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A tan muscular guy practically took up the entire doorway. He was incredibly tall and intimidating. His rough features contorted into a smile at the sight of Lara.

"Angelo, Alpha of the pack that rivals the Ricci's." Lara shook the leader's hand. He motioned for us to enter and shut the door.

"Princess, I wasn't expecting your visit. I would've prepared the place more." His accent was so thick that you had to strain your ears to understand him.

"That's not necessary." She began to run her fingers along the items on his desk. "You know how father is. He likes unexpected visits to keep everyone on their toes."

"Of course, your highness." He then looked at me and smirked. "Is she your lap dog?" He loudly chuckled.

"Let's keep this meeting business related." Lara spoke with such ice that Angelo shuddered.

"Sorry, your highness. Didn't mean to get personal and offend." He bowed in submission.

"I have a few questions for you." She sat in his chair behind the desk. She then kicked her feet up and kept a steady eye on him. "Let's begin."

Lara spent the next couple of hours heavily interrogating him. Apparently, he joined the vampire's side because her father promised Angelo the werewolf throne if he can help overthrow my uncle. Angelo immediately agreed since his pack has been a long time enemy of my family's.

There were 50 vampires here along with 4,000 wolves on his side. Less than 300 of the wolves were either from his pack or believed in overthrowing my uncle. The rest were kidnapped and forced into servitude. Their compliance was rewarded by sparing their family members.

His men had been informing the vampire king of every move the werewolves were doing. That's how the king knew to move some of his vampire men into Napoli when the werewolves planned a surprise attack in Switzerland. Well, the werewolves thought it was a surprise attack, but the king knew. He deliberately allowed his men to be under numbered as a way to not create suspicion amongst the wolves.

They were planning to attack the Ricci residence in four days since my uncle Dante would be hosting a children charity event at the house. My uncle would be distracted with the orphans that he wouldn't suspect an attack. Angelo was still debating whether to kill the kids or change them into wolves or keep them as slaves.

Lara hummed along to everything Angelo was saying, although I know she was gritting her teeth hard out of anger. She desperately wanted to tear this man to pieces, but kept it together for the sake of acquiring information. Throughout the interrogation, she'd mindlink me and ask what questions she should ask next. I'd also assess Angelo's body language when he'd answer a question.

There were several instances where he'd pause and give a half truthful answer. I'd tell Lara who would ask the same question in a different manner. Angelo was so stupid that he didn't realize what she was doing and would eventually give us the answer.

"How many wolves did you say were loyal to you again?" She took out her phone.

"Probably around 300 are blindly loyal." He laughed.

"And vampires?" She continued texting.

"50." He confidently stated.

"And how do you know which wolves are loyal to you?"

"They have a gold watch like mine." He held his wrist up. They act just like the mafia. Then again, Lara did say my family was apart of the mafia.

"Thank you." She stood up. "We'll be taking our leave." She placed her hand on the small of my back and led me out the room.

Wolves were waiting to escort us out, but Lara claimed she wanted another wolf instead. Angelo tried to provide her with the loyal wolves, but she insisted. A scared girl walked to us and bowed. Lara then motioned for her to escort us to the station. She timidly nodded and dragged her feet as she walked.

Once we were out of the tunnels and ear shot, Lara steered the girl into a busy part of the streets. She bought us both pizza and kinda forced the malnourished girl to eat. Lara then inquired the girl's name. The girl meekly told us her name was Emma (someone got a character named after them lol)

"Amelia." She averted her eyes and gave me complete control.

I flashed my wolf eyes to the girl who's eyes widened in shock. She darted forward to embrace me in a hug and kept muttering how thankful she was for me in Italian. I promised to free everyone, but needed her to tell me all the back tunnels and different entrances into the abandoned station.

She fervently nodded and began explaining everything to me. Lara and I easily memorized everything she said. I told her to round up all the innocents and make sure they knew the phrase, "Un giorno, e quel giorno potrebbe non arrivare mai, ti chiederò di fare un servizio per me. Ma fino a quel giorno, accetta questa giustizia come un dono." (Someday, and that day may never come, I'll call upon you to do a service for me. But until that day, accept this justice as a gift.)She watched me intently, committing those words to memory.

"Ora vai. Oggi è in arrivo una rivoluzione." (Now go. A revolution is coming today)

She quickly ran off to inform the slaves. I turned to Lara who told me that my pack would descend into that tunnel at nightfall. She asked if I wanted to return to the compound, but I told her I wanted to stay and make sure that they were freed.

I wasn't planning on releasing this chapter today, but I really wanted to give the cameo haha

Gun To My Head, Stake To My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now