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Smack Smack

My eyes were intensely trained on the punching bag in front of me. I imagined the different parts of a human each and every time my fist collided with it. I then switched it up and began kicking it. I stopped my training when I heard the buzz from my phone.

I unwrapped the gauze from my hands as I walked over to the beach. I drank some water before picking up my phone. It was a text from a private number: VN43. I knew from experience that it was Matt telling me that my vacation was over and that I had to arrive within 43 hours. To be fair, he did give me a whole two months of freedom. He must've felt extremely generous after I took down that guy. I mean, it took them 5 years to get some kind of information from him while it only took me four months to take down his empire.

I texted Matt back with the appropriate code before leaving for my apartment. I took a shower and then went to change. I don't know why Matt gave me 43 hours to arrive when he knew that I was in D.C. and had to return right away. It was a short commute to the building.

I walked into Matt's office to see a single folder on his desk. He grinned when he saw me and handed the file to me. I took it and scanned it as he began speaking.

"Cobalt Enterprise is a conglomerate group of software and biotech companies. Apart from being a part of big pharma..." I cracked a smile at Matt's joke. "There have been questionable activities with money laundering. The tax reports come back clean, but the business partners they're involved with are questionable. Also, there has been evidence of them funneling ammunition and weapons to gangs."

"You want me to infiltrate the CEO?" I closed the file.

"Ideally, yes. But, they're smart and it's not that easy. None of the higher ups are allowing anyone near them with a 10 foot pole. The closest thing we could find is making you a consultant for the detective unit." I opened my eyes wide. Never has any of my undercover jobs involved law enforcement. "I know, but they're under major investigation by the police department, so it would only be befitting for you to pose as one."

"I'll also need to gain the trust of the department." I stated, causing Matt to nod.

"You are to pass the check and introduce yourself as a consultant to the engineering manager. He's a senior level employee that will show you around and inform you about everything that happens. You'll be able to follow him around and gain an understanding about his role. Then, you can see if there's any weapon manufacturing that's illegal."

"I'm sorry, it's just weird. Going undercover with the target openly knowing that I'm investigating him." I chuckled without humor.

"It makes it easier knowing that you don't have to lie about that. Doesn't it?" He smirked. "I guess the key thing you will be lying about is your name. From here on, you are Nicole Webster. Oh, and the company is in Maryland so you don't have to travel far. You start work at the department tomorrow. Rest up." He clapped my shoulder.

Uh, this is going to be a long day.


I went inside the department and asked the secretary where Jelena Nora was. She gave me the instructions with a bright smile on her face. I gave her a small smile and made my way to my "new boss."

I entered the area to see a blonde and three brunettes. The blond introduced herself at Jelena, the two girls were Taylor and Kendall, and the boy was Harry. They gave me a brief rundown about the investigation on Cobalt Enterprise.

I nodded along, even when they missed key details. For them, the only thing they were investigating was tax evasion and other white collar crime. I was actually secretly investigating the fun stuff. I easily impressed them with the knowledge of the company. What can I say? I'm a genius hacker and have a knack for physics.

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