Return of a Familiar Friend

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Man, I am on a roll today with the chapters, aren't I!? This is the best decision I've ever made and there's so much more in this book that you all have to see!!


Fun Fact: The effect is still pretty strong, even with the dark Gaia gone. So, due to this Amy has no recollection of Sonic and Sky being the same person. She knows that Sonic was drugged, but has no clue what happened to him, and she also knows Sky was kidnapped by Eggman.


Chapter 17


It was now nighttime when Amy was out late.

She had lost track of time meaning she was late for dinner, as she sighed to herself softly "I should hurry home," she muttered to no one in particular when something reached her hearing as her ears perked up, causing her to quickly look around.
"Who's there?" she questioned frowning while getting into an attack stance, she was no longer the fearful little girl she was 8 years ago, she had grown past her damsel in distress faze a long time ago.

She turned on her flashlight to help her see better when a dark figure from the corner of her eye, earned her attention causing her to flinch and moved back turning the light in that direction only for it to vanish once the light was on it.

"Ok, maybe I still need a little more training," she whispered to herself before she took off running.

She could handle strangers, thieves, heck even perverts. But the paranormal is a bit nope for her, as she didn't know what to do when it came to ghosts. 
She was never taught how to deal with those, and Amy didn't know if Shadow even knew how to deal with them.

Maybe she could ask him once she gets back home if she can return home safely.

It was then, that she ran smack dab into something hard but soft at the same time and...Fluffy? She soon fell back onto her bum dropping her flashlight in the process. So much for training...

"Ow, what the?" she muttered to herself wondering what she hit until she reach over to grab the one thing that would help guide her through the night when a deep growl earned her attention causing her to stop dead in her tracks.
"Not good," she whispered to herself while feeling scared until the growling stopped only to be replaced by the sound of something sniffing her until a cool wet nose pressed against her cheek causing her to giggle. 

Due to this, Amy then relaxed enough to grab her flashlight when she looked over to see glowing emerald green eyes staring right back at her making her pause once more.

"S-sky..?" she questioned completely shocked, the owner of the eyes then licked her cheek as a form of acceptance when the pinkette giggled happily "Sky is that really you boy!" she said with joy tears filling her eyes.

Sky only replied while pressing his head against her chest until she began lightly petting the werehogs head and rubbing his ears.

"Oh, Sky...I missed you so much," she said softly receiving a happy whine from the werehog who laid down and moved his head to rest on her shoulder so she could give him a big hug as she cried into his fur.
He really missed her too and was glad to finally see her agian.

That was until Amy pulled away when she felt something cool against her arms causing him to back up slightly when the pinkette shined the flashlight towards him revealing a metal collar with Eggman's dumb logo smiling mischievously in her face.

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