon was currently covered by the clouds in the sky or...Maybe it was just a new moon at that very moment.

Who knows?

But at least the two could see each other without any need for a form of light and it was warm outside so they didn't need to make a campfire either and both could equally defend themselves from harm's way.


A young woman, with long pink hair, had just begun waking up as she mumbled weakly under her breath.

Before her jade green eyes looked around the dark room she was in, blinding her view of where she was with the only thing that kept her connected to reality was the pain and hunger she felt at that very moment.

How long was she asleep for?

Where was she?

How did she even get here?

Where was her brother and friend..?

To Be Continued...

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