Sonic's complete Transformation and Kidnapping

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Heh, another chapter for you all. Your welcome hehe, also sadly there won't be a fun fact for this chapter, maybe in the next one? Hmm.


Fun fact: Amy and Sonic have met way way, back. Though Amy had only spoken with Sonic when he was in his werehog form previously in a different town, so, as you all remember I told you everyone had lost the memory of Sonic's werehog form after the defeat of Dark Gaia, well since Amy had only met Sonic during the night when he was in his werehog form, she ended up with no recollection of Sonic what so ever.

And the reason why Sonic doesn't remember Amy is mostly due to how he now shares a mind set with Sky leaving only his closest friends and people he's met in both forms to remain in his memory.

I know such a long explanation, anywho on with the story (yes, this was thought up on the spot UwU)


Chapter 12


It took hours until Sonic's pain was finally over as he breathed heavily in pain while Amy held a cool cloth to his head in hopes that it would ease the pain he was in.

"I-I'm fine now...Thanks, Amy," Sonic muttered while forcing himself to sit up "are you sure you should be getting up?" the pinkette questioned unsure "yeah, I'm sure. This isn't a first time," the blue blur replied "what?" Amy questioned almost panicking until Sonic placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down, it's fine ok," the hero says this time looking her in the eyes as he then sighed "now, can you help me to my room, I need to make a call," Sonic soon says when Amy gave a slight nod.

"O-ok," she replied slightly now helping Sonic stand up as he leaned into her, so she could take him to his room.

Where he could sit on his bed and reach for his phone to call his siblings to tell them exactly what happened while Amy just stood there worried about the blue speedster anxiously shifting from side to side.

The hero then stopped mid-sentence while watching the pinkette in front of him "guys, I'll try to call you back later. And yes, Manic, I'm going to have to tell her..." he soon says while glancing to the side frowning.
This, made Amy stop moving as she looked at the speedster confused with a slight tilt of her head.

Until Sonic, ended his call with his siblings and sighed heavily.

"Tell, me. What?" Amy questioned until the hero sighed putting his phone down "you might want to sit down for this," Sonic soon said while moving to the side to allow the pinkette to sit with him on his bed.
"What is it?" she questioned once more when the hero glanced to the side, rubbing the back of his neck to try and find the right words to say that would explain everything to her calmly.

"Well, um...So, about uh Sky," he started off when he instantly saw her frowning at him "don't get mad," he said quickly.

As Amy pouted at him, crossing her arms and waiting for him to go on when he sighed.

"Look, Amy. Um, what if I told that...Me and him were...the same," Sonic said slowly as Amy blinked at him confused "what..?" she replied confused blinking at him for a bit.

"I mean, you both have the same eyes, but...How can you both be the same people?..W-wait, and if you're the same th-then th-that would m-mean," Amy stammered "woah, woah, woah, don't think too far into this, we both have our own minds. Besides, whatever you remember I have no clue about, it's been a while since I've had control of that side of me..." Sonic then says though Amy was still a blushing mess.
"Y-your the...the same," she stammered while looking down at the ground "yes, we're the same," Sonic says repeating himself a bit but it seemed like Amy couldn't wrap her head around it.

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