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Her father was born into an old and powerful vampire family that traced their line back to the beginning of time. Apparently, they were the first vampires and all current vampires had been sired by their line.

She claimed that her grandfather was an evil man, but his wickedness didn't compare to her father. Even though her grandfather was vile, he had common sense and didn't allow his emotions to control him. The same wasn't true for her father. Her father was envious of his kinder, older brother since he was the heir to the throne.

In order to claim the throne, he assassinated his brother and blamed it on the lycans. This began the hatred between the species. Her father was then announced the new heir to the throne. His sisters had witnessed the murder, but said nothing out of fear.

Time went on and her father would murder high ranking vampires and accuse the werewolves. He enjoyed war and death and destruction. Her grandfather was livid, so he ordered the enslavement of all lycans. Her father was pleased and led the charge to hunt down every last wolf. Her grandfather's order was to capture, not kill, but her father couldn't careless.

Her grandfather saw how his son excelled in battle and wanted his son to have a family. He wanted to make sure the heir had a wife, so that their line could continue. He ordered her father to stop his role, so that he could spend his time and energy searching for his mate. Her father was adamant that he didn't give a shit about a mate. He just wanted to keep fighting and killing. Her grandfather gave him an order, so he couldn't refuse.

Because of that, her father would journey to vampire villages and rape the many women. He wanted to test out each and every woman before he'd pass one of them off as his mate. There had been a rumor that he had found his mate and killed her since she didn't meet his standards of beauty.

He enjoyed the brothels and stealing the innocence of young girls. His fun had ended, when his father told him to halt his sexual pleasures and find his mate. Her father begrudgingly stopped his exploits and began traveling the world for a suitable woman.

His travels led him to current day Ireland. He searched the different villages for possible victims to rape. Her mother's beauty caught his eye. He then demanded she to be his wife. Her mother refused since she had her mate, in the form of her childhood friend Jack. Her father refused to be rejected and killed Jack on the spot. Her mother cried out in pain at the loss of her partner.

Her father clutched her mother's arm and dragged her to the boat to begin their journey back to his kingdom. Her mother pleaded to at least bring a friend with her. Her father relented since he wanted to get the hysterical woman to stop crying in agony. Her mother ran into the arms of her best friend, Hailey, and begged for her to accompany her since she feared the man would kill her. Hailey immediately agreed and journeyed with them back to the kingdom.

Her father passed her mother off as his mate. She tried to deny it, but her father tortured and beat her mother into submission. The reigning king was ecstatic and pushed for their union immediately. Her mother felt that she betrayed her true love by marrying the man. He would routinely violently rape her since she would refuse to have sex with him. Through the brutal fucking sessions (as Lara called it), her mother became pregnant with her brother.

She named him Alec after her late brother Alexander or Lex, for short. She thought that after giving birth, the abuse would stop, but her father had other plans. They needed an heir and a spare, so she was raped again until she gave birth to Lara. She was able to name her daughter after her late mother, Allura. Her family had died at the hands of her husband since he wanted her to have no one to run to, so she'd be trapped with him forever.

The king, Lara's grandfather, had observed the bruises and withered state of his son's so called mate. He then made the stark realization that his son lied to him. He was able to speak to her mother and found out that his son murdered the woman's mate. He was furious at his son and roared at him in anger. He then renounced his son and declared him banished. Her father refused to lose the throne and killed his father. He then burned the body and declared that rogues had murdered the king.

Her father was quickly announced king. He then tortured her mother more and more as punishment for her opening her mouth against him. Her father had no remorse or love in his heart. He'd degrade her mother by forcing the woman to watch him sleep with enslaved women. It was his idea to hunt down my grandfather's mate and rape her repeatedly.

He turned his children into killing machines, against their mother's wishes. Alec and Lara had been groomed to eliminate any potential threat to the crown. The children were blindly loyal to the man since they feared him like everyone else. Their views changed when they witnessed a particularly harsh beating against their mother, which left her on the brink of death. It was then that they began to conspire against the king.

They decided to start working with the rebels and wolves. They accomplished this by opening companies across the world and smuggling weapons to the resistance. They got the approval of the king by stating that these companies would bring in revenue and add to his already immense wealth. The greedy king was blinded by dollar signs so he immediately signed off on it.

"That's crazy." I commented after Lara had finished. "Your family is like the fire nation and shit."

"That's actually the most accurate thing I've ever heard!" She loudly laughed. "The king is definitely Ozai, my mother is Ursa, I literally radiate Azula energy, Alec is Zuko... I'd then say Taemin is Mai and Lexi is Ty Lee." She then thought once more. "And Hailey would be Iroh!" She fell on her back laughing.

"That's a tragic story though." I saddened at the pain she had to endure.

"Well, I'd go through it again and again if in the end I get to be with you." She sat up and kissed me.

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