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We landed, much to everyone's dismay. Cars had been arranged to take everyone but Taemin and I. Lara gave me one last kiss before entering her car. Actually, it was more like Alec and her mother had to pull her off me and stuff her into the car. Her mother muttered something about her being a lovesick puppy. Lexi gave me a hug before zooming into the car. Hailey turned and told me to not wander from Taemin and not to speak to anyone. She gave me a quick hug before driving the car away.

Now, it was just Taemin and I. He opened the passenger door for me, reminding me of Lara's chivalry. I thanked him and he got into the driver's seat. We drove in silence. I used the time to admire the French aesthetic. Taemin permitted me to drift off since we would be heading to Chamonix, a town in the countryside of France. I decide to take his advice and sleep.

I woke up to myself slightly shivering. I opened my eyes to see snow surrounding the road. I glanced at Taemin who was focused on the road. He glanced at me when my teeth started chattering. Without taking his eye off the road, Taemin reached into the backseat and pulled out a fluffy blanket. I thanked him as I draped the blanket over my cold frame. Taemin adjusted the thermostat and blasted the heat on.

"Sorry." He spoke. "I forgot that people are affected by the weather."

"No worries. Where are we?" I gazed at the gothic castle perched on the top of the mountain.

"We are in the French Alps. That's why it's a bit chilly?" He said, like the feeling of temperature was foreign to him. "I've read that werewolves can sometimes regulate their temperature. I don't know the mechanics of it though."

I hummed and continued admiring the snow capped peaks. Everything was perfectly white. It was almost majestic. Taemin suddenly slowed the car to a stop. He twisted around to the back seat and pulled out a bag containing a blindfold and rope.

"I apologize, but I must fasten these on you to make you appear as a slave." He held the supplies in his hands.

I nodded and he bound my hands loosely. He then fastened the blindfold over my eyes where I could still see out of it. He then moved the car again. I assume we had been close since he stopped the car again. He opened the door and went around to get me out the car. His hand firmly held my bicep as he guided me.

"Apologies if I must grip you harder. It's merely all for show." He whispered.

"Taemin, qu'est-ce que tu as ici?" (What do you have here)

"Elle sent incroyable." (She smells amazing)

"Puis -je avoir un avant-goût." (Can I have a taste)

"Reculer !" He barked. "Elle appartient à Lara." (Back off! She belongs to Lara)

Even though I could barely see them, I could hear their whimpers. Taemin jerked me forward and continued walking. Every now and then, guards would address Taemin or make some sort of comment about me. Taemin would immediately shout them down. It seemed like Taemin was well respected and slightly feared since no one questioned him when he spoke.

When we got to a remote part of the house, Taemin removed my blindfolds and binds. He guided me into a room where Hailey and Lexi waited. Hailey left after ensuring that I arrived safely. Lexi requested I shower and wear a change of clothes.

I did as told and entered the bedroom to Lexi spritzing me with perfume. I coughed, causing Lexi to apologize. She motioned Taemin over. He took a sniff and shook his head, so she sprayed more on me. He sniffed again and nodded with a satisfied hum.

"Sorry for the assault on your nose. This is a potion that can dampen a person's scent. It should get the guards to back off and not make your aroma so appealing." She placed it on the dresser. "Always put this on after you shower." I nodded at her command. "Okay, everything ready?"

"Should be. They should be with the council now, so it will be some time. I mean... they just came back after 27 years. There's a lot to catch up on, especially with the war escalating."

"You're right." Lexi then turned to me. "You'll mainly be residing in Lara's room, but we must keep up the appearance that you're her personal consort as to not create suspicions." Lexi fixed my hair.

"Lexi will basically be glued to your hip anytime Lara is away. Hailey will also occasionally stop by to make sure you're fine. As for the others, do not speak or act in a familiar fashion. Address Lena, Alec, and Lara with formal respect whenever in public. Do not speak unless spoken to. Never look them in the eye. Eyes always downcast to show respect." He gave me the rundown. "As for me... I'm of a high rank so you can't speak to me either." He grumbled. "Apologies."

"It's not your fault. They just have ridiculous rules here." Lexi and Taemin chuckled.

"You have no idea." Lexi laughed.

"We just need to make sure he doesn't return before we can transfer you." Taemin stated. He glanced at his watch and sighed. "It's time for me to accompany Alec." He took one last look at me. "Soldier up, it will be over soon." His lips tilted up in a quick smile. He gave a final nod and left the room.

Lexi grabbed my hands and led me onto the balcony outside. She was considerate in turning on the heated lamps. I couldn't help but be amazed by the beautiful snow capped peaks. It was like a picture out of a movie. Actually, nothing could capture the beauty of the landscape.

Lexi and I leaned against the rails as she told me stories from her childhood. She had a great upbringing and lovely parents. Well, they were lovely. The king had enforced a draft, including men and women. Her farmer parents were sent to fight and were killed in battle. She was 9, in human years, at the time. I saw the sadness in her eyes as she recalled memories of her parents. I now understood what Lara said about the forlorn look in orphans' eyes.

She told me that the tragedy drove her into learning to fight. She strived to be the best fighter so she could avenge her parents and murder the ones who caused her pain. That motivation allowed her to climb the ranks and land in the royal guards court.

She always wanted to kill the enemy, the werewolves, but she began to see the twisted ways of the king when she worked close to him. According to her, he was a madman. He was consumed by rage and death and would sacrifice anyone to see blood spilt. She slowly began to remove the blame of her parent's death from the werewolves and onto the man who sat on the throne. She knew she was powerless to kill him, so she retired from the royal guards.

She was about to be done with anything related to fighting, but she was recruited to be Lara's personal guard. Lara had seen her skill and had grown curious about her. Lexi had politely declined, stating she didn't want to kill anymore. Lara assured Lexi that she just needed to protect her, no unnecessary killing. Lexi was hesitant at first, but Lara slowly earned her trust and has never met her down.

I asked about Hailey and Taemin's stories, but she said it was theirs to tell. I wanted to ask more, but a servant knocked and brought food in. We thanked the shy girl before walking to the food. The food was absolutely delicious. I shared with Lexi, much to her protests, though she couldn't stifle her moan. We died laughing at the sound.

The rest of the evening consisted of us trading childhood stories. I asked how much longer until I could see Lara. Lexi told me she was busy, but would see me as soon as she could. I began to lose hope that I'd see her when I saw the time was 2am. Lexi urged me to sleep, but I was having trouble since I yearned for my mate. I hadn't slept without her since our first time together. I wasn't used to being by myself. Lexi sadly smiled before spooning me from behind. It wasn't the same, but I felt more secure in someone's arms.

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt