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I began to stir awake. I wanted to open my eyes, but the headache forced me to close my eyes even tighter. I groaned as I rolled away from the window. I squinted my eyes even tighter since light was still shining on me even though I turned away from my window. I groaned once more before slowly opening my eyes. I blinked a few times, allowing my vision to adjust.

My brows scrunched in confusion as my eyes ran over the foreign room. The room was massive. A lit fireplace was on the left side . A simple desk was placed in the corner of the room, overlooking the skyline. Half of the room was dedicated to enormous windows. So that's why I couldn't escape the sunlight. The windows surrounded the corners of the room! There was a patio directly outside of the windows. I'm guessing those are the types of windows that are able to recede so that you can walk outside.

A chandelier hung in the middle of the room. I had to take a second to marvel at the ornate design of the crystals. I stared at the different paintings on the walls. I had a feeling that those weren't bought, but created by the owner of this place.

I looked down to see that I was still fully clothed. I then looked to the other side of the bed, but it was neatly made. It was like no one slept there. I saw Advil and water on the bedside table so I quickly took those. Ugh! Why'd I get so drunk last night? And where am I ? And how did I get here?

"Knock, knock." I turned to see Lara knocking on the door. "You're finally up. You're a heavy sleeper, by the way." She walked over with toast and a banana. "This should be light on your stomach and provide you with some nutrients." She smiled and sat next to me.

"Thanks." I took a piece of the toast. "How'd I get here?" I munched away.

"Well, you passed out and I didn't know where you lived. I mean I could've found out, but decided not to invade your privacy, so I brought you home." She smiled before blushing. "My-my home. I brought you to my home." She plastered on a smile.

"Thanks." I took the water from behind her and began drinking it. I was seriously dehydrated.

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked, concerned. I hummed and began eating the banana. "Nothing weird plaguing your mind or anything?" She seemed anxious as she asked the question, but I just shook my head and ate another piece of toast. I was too busy satiating my empty stomach to notice the look of relief that passed over her.

"How do you not have a hangover after drinking so much?!" I looked to see her chuckle.

"I have a high tolerance I guess. It's just how my anatomy is designed." She shrugged. "Would you like to freshen up?"

"Is that your polite way of saying I stink?"

"Nah, I'm quite aroused by the female's natural odor." She moved closer.

"And I'm gonna take a shower and rub synthetic creams all over my body." I jumped up, but cursed at the headache.

"Bathroom is over there." Lara pointed through a fit of giggles. "You should find the necessary stuff inside."

I nodded and practically ran into the room. I closed the door and slid down until I was seated on the ground. Why must she make my heart race like this? I took a chance to survey the room. A toothbrush wrapped in plastic was placed on the counter, along with some clothes. I got up and entered into the extravagant shower. It could probably fit around 8 people, perfect for someone like her who loves orgies. I decided against using the fancy buttons and opted for a simple shower.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth. I was relieved to get that alcohol taste out of my mouth. I looked at my face in the mirror and sighed. How did I get into this crazy situation? I threw the toothbrush out and decided to stop prolonging the inevitable. I opened the door to see Lara lounging on her bed. She stopped scrolling through pictures of bikini girls on Instagram.

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now