Halloween Party

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Costumes above^
(Y/H/C)= your hair color

You knew Isaac. He was in the same friend group as you, but you two never talked much. Granted... The times that you made eye contact lasted for longer than 7 seconds... But who's counting right? You thought he was hot, but were too scared to go up and talk to him.

The day before Halloween, you were slyly stealing glances of him across the classroom before you got slapped in the arm. You jerked your head around to see a very annoyed Lydia, "(Y/N), did you hear ANYTHING that I just said?" You shrugged, "Sorry, I was zoning out. What was that?"

She sighed with a large eye roll to accompany it, "There's going to be a Halloween party tomorrow!! We're either going to throw it at the school... Or at your house. That's what I was going to ask you about."

You sat back in your chair, "Really? You couldn't have told me sooner?" She shook her head, "I did some digging, and I heard your parents are going to be gone all weekend, so that leaves a large empty house and you!!" You sighed, "Lydia, I didn't even know my parents were going to be gone, how is this fair? Just because I live in the rich neighborhood, not far from you I might add, doesn't mean that my house is always up for grabs."

She curved her lip into a pout and looked down, "But... If we have it at the school... That means we have to invite, like, everybody." You threw your hands out in exasperation, "But we already do!!" "Not the people we don't like!" "How am I supposed to set up?!" "Leave it to me!" "There will be people at my house that I don't even know!" "Talk to them, then you'll get to know them!" "But what if-"

"GIRLS! SHUT UP AND DO YOUR WORK!!" Coach Finstock glared at you both as your cheeks turned red and you slid down in your seat. After a minute or so of silence, you whispered, "Fine. But I'm not decorating."

The next day, Lydia roped you into helping her decorate. Sooner than you thought, your large 3 story house (with the 3rd floor blocked off and locked) was covered with bats hanging from the ceiling, fake spiders guarding the punch bowl, squishy rubber rats peeking out from under the tables and couches, ghosts stuck to the walls, and plenty of other creepy-cool props in the colors of orange and black.

Since Lydia had made it a costume party, she'd taken it upon herself to buy you a 'Sexy Sailor' outfit so that you would fit in, even though you weren't sure about the super short blue skirt and high heels. After 30 minutes of arguing, she finally let you put on your favorite knee high black boots.

Lydia stood outside to greet guests in her black leather 'Playboy Bunny' outfit (you wouldn't call it an outfit... more like undergarments) while you fixed the food and drinks into a pleasing tableau. Around 6:30, people began to stream into your house, including the people you hadn't even seen before.

The first few guys that came in tried to flirt with you, but you just awkwardly brushed them off while wishing you had a jacket to help cover the revealing outfit. Thankfully, Allison walked over in a cute Robin outfit and, upon your request, glared at any boys that even looked your way.

Later on in the evening, the party was ramping up, and there were several couples making out. Lydia was playing  the perfect hostess, all while discreetly stealing glances at Stiles, who, dressed as the Joker, was trying to flirt with her at every opportunity.

You thought it was adorable how Scott, Allison, and Stiles all planned their outfits to match... Leaving Scott of course to be Batman. To your dismay, you hadn't spotted Isaac yet. Just as you were about to go to the 3rd floor and change out of your ridiculous outfit, though, you saw him.

And he saw you. He was dressed as a Greaser from The Outsiders, and honestly, he looked hotter than Ponyboy and Sodapop put together. He made his way over until he stood right in front of you. With a smile, he shyly rubbed the back of his neck, "Um, hi. We haven't really gotten a chance to talk. How are you enjoying the party?"

You shrugged and grinned as the butterflies in your stomach began to tap dance, "It's alright. Not really my type of party, though. Lydia wanted to host it at my house, so I let her." Isaac suddenly became worried, "Are your parents home? Would they be mad? I wouldn't want you to get in trouble..." You couldn't help but giggle at his protectiveness, "No, they're gone all weekend. I'll have enough time to clean up tomorrow before they get back."

After a bit more chit chat, Isaac smiled and looked straight into your eyes, "You know, I regret not talking to you sooner." You nodded, "Yeah, same. I'm just really... um, shy around people I find attr-uhhh- atrocious!" Isaac laughed, "You find me atrocious?"

You shook your head and ran your hands through your hair, knocking off your little sailor hat. "No! I didn't mean that- alright fine, I find you attractive, ok? It was a bad save." Isaac stared at you without saying anything for a few seconds, causing you to believe that you had screwed up so badly that he wouldn't ever talk to you again.

Then, what he said took you by surprise, "Well, I'm glad you said that, because I don't find you atrocious at all, but more beautiful than any sailor I've ever laid eyes on." Your jaw dropped as your cheeks turned rosy red and your eyes widened, "Really? I- I don't know what to say, thank you I guess-" Isaac grabbed your hand, led you out the back door to an empty space by the wall, and laid his hands gently on the sides of your face.

Before you knew what was happening, you were kissing him. You were kissing Isaac Lahey, the boy that you'd only been able to communicate with in your dreams. When you broke apart, he simply tucked a strand of (Y/H/C) hair behind your ear before placing your sailor hat back on your head. In a low voice, he spoke into your ear, "Now that we have our emotions settled, how about we leave this teenage alcohol mess and go somewhere better?"

So, in the end, Lydia was known around school as the queen of parties, your house was free of loud and drunken teenagers, all of your friends helped make the house look spotless the next day, and, as the best part, after a bit of dancing, Isaac drove you to your favorite coffee shop so you two could talk and hang out in peace. Even after he dropped you back off at your house, you were still smiling like crazy. Especially when you realized that he had left you with his black leather jacket.

Hey, guys! I LOVE your comments! Please leave some expressing your opinions!! Thanks for so many views, lovelies!!

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