Carnival and Secret protector

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Fun Fact: Sonic, Sonia, and Manic moved into Amy's home because it was bigger than theirs. Since Tails thought it would be a good way to help keep an eye on both Sonic and Shadow since they out of everyone had more contact with Eggman than everyone else and are his experiments too. 

They...Both hate that fact with passion

Oh warning, mention of dead body at the very very end


Chapter 43


The next day came around

When Shad had lightly knocked on Amy's room door, before opening it to see that Sonic was leaning against the bed sleeping with the rose's hand tangled in his fur as Sonia had begun to wake up while mumbling something under her breath.
"Good morning," Shad then says startling the older woman as she looked towards the server "did I startle you, my apologies," Shad soon says bowing his head.

When Amy started to wake up as she removed her hand from Sonic's head as she sat up stretching a bit which in turn woke up the blue speedster from his slumber as well.

"Morning," Sonic mumbled tiredly as he yawned a bit lifting his head up "ruff night?" Shad questioned but the hero only shook his head "Nah," the hero mumbled under his breath "sorry," Sonia mumbled.
"You didn't do anything, I just couldn't get any sleep. I need a run," the blue speedster says as Amy looked at him for a bit as if registering who the blue blur was.

Before she carefully reached out for his hand earning his attention "what's up Amy?" he asked as Shad also looked at the pinkette as well while Sonia carefully got out of bed.

"Sonic," Amy started off "yea," Sonic replied when the rose leaned forward while pulling the blue blur into a gentle hug as she sighed through her nose relaxing as Sonic only tilted his head for a second while blushing, until he finally returned her hug.
"Aww," Sonia spoke up startling the two as they looked towards the others that were with them.

Shad hummed "I heard the carnival is in town today," he says causing Amy's ears to perk up at the mention of it along with Sonia's.

"The carnival?" Amy asked her tail wagging with joy "indeed," Shad answered to which Sonia gasped softly "we should go then," she says earning a nod from Amy "we should," the rose says as she soon gently pushed Sonic back which he began walking backward "I guess I'll get breakfast started then we'll go check it out later," the server says calmly,  as he then grabbed Sonic's wrist to take him out of the room to let the girls get ready for the day.






Some time had went by

As it was now the afternoon when they decided to finally go check out the carnival though Shadow didn't want to go so he stayed back planning on heading to work instead.

Though Shad had informed him that it would be safer and a better idea to take a walk instead of trying to get back to work.
Especially when the 'trip' was so close by and it would be ashamed if anything inconvenienced this 'trip' which made the ebony male stay around though at the same time he stayed home too, not wanting to participate.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Where stories live. Discover now