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After I decided to travel for my safety, Taemin and Hailey rushed out the house to pack my stuff. Lena and Alec made the necessary arrangements while Lexi informed my werewolf guards. Matt wasn't having it and demanded to speak with us in person.

Matt, Zayn and Jade arrived an hour later. Pissed, would be an understatement. They were entirely against me leaving to go to such a vile creature's home. But after they were told the plan, they found it hard to refuse. They admitted to the surge in potential attacks and agreed that I needed to be returned to my family.

We were on a private plane heading to France. Lara was antsy the entire flight. She kept shaking her leg. Alec kept his gaze out the window. The siblings' minds were preoccupied with dread and anxiety. Lena worked with Taemin and Hailey to devise a plan on smuggling me inside. Lexi couldn't keep her mouth shut anymore, so she moved next to me.

"Hey." She nudged me. "I'll be your personal guard. You'll be safe with me around." I smiled at her thoughtfulness. "I promise I'll guard you with my life." She bowed and kissed my hand. We chatted briefly since Taemin called her over.

"She's right." I looked at Lara. "She'll keep you safe when I'm not around." I smiled. "I'm serious. She's our top fighter." My mouth dropped at that information.

"That jittery, easily frazzled girl is your most skilled fighter?"

"Don't let her friendly nature fool you. She's a beast in battle. That's why she's my personal guard. Well, she's your now." Lara paused and motioned to Taemin. "He's the best assassin, so he's Alec's bodyguard."

"And is Hailey some badass fighter so she's your mother's personal guard?"

"No, she's my mother's advisor and right hand-"

"And their guardian when Lena's away. So I'm their real babysitter." Hailey piped from the front of the plane.

"That's not what I'd refer to her role as." Alec grumbled.

"I make sure they stay in line, do their homework-"

"Well, clearly you're not that good since Lara barely went to work." They all laughed at Hailey's expense.

"I do try." She sulked, causing us to laugh even louder.

I had to thank Hailey for willingly being the butt of the joke. She allowed for the tension to briefly dissipate. I know that once we touch down, everything is about to change.

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now