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Lara and I spent the next couple of hours by the beach. Since the city was known to be dangerous, we wanted to wait until dark to catch Angelo and his scoundrels off guard. It was almost time, so we stood up. Instead of heading to the abandoned tracks, Lara led me in the direction of a church.

She entered and dipped her fingers in some holy water. I rolled my eyes as she playfully hissed while doing the sign of the cross, like the water burned her demonic self. She nudged me to mimic her actions. I just did it to shut her up. She then led us into a booth to kneel. Lara closed her eyes, so I decided to do so as well.

I'm not sure how long I had my eyes closed for, but I started to get bored. How much longer is Lara going to pray? I opened my eyes, hoping to sneak a peek at her. I was shocked to see her looking at me with a bored expression. I think she was waiting for me to finish so that we could leave.

"Why are we here?" I quietly asked. "Is it because you're Catholic?"

"Oh, I'm far from religious. There's no hope for my soul." She shrugged.

"Then why are we here?" I hissed.

"Uh because your family is the mafia and I wanted to emulate how in The Godfather they always go to church or a church scene plays right before they kill someone. And we're about to annihilate Angelo and his men so I thought we should reenact the scene, especially since we're in Italy." I pushed her when she finished her explanation. "Hey, you're no fun." I stood up and left her.

"We're wasting time." I stated once she appeared at my side.

"No, Dante doesn't want you involved in the raid since you're valuable." I looked at her in shock. "That's why they started their attack 30 minutes before schedule."

"You mean they're there now?!"

"They've been there for around 45 minutes." She shrugged.

I didn't give Lara any time to react since I sped off. I got to the entrance in record time. I gulped when I smelt blood and sweat. I then darted down the dark tunnels until I arrived at a gory site.

I saw countless dead bodies. The only good thing was that most of them had gold watches, Angelo's men. I heard a roar and ran towards the noise.

I stopped and turned my head from side to side. Where'd the noise come from? I then saw my uncle be thrown through the cement walls. He was in his lycan state, but I could still sense it was him. I ran over to him and tried to assess his injuries. His eyes showed pain from the many gashes across his abdomen.

(When I say Lycan I mean the werewolves like in the Underworld movie and wolves are like the wolves in Twilight)

"What's wrong?" I looked at him in worry.

Be-Behind you. He's struggled to get out.

I looked behind and my eyes widened at the sight. Angelo was in his lycan form, but that's not what was surprising. He stood an impressive 12 feet and his built was more muscular than any lycan. He must be enhanced somehow.

I had to lead him away from my uncle or he'd be dead. I quickly thought of something to attract Angelo's attention. I stared straight into his lycan's eyes and flashed my true eyes. Angelo's wolf snarled in anger once he realized I was a royal. I then stood up and lured him out the hall.

I ran away from the lycan charging behind me. The lights flickered in the hall as I quickly turned corners. I could hear the roar of Angelo. The moment I turned to catch a glimpse of him, he used his arm to throw me through a wall.

I scrambled to my feet and ran again. I didn't get far since he threw a car at me. I had to duck and roll out the way. I thought about transforming into my lycan form, but I haven't trained my lycan to fight. My wolf could fight, but my wolf would be seriously outmatched against an enhanced lycan.

Angelo had thrown me inside an ammunition room. I crawled over to the weapons and began searching for something to use. I found a silver knife and silver bullets. He smashed through the wall and stumbled a bit. I stood up and ran out the room while loading the gun.

He howled and advanced on me. I turned around and fired bullet after bullet. He roared out as the bullets collided with him. I stopped and stared in awe as the bullets were then pushed out his body, allowing for the wounds to close. Okay, I guess silver bullets aren't going to cut it against this science experiment gone wrong.

I annoyingly tossed the gun somewhere. How am I gonna outsmart this gigantic shit? I had the knife in my hand, so why not. I ran and slid between his legs. I quickly stood and sliced the back of his joints. He roared and fell into a crouching position. He swiped at me, but I dodged it and drove my knife into his skull. He roared and threw me into a wall.

I stood up and watched as he pulled the knife from his skull. I could tell he was smirking at me. I saw a small passageway. He followed my line of sight and growled. I darted with him at my heels. I managed to jump inside the passageway before he could grab me. I somersaulted off the floor to see him struggling to fit.

"Mila!" I turned to see Lara pelting an item at me. I caught the item as it crashed through the glass.

I then saw Angelo painfully transition back to a human. I pretended to be hurt and limped away from him. In a few strides, he caught me by the back of my neck. He lifted me into the air and snarled. I used that opportunity to kick off the wall and twirl in his arms. I then punched through his stomach and pulled my arm back.

He stumbled back from the impact. He watched as the tear in his abdomen healed. With blackened eyes, he smirked at me.

"I instantly heal." He snarled.

"I was counting on that." I then pelted the ring at his face, which he caught with ease.

Angelo inspected the ring in his hand. His eyes widened as he recognized it as the ring from a grenade. He then frantically grabbed his stomach. I used the opportunity to slip past him. He turned and began to painfully transform back, but a small internal blast made him stumble.

Lara was by my side as I exited the hall. We watched as Angelo attempted to approach us. He stopped and screamed as his body began to bubble over until a final blast exploded him. Lara yanked me back right before his guts splashed onto the walls.

We then looked inside to see that he wouldn't be regenerating ever again. Lara and I looked to see my beaten up uncle struggling to hold up Domenico. They looked terrible, but would survive with some rest. I then saw Lara approach a hidden door and yank it open. Children immediately filed out. Some even hugged her in thanks. She picked a toddler up as she walked to some more hidden doors and opened them. The innocent men and women began to exit their hiding spots.

"Huh, so that's where you were." She smirked at me. "So you chose the easy job." I crossed my arms with a raised brow.

"Well, you were the one who left before we could formulate a plan." She laughed. "Didn't she?" She rocked the toddler in her arms, causing him to let out a series of giggles.

"Good news is that Angelo is dead along with the rebels." My uncle stated. "Get these people to a safe house and make sure they're properly fed!" My uncle began barking orders at his men.

Lara smiled as she handed the child to his mother. She walked over to help us in assisting the injured. We walked outside to see a number of ambulances patiently waiting. My uncle really thought ahead. The paramedics jumped into action and began treating the injured. My uncle, though badly injured, refused to be treated until everyone had been given medical attention.

Zayn was badly injured, so Matt had to carry Zayn over his shoulder. Jade and I laughed as Zayn complained about how Matt was treating him like a baby. I ruffled Zayn's hair as Matt passed us.

My uncle claimed he'd survive the journey and insisted we return to Amalfi. With much reluctance, we drove back to the villa with my uncle grimacing every time the car would slightly jerk.

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora