Ice Cream

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Or sorbet if you're lactose intolerant:)
(Y/F/F)=Your Favorite Flavor

Your boyfriend had recently been hired to a small ice cream shop in the downtown area of Beacon Hills. It was a cute little place where people stopped by regularly going about their day. There were many times, though, that a big group of people would rent the entire shop so that the workers had to close and reserve their business only for the group.

It was a hot summer day, and the whole gang was sprawled out over the entirety of Derek's loft. Isaac finally stood up, claimed that he had to go to work, kissed you on the top of your head, and ran out the door. You furrowed your eyebrows and checked the time on your phone. It just so happened to be an hour before he had to be there.

You mentioned this to Allison, but she just laughed and shook her head, "It's alright! He told me that he had an idea, so he ran to put it into action. You'll like it, I promise." You rolled your eyes but couldn't help the smile that naturally formed on your lips. You loved surprises.

Sure enough, just as Stiles had challenged Scott to who could stay in a tub of ice the longest, Derek's phone began to blare "I Kissed a Girl" by Katy Perry. He stomped over to the phone and yelled, "WHAT", when he picked it up. After a lot of eye rolling and threatening, he hung up and told you all to go to the ice cream shop.

When you got there, you found it oddly empty. Isaac waited until everybody was inside to shut the door and place the closed sign. Beaming like a kid on his birthday, Isaac turned around and pointed to the ice cream flavors, "Please take your pick, and let the ironic jokes begin!!"

You were totally confused until you turned and saw that most of the ice cream flavors had taped up paper, changing the meanings completely.

Argent Apple Pie
Banshee Brownie Bash
Benefactor Birthday Cake
Blue Raspberry Beast
Chocolate Chimera
Darach Dulce De Leche
Deucalion Dark Chocolate
Dread Doctor Dessert
Hazelnut Hale
Kanima Crunch
Kate the Killer Key Lime Pie
Meredith Mint Chocolate Chip
Nogitsune Neapolitan
Orange Oni
Peachy Peter
Theo Thin Mint
Void Vanilla

Extra Specials:
Brooding Banana Split
Caramel Kira
Cookies and Scream
Lahey Cookie Dough
Liam Lemon Lime
Stilinski Special
Strawberry Shortcake (Lydia)

After the entire list was read, everyone was laughing. Lydia was the first one to order, "Alright, so what's in the Stilinski Special?" Isaac grinned from ear to ear, "It's a mix of Rocky Road and Moose Tracks, since Stiles likes the first one and Sheriff likes the second."
Lydia smiled as she stole back a glance at Stiles without him knowing, "Yeah, I'm good with that."

Derek sauntered up next, "Dulce De Leche." Isaac bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing as he leaned forward, "I'm sorry, we don't have that on the menu." Derek glared at him, "Yes you do, it's right under the chocolate." You turned around and slapped a hand over your mouth to keep from giggling as Isaac continued,

"No, we don't have that either. You have to call our flavors by their proper names." Derek sighed and squeezed his eyes shut while mumbling something incoherent. Isaac leaned forward even more, "I didn't catch that." Derek snapped and yelled, "I WANT THE DARACH DULCE DE LECHE, LAHEY!!"

You gave in and dropped into a chair as you snorted in laughter, much like everyone else in the room. Scott shook his head, "You would get that, Derek." Stiles patted him on the shoulder, "No, Scott, he would hit that." Derek shrugged Stiles's hand off and sent a death glare that made Stiles back up with his hands in the air.

Isaac called Allison up next, and she grabbed Scott's hand to pull him up with her, "I'll have the Orange Oni, what do you want Scott?" He shrugged, "I'll have the Theo Thin Mint." Speaking of the devil, Theo threw open the door to the ice cream parlor and smugly looked around at everyone's surprised faces, "Aww, no one invited me? I'll have the Chocolate Chimera, thank you."

Derek rolled his eyes and forced Theo into a seat at the table where he was sitting. After Derek had received his ice cream, he simply sat across from the evil pretty-boy and stared at him the entire time, daring him to make a move.

Liam and Hayden walked up to the counter. Liam smiled and pointed at the list, "We should split the Superman." Hayden shrugged and agreed, yet she didn't see Scott give a wink to his loyal little wolfie.

Stiles motioned for the remaining few people, (Kira, the Twins, and Malia), to go in front of him. Kira ordered the Hazelnut Hale, Malia wanted the Caramel Kira, Aiden liked the Strawberry Shortcake, and Ethan decided on the Kanima Crunch. Finally, it was Stiles's turn to order.

He stepped up, slapped his hands on the counter, and said, "I'm going to need 3 separate orders. The first one will be the Nogitsune Neapolitan and some extra Void Vanilla, the second one's gonna be the Dread Doctor Dessert, and the third one is the Banshee Brownie Bash to go."

When Stiles was done, Isaac grinned as you walked up to the counter to place the final order. You returned his bright smile, since you had already picked out what you had wanted long ago, "First, I have a question. Why doesn't the name Lahey correlate with the cookie dough?" Isaac shrugged, "Well, it's my favorite flavor, so I made sure to claim it before I came up with the puns." You giggled, "Alright, Sassy Wolf, I'll order a Lahey Cookie Dough ice cream for a certain werewolf that's about to have his break shift, and then a (Y/F/F) for me, please."
After all of the ice cream had been dispensed, everyone chatted happily while cooling down and making ice cream jokes. Suddenly, while you were laughing at the other puns that Isaac was telling you, Stiles stood up. Even Derek broke his glare away from Theo to look up at Stiles, who glanced around the room while holding out the Dread Doctor Dessert,

"I had certain reasons for placing my orders, and I'm sure you'd like to know why I got this." Aiden shrugged, "Not really", but was hushed by an elbow in the chest from Lydia. Stiles strode over to the table with Derek and Theo before continuing, "I just thought that this would be a mild form of payback."

Everyone gasped as the hand that held the ice cream bucket swung give Theo a face full of Dread Doctor Dessert. Every single person cracked up, and you were soon convinced that you were going to get abs from laughing so hard. Theo stormed out of the shop as everyone cheered for Stiles and slapped him on the back.

You turned to Isaac as a thought struck you, "Babe, who paid for all of this?" He immediately gave you a mischievous look as he pulled out a wallet and dropped it on the table. You opened it up to see Derek's serious driver's license photo, and you stifled a laugh, "Oh my god, you're so dead, Isaac." He chuckled as he slid the wallet back into his pocket, "If it caused this much happiness for you, then I don't even mind."

So...which Teen Wolf flavor is your favorite? I would love to see the responses!! Mine has got to be Blue Raspberry Beast.

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