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"Didn't know you knew how to apply stitches." I saw Lara smile as she continued stitching a little boy's leg.

"My mother, brother and I would often go on missions to third world countries where we would help out with providing medical treatment and examination." She cut the string. "By no means am I a doctor, but I know a decent amount." She chuckled.

"What was in the grenade you threw to me?" She finished helping the boy. He gave her a toothy smile and tight hug in thanks.

"Silver." She turned to me. "Angelo was a genetically advanced lycan. The research was to engineer a way to make your kind immune to silver and increase the healing rate. For the most part, it worked. But they failed to consider the effects of silver embedded in the body." She took off her gloves and threw it away. "To be honest, I just took a wild guess."

"Wait! You didn't know that would work?!"

"Not at all. After hiding everyone, I tried to find you but it was difficult since your scent was everywhere. I saw you had been in the ammunition room. I heard gunshots, but continued hearing Angelo roar, so I assumed your bullets were futile. I grabbed a grenade and thought why the hell not." She shrugged.

"Unbelievable." I crossed my arms and glared.

"Hey! You held your own pretty well!" She jumped down to follow me. "And you didn't even transform. That's impressive!"

We walked inside my uncle's study. I saw my aunt pressing a wet cloth to his forehead, much to his protests. He didn't want his pack to see him being babied, but my aunt didn't care. She kept freezing every time he slightly winced. He attempted to compose himself when we stepped inside.

"We need to plan an attack on the king." He said once Domenico closed the door. I was happy that he looked alright, even with the minor bruises. "The king is destined to hear about the fall of Angelo. He'll be angered at losing his upper hand."

"Shouldn't we wait for him to make a mistake from his temperament?" I inquired. "We can't just lead a strike team right now. People are still injured and need time to fully heal if we are to win a battle." My uncle nodded along to me.

Lara began explaining several weak spots in the kingdom that the guards often overlooked. She urged us to approach through the mountains since the vampires didn't roam the area due to heavy fog. She also said she'd have to get in contact with her friends and family to begin strategizing ways to enter and then isolate the king.

We waited 3 days before beginning our journey to Switzerland. All the wolves were healed and we were advancing with an even bigger army. Taemin and Lexi's had arranged several routes for us to take in order to avoid the vampire scouts. They also wanted our group to split up so that we could completely surround the castle.

The pack had changed into their wolf form for the trip. It didn't take us long to arrive since we were much faster as wolves. The only drawback to being in our wolf form was that the pack instantly became hostile to Lara. I mean they kind of always were since they didn't really trust vampires, but the hostility increased exponentially.

They'd snarl at her and simulate nipping her. I'd have to move in front of her and growl at her harassers. They'd immediately back down due to the protective nature I had over my mate.

We were shocked when we arrived at the mountains overlooking the castle. A vampire army was training in the courtyard. It appeared that the king was planning on launching an attack soon. Too bad, the surprise attack was coming to him.

I saw a figure staring at us. I quickly focused and recognized it to be Taemin. His lips quirked into a small smile. He quickly looked away and began correcting his pupil's form.

We need to break off into our own groups. Domenico to the North, Mia to the East, and Lara needs to the West. Dante spoke through our mindlink.

What?! No! She needs to stay with me! I need to watch her back!

That's the exact reason you two should be separated. How can you focus on protecting yourself if you're worried about protecting someone else?! I snarled at my uncle's statement.

"I'm assuming he wants us to split up." I turned to Lara. "I agree with him. I will not be able to focus since I'll be concerned about you." I whined at her. "Don't worry, princess. I'll come back to you." She kissed the head of my wolf. "Be careful, please." She closed her eyes and rested her head against mine.

Dante allowed us a moment before yipping that we had to get in our positions. I licked Lara's face, causing her to giggle. She looked to Dante's wolf, who flicked his head to the west. With a final rub to my head, she dashed away. I let out a little whine before rounding up my group and heading to the east.

Dante mindlinked Domenico and me to ask if we were ready. I was positioned behind the castle, so I had a clear view to the soldiers lounging around. Dante was waiting for Taemin's signal before he gave us the order to attack.

The wait felt agonizingly long as we awaited the signal. My muscles were tense and I couldn't wait to pounce on some vampires and rip them to shreds. My wolf snarled at the vampires who were lazily moving about the courtyard.

It felt like forever before we heard a loud howl. And then, we were off.

Only 2 more chapters to go...

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now