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I began pacing my room and pulling on my hair. This can't be real. This is crazy. I can't be a werewolf, better yet a Queen. And the way my mom spoke... it was like the war wasn't over. Now that I think about it, Lara's entire family was tense when speaking about problems back home. And Lexi tensed when mentioning another enemy. Were they speaking about werewolves? Are they going to kill me when they find out I'm a hybrid?!

I sank to the floor and began hyperventilating. It was difficult for me to breathe. I felt like I was about to suffocate. In a flash, the door opened and closed. Lara was kneeled next to me and holding my hands.

"Breath, ma amour." She began to simulate the necessary breathing techniques. "Breathe, douce." I began to calm down. "Excellent, ma chérie." She kissed my brow.

"Sorry." I mumbled and looked down, but she used two fingers to lift my chin so that my eyes connected with hers.

"Never apologize for your emotional distress." She paused. "Would you like to speak about it? You're very tense and I think it'll help." I weakly nodded. She gave me a soft smile and effortlessly lifted me onto my bed.

"I'm in shock." She chuckled at that. "Did you know I was a hybrid?"

"Hybrid?" She thought aloud. "I suspected, but had no idea it involved the werewolf gene." She peered at me. "Is that what's making you frantic? You're worried you're a werewolf and I'm a-"

"Vampire? Yes!" I shouted. "Your family is going to hate me when they find out." She sighed, so I'm guessing it's true. "And this war..." Her eyes snapped to mine. "It's against our species and is clearly still going on." I waved my arms around.

"Yes, it is." She clenched her jaw. "And it's all because the vampire king is a homicidal maniac who enjoys war. It's a blood sport to him. A game to claim the lives of others." She spat. "True evil is that man." She glared in anger.

"And my friends and boss are apart of the guards sent to protect me. Were they even my friends or was it out of some duty?" I complained. "Actually, how are they my guards when they're around my age?" Lara actually laughed at that.

"Love, you must become aware that looks and age can be deceiving when dealing with supernaturals. I can assure you that your friends are much older than you think." She rested on her forearms. "Think about it... you met them when you were old enough not to question their youthful looks." She shrugged.

"How old are you?" I blurted out.

"Ancient." She smirked. "I'm afraid revealing it will make this whole 'talking phase' a tad awkward, Mia." I groaned at her.

"My real name is Amelia, but my family and friends call me Mia." She hummed at that.

"Well, I don't subscribe to the popular opinion or status quo." She sat up. "Apart from my endearing nicknames..." I rolled my eyes at her. "May I call you Mila?" I actually like that one. I think that's my favorite deviation of my name.

"Yes, Allura." She groaned and flopped onto the bed. "Such an alluring name I teased."

"It's actually French for alluring." She chuckled. "Much rather Lara. That way I won't be compared to another dead person." She cavalierly stated. "Well, it's late. You should probably rest up to see your siblings tomorrow." She pulled back the covers and positioned me under them.

"What about your family?" I worriedly asked her.

"Don't stress about it. They don't need to know at the moment." She pulled me into her arms and snuggled me to sleep.

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now