Fight (Part 1)

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Isaac glared at you from across the kitchen as you crossed your arms and huffed, "I know there's something going on between you two. Should I even ask? Do you understand my suspicions, and why they're growing?" He scoffed, "You don't understand, do you? Allison is a friend, and she needed me after her break up with Scott. If you truly want me to be honest, yeah, I think she'd be a great girlfriend. Obviously a lot better than you, since she doesn't try to control me!!" You brought a hand to your chest, ripped off the teardrop sapphire that Isaac had bought you for your return home after an entire summer of being gone, and threw it onto the kitchen counter. "Fine. If you think she's better than me, then let her be your girlfriend. I'm apparently not good enough for anybody."

Isaac yelled, "Fine! But don't come crying to me when you start feeling lonely! It didn't have to go this far!" You backed towards the door, "Isaac! It's already been this far for a while! You knew this was coming!! And of course I won't come crying to you, heck, I won't be crying at all! If I'm not good enough for anybody, then maybe the only person I need is myself." Isaac yelled, "(Y/N)!!! Don't do this!! I can't have someone else mad at me!!" You let out an outraged gasp, "You seriously don't care about me at all!! You only want things for yourself!!"

Isaac advanced towards you, "IM SORRY IF IM TRYING TO REBUILD A BETTER LIFE AFTER BEING TORTURED FOR MONTHS BY MY OWN FATHER!!" You bumped into the door behind you, "Well. If I'm not included in building your 'better life', then it'll be a good decision for me to leave. Goodbye Isaac." He started to run, "(Y/N)!! There's gotta be a way we can go around this without breaking up!!" You walked out the door and turned around, "No, Isaac. It's over." Then, you slammed the door in his face as he skidded to a halt.

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