What used to be a lab and a New Guy?

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I also changed this chapter as well, man I got so many things to change in this book that will work well with this story. Though I still hope it's not too chaotic for you guys.

WARNING: Once agian, robot assault


Chapter 27


Shadow breathed heavily as he looked up to scan the area he was in.

He was surrounded by destroyed robots that lay lifelessly on the ground, as the lights flickered around him but he didn't know if it was because of old age or because of the circuits being damaged but he didn't care.

Standing up straight, he took a deep breath trying to calm himself down before glancing towards his arm, which was obviously injured.

But he didn't care, he needs to get out of this lab, but from the blaring sounds of the alarms that were going off in this area, it made it hard for him to tell which area was right and which was wrong.

He soon groaned in annoyance feeling himself getting further agitated as he then punched a hole through the metal wall hissing loudly.

Then he continued his search out of the lab, he knew Sky was here he could...feel it...but he just didn't know where exactly, the large canine was located, but if Sky was here, that meant his sister would be here as well and, he trusted Sky to protect his little sister.

Meaning, he could relax...



But, there was something that bothered him...



What exactly was ejected into him...



What was that woman planning...



And why did it involve him, Sky, and the person they were both close to..?





A large canine walked through the halls oil and blood leaking from his fur, his eyes were empty nothingness, that showed anger and rage.

As he now limped through the cold corridor remembered the words of someone telling him where he needed to go and the direction he needed to take to get to this destination. This person had also told him, the condition of the person he was looking for.
He huffed when he saw a single-lit room where he moved quickly ignoring his own injuries in favor of bursting through the doors.

When the cool air in the room hit his already shaking body due to the sudden drop in temperature...It was so cold in here...



He looked around until he saw a single person in the room, laying in a bed connected to a few hospital devices sleeping.

Or well, he thought she was sleeping...

As he moved closer and then pressed his nose against the resting woman's cheek causing the machine to spike and speed up a bit when Sky licked the pale pinkette's cheek before he soon backed up to shake his fur out before he could jump onto the bed.

The rose and the wolf (A sonamy story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora