An acquaintance of Shadows and Who?

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Nope, no fun fact just a warning. There will be mention of Blood, gun, and slight torture, if you can't handle any of that, then I prefer you wait for the next chapter which should come around shortly.

Ok, thanks for listening PEACE!


Chapter 15


It was now a few days that's gone by since the search party had begun and everyone was doing their best to search high and low for the evil doctor's new base location.

Which wasn't so easy.

Since it could be anywhere, in the sky, on the ground, in the ground, surrounded by trees, on or in a mountain, underwater, heck in space.

So the location of the blue hero at this very moment was practically unknown, and for some reason, he didn't have his communicator on him as it broke. Tails don't know how, and it shouldn't have broke but, he found it in the snow.

In the exact location, he was kidnapped in.

So, now it was really a scary sight "why would he go so far as to drug and abduct him..." Tails muttered while flying the x-tornado around to keep an eye on the sky.

Amy was wandering the forest grounds searching high and low for the hero's location though somehow she was separated from Sonia and Manic who she was partnered up with, unfortunately, but that didn't stop her from trying to locate Sonic's whereabouts.

She just really misses them, Sonic and Sky.

But during her search there was the sound of a twig snapping which earned her attention as she quickly turned around "Shadow?" she muttered her ears pointed forward listening out for anything.
Since Sonic/Sky was kidnapped, that was the second person she could think of that would find her if she was lost in the woods, third might be either Sonia or Manic possibly.

"Shadow?" she muttered once more while taking a few steps back but when her brother didn't say anything or show himself she started getting worried "S-Sonia?" she then questioned with a bit of hope.

"Manic?" she soon said while still backing away, but since no one answered to any of the names that she was trying to figure out.

Amy turned tail and started running as fast as she could when a sinister giggle reached her ears but the pinkette didn't look back to see who or what it was, all she knew was she was being chased down by whoever.
And that's what scared her the most but when she felt like whoever it was, getting closer to her.

Amy took out her hammer and just swung.

Just like her brother had taught her to. 

As her hammer had in fact made contact with someone as they grunt with pain from the impact, as Amy glanced at the harmed person who turned out to be the same fox that was there during the kidnapping of Sky.

But not wanting to waste time she poofed her hammer away then turned on her heel and started running once more.

Returning to her mission at hand while putting her hammer away to continue running through the snow.

When a sharp pain made its way through her leg causing her to scream out in pain but that didn't stop her from trying to run but it did force her into more of a limp as she glanced down to see what was wrong with her, only to spot a trail of blood following behind her as her ears lowered.

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