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The rest of the week went by smoothly. Well, for the most part. There was a little hiccup between her and Zayn at the department.


Zayn and I were discussing the football game, when I heard murmurs resound throughout the building. We stopped and turned to see Lara approach us. She smiled at me, but scowled at Zayn. Well, more specifically she scowled at Zayn's arm around my shoulders. I subtly wiggled out his embrace and raised a brow as to why she was here.

"I come bearing gifts." She smiled as she handed me a folder. "The tax reports from my division over the past 5 years. Your welcome." I smiled since she delivered what I asked of her.

"Thanks!" I smiled.

"You know, you can show your appreciation by joining me for drinks or dinner." She slyly stated with a smirk.

"Dinner? Where you don't eat?" I chuckled, but an unreadable expression passed over her features. Her emotions seemed to be conflicted and saddened? Before she could even respond, Zayn inputted his unsolicited opinion.

"And what's to keep you from taking her to an unknown location and assaulting her?"

"This little thing I value called consent. Clearly, I can't say you value the same thing." She narrowed her eyes as Zayn's mouth fell open.

Lara didn't stay long after that. She made sure to briefly explain the expense reports before she left. Later, I scrolled through Instagram and saw that she went to a strip club.

Flashback over

I was a little worried that things would be awkward between us after I rejected her, but I must say she handled my rejection maturely. She did shock me with that. She acted normal around me and showed no hint of being upset, which made me upset. I don't know... maybe I wanted her to feel a twinge of disappointment. She showed nothing, like it didn't even effect her. That's what I get for catching feelings for a fuckgirl.

Everyone was surprised when Lara showed up for work the entire week. Her subordinates were whispering about the newfound change in her. They were gossiping about what made her come in. People were wondering if her mother had finally gotten fed up with her antics and put her foot down. Why would her mother impact her career?

I was currently standing in the corner of the laboratory. There had been some problem that threatened to explode the reactor, so Lara and Mr. SangPure had been called in. They worked surprisingly well together. They knew exactly what the other was thinking and doing. They quickly deescalated the hazardous situation.

After everything was safe again, Lara began speaking about possibly changing the design of the reactor to account for the additional heat. She then began to brainstorm about different substances she could add to the solution. It was beginning to become quite lucrative and I felt a bit out of place.

"Uh, should I leave since your talking about confidential information?" Everyone turned to look at me.

"Are you going to publicize what we discuss in here?" Lara asked.


"Then, you can stay." She smiled.

"That's not a very CTO thing to say. Shouldn't you be a bit more worried since I haven't signed an NDA or anything?" She just smirked and rolled her eyes before turning back to the scientists.

The only person who wasn't amused was Mr. SangPure. He had been glaring at me from the moment I walked in. I would've chalked it up to him not being pleased about me hearing confidential information, but that wouldn't explain the constant daggers being thrown after the meeting ended. An engineer ran up to Lara to ask her a final question. Mr. SangPure used the distraction to threaten me.

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