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Just a warning: this imagine contains abuse.

It started out as a usual evening with your friends. You, Allison, Scott, Lydia, Stiles, and Isaac had all gone to the movies to watch The Scorch Trials and were making fun of Stiles as you walked out. He crossed his arms defiantly, "I. Do. NOT. Look like Thomas!!"

Lydia nudged him, "C'mon, Dylan O'Brien did an awesome job creating the character, why won't you accept that you look exactly alike?" Stiles shrugged, "Yeah, he sounds familiar. Do you think Dylan O'Brien is hot?" Lydia flipped her hair, "If he ever came to Beacon Hills, you know I'd be the first one to talk to him." Stiles winked at Scott, "Ok, I guess I look like Thomas."

You laughed and linked you arm with Isaac's, "Hey, my parents don't think I'm coming back until later, so do you want to hang out at your house?" Isaac looked away, "Well, I don't know, I don't think my dad will be home until tomorrow. So I guess that'll be ok." Scott whistled as he draped his arm around Allison's shoulders, "Don't get too frisky, you two!!"

Isaac held the door to his house open for you, allowing you to walk inside and look around. The house was small and homey, but something seemed off about it. Pushing the feeling aside, you suddenly found Isaac walking towards you. He gently cupped your face in his hands, and leaned in to kiss you. His lips had barely grazed yours when the front door banged open and a deep voice yelled, "Isaac, I'm home!!"

Isaac's eyes went wide as he jumped away from you and yelled, "I thought you wouldn't be back until tomorrow!" Thankfully, his dad hadn't seen you around the corner yet, so Isaac motioned for you to hide. You scrambled into the bathroom and climbed into the shower, pulling the dark navy blue shower curtain in front of you.

You heard Isaac walk into the kitchen as his dad said, "Soo, what have you done while I've been gone? How are your grades?" Just as he started to respond, your phone began to ring. In quick jerky motions, you yanked it out and silenced it, but not before his dad heard.

"Isaac. You do remember one of my most enforced rules, correct?" Isaac didn't reply, so his dad kept going, "No visitors in this house when I'm gone. And, even if I'm here, there will still be NO. GUESTS. Give me your phone."
There was some scuffling, and soon you heard Isaac's ringtone from your phone chime throughout the house. You turned your phone off, but there was a moment of silence before his dad completely blew up.


Your jaw dropped as Isaac's father completely changed into the rage of the devil himself. Isaac stuttered out words to stop him, but it was no use as he bellowed through the house in search of you. Then the bathroom door opened.

You slowly shrank into the corner of the tub as the curtain was ripped back, and Mr. Lahey glared down at you, "Ah, what have we here. A little treat that Isaac just decided to take home. Oh, you'll both be punished well for this one." He smiled with pure twisted delight as he grabbed your arm and pushed you into the hallway.

You ran into Isaac, and he held you against him, whispering, "This is all my fault, I'm so sorry, (Y/N). If you get a clear shot, run as fast as you can out the door and I'll take the punishment for it." You gasped as tears began tracking down your cheeks, "What kinds of punishment?"

Before he could respond, Mr Lahey roughly seized your arm again, threw open the basement door, and dragged you down the steps. It looked like an ordinary basement, except for the chains on a wooden support beam, the assortment of whips, and the chains covering the outdoor freezer.

You shook your head in disbelief and screamed as Mr. Lahey yanked open the freezer and shoved you down in it, "Trust me, yours won't be long. Isaac's, however, will last all night." The last thing you saw before he shut the lid was his smile full of malice, and Isaac yelling, "Don't punish her!! I'll take two nights in the freezer, please Dad don't do this. It wasn't her fault, it was my idea for us to come over here!!"

The darkness pressed down on you as the freezer became stuffy from the carbon dioxide out balancing the slow trickle of oxygen that made its way in. Being claustrophobic, you felt all around the inside of the box, but you were sealed in tight. Hyperventilation and panic quickly took over your normal systems as you thrashed and beat the inside of the freezer more violently.

You could still hear outside, and to your horror, heard Isaac being whipped as he tried to attack his father. After a long while of grunts and the sounds of things breaking, the rattle of chains straight above you made you freeze and sit up as much as possible.

Isaac ripped off the top of the freezer and threw it across the room. To your surprise, his eyes glowed bright yellow and his teeth were sharpened. His dad was nowhere in sight.

You held up your hands as Isaac helped you out of the freezer, and gave you a worried look, "I didn't mean to tell you this way, I thought you'd hate me but-" You put a finger to his lips, "It's alright. Scott already told me about him, so I'm not surprised that you're a werewolf, too."

You hugged him, causing him to wince, as post-traumatic tears streamed down your face, "It's not your fault. I didn't know that you were abused. Come stay at my place for the next couple of days, and I won't let anything happen to you."

For the next few days, Isaac stayed at your house. When he got back, though, he ran away from his dad... And Mr. Lahey got killed in an alley.

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now