Rescue mission Successful

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Ok, I couldn't wait to post this!! So yes, I myself had gotten impatient with waiting to post the next chapter so!

 Warning: Assult, Blood, Violence, angry brother, and Sky, forced wedding preparations

If either of these makes you uncomfortable, you can skip to the next chapter where it will be much safer to read for you all, or I can find a little safe haven for you cuties like I normally do so you can enjoy the rest of this chapter hehe. Ok, the Beginning of the chapter is filled with the bad stuff.


Fun fact: Amy technically is a princess, but the only reason why she denies it and mostly due to well. She hates being referred to as such and only wants her father to call her that.


Chapter 21


Amy was woken up to being drenched with warm water causing her to quickly sit up gasping for air at the sudden feeling of water being poured over her head.

"Oh, good morning Princess. Sorry for the rude waking," someone says causing the pinkette to move her hair from her face so she could see who was talking to her only to meet face to face with someone she didn't know, but the woman wore a maid outfit with her long sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

"Wha-What's going on?" Amy questioned before she realized how dry her throat was until she took in her surroundings when the woman began washing her hair.

"Oh, I'm just getting you ready for your wedding today, aren't you excited, oh and the guards say sorry for the rough arrival, did you know you're a violent sleeper," the maid says with a snort, laughing a bit at the guard's explanation.

"Wait, wedding..? Who?" Amy asked frowning, her mind focusing on one thing at a time and not the fact someone was literally bathing her right now.

"You silly. You are getting married to the prince of thorns! Oh, I'm so jealous he's so dreamy," the maid said while swooning until the pinkette began to freak.

"WHAT! THE PRINCE OF THORNS!?!!" Amy raised her voice starting the maid who then took her shouts of panic for excitement "yes," the woman said while still bathing Amy who soon pushed her hand away.
"No, no no, I can't. And I am not your princess and who said I'm going to marry some stranger I don't even know let alone some prince," Amy says as she started covering herself once she realized the environment plus the situation altogether, while the maid was beginning to get agitated as she soon slapped the pinkette, it was hard but not enough to bruise her face.

"Of course, you are my princess, and you are marrying prince Eric, the next hare to the throne to the thorn kingdom, making you also my Queen. You know prince Eric had his eyes set on you since well forever, you'll love him too once you see the guy, the universe treated him so well," the maid as Amy held her cheek while groaning in annoyance.

"I won't marry him. Look I already have someone I want to marry and he is not this Eric guy, and a far better choice too," Amy shot back when warm water was poured on her head causing her to yelp.

"Too bad you don't have a choice. It doesn't matter what you want. The weddings today anyway, the king said it's either you wed, or. Well, you die," the woman replied as the pinkette scoffed.

"Think about it, Eric is a really handsome fellow, he's also so strong, and generous, I'm sure on your honeymoon night he'll treat you just lovely," the maid said causing Amy to shiver with disgust, but the maid just ignored her, before grabbing both of Amy's wrists and lifted her arms up forcibly so she could continue whipping the pinkette down.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz