Shared Pain

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Ok so this is a cool idea that I saw on Pinterest and I thought I'd use it for an imagine. Enjoy (:

And I apologize for not updating sooner! I just started college, so things have been super hectic lately. I will try to be better at updating!

You were different from everyone else. However, you didn't think that you were a helpful supernatural creature or someone with world-saving powers. Instead, you had random cuts and wounds show up on your body.

Now, when someone hears that, they think, "Oh, yeah, that happens to everyone!"

That's not what you meant.

Throughout your childhood, random scratches and bruises tended to show up everywhere. You didn't think much of it, since you were usually getting into trouble. Those scratches could have come from a random sharp branch or being too clumsy!

It wasn't a problem until you got older. You were in high school, and you had just gotten home. You sat down to do your homework at the desk in your room.

Somehow, during your toil through your work, it had become night time. You leaned back in your rolling chair and closed your eyes for a break when, all of a sudden, pain flared from your arm. You clamped your hand over the area that burned, jumped up, and stumbled to the bathroom.

You were in shock once you removed your hand and stared at your reflection. A perfect bite mark had been imprinted deep into the tender flesh of your arm, and blood leaked all over the basin of your white sink. You began to babble to yourself as panic wove its way into your mind,

"I know homework bites, but this is just outrageous!"

You tried to keep yourself calm as you wrapped up the wound in taped gauze and texted a few friends to come over with the following message:

Emergency panic attack. All units proceed to the (L/N) house ASAP.

You had never told your parents about your innate ability to have random wounds show up on your body, but you had hinted the possibility to a few trusted pals. Shock still coursed through your system, and you were positive you didn't want to be alone. Thankfully, you weren't all by yourself for long.

A knock sounded on your window, and you hurried over to open. Two people tumbled inside, and you slammed the window shut. When you turned to face them, Stiles and Scott immediately began to interrupt each other,

"(Y/N), is there anything you need? I bro-"
"I told Lydia where we were just in case you needed her-"
"Are you alright?"

They both looked at you with wide eyes when you held up your arm and peeled off the gauze, "This is what I mean by panic attack. Have you ever seen a bite like this?"

Stiles moved closer to inspect it, "You weren't around any pissed off dogs, right? Other than that, I don't see how it would be there."

"This is that thing I was telling you guys about. You know how I received random cute and bruises without doing anything? This is like that."

You looked over to Scott, who hadn't moved his gaze from the bleeding wound on your arm. He seemed to be deep in thought, but he finally spoke, "Hold on. I need to make a call."

So, for the rest of the night, Stiles kept making dog puns while Scott made his call. When he came back, he didn't breathe a word to anyone if he had learned anything. The two ended up sleeping over, and they protected you throughout the night.

For the next few days, you found that more and more painful bruises and cuts would appear on your skin, but you were astonished to find that they disappeared after a very short amount of time. In truth, the bite that had appeared was gone by the next morning.

Isaac Lahey imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu