Movies with the Pack

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I'M SO SORRY DEARS!! I've been in the play Sweeney Todd and I didn't have a chance to write! Practices were killer, but thanks for staying with me!! Btw I may be completely obsessed with Peter Pan whoops
(Y/F/C)=your favorite candy

It was a rainy Saturday, and everyone in the pack was bored out of their minds. Finally, Lydia decided that everyone needed a day at her lake house, so everybody jumped in a car (as a prank, Liam had to ride a the rain) and arrived there around noon.

Allison hugged you right when you saw got out of your car, "Hey, did you bring a movie?" You knit your eyebrows together, "Oh crap, I didn't get the message." Allison shrugged, "It's ok, Lydia's phone messed up and didn't send the message to anyone, so we'll have to go with what she has in the house."

Since last time's visit, the house had been patched up and made to look like nothing happened. Lydia invited everyone inside to reveal her living room with the couches pushed back and a large array of fluffy pillows and blankets littering the ground in front of her flatscreen tv. The large windows that lined the wall gave you a calming view of the storm outside as you headed to the kitchen to make popcorn.

You turned the corner rather sharply and ran smack into someone that immediately said, "Oh my god. I'm so sorry!" Isaac Lahey stood in front of you, grinning awkwardly. You blushed and replied, "It's alright! Do you want me to make you something to eat?" He surprised you by holding up his hands with four bags of popcorn, "I've already got you covered."

You had had a crush on Lahey for about a year, but had never really followed those feelings. His ice blue eyes and curly hair were almost irresistible whenever you saw him, but you were awkward and shy when you were around him. Thankfully, no one in the pack had noticed or tried to set you up...yet.

Allison strode into the kitchen to find you kneeling on the counter and raiding the upper cabinets to try to find your movie-musts. "Looking for (Y/F/C)?" You turned as she held up two whole bags of the stuff, causing you to leap down from your perch and hug her, "Thank you so much! You know I can't get through a movie without it."

Her smile turned wicked, "Now, a certain werewolf in the other room has popcorn and a seat saved for you. Want to explain that to me?" You tilted your head, "Who would save me a seat? Stiles has Lydia, Scott has you, Liam has Hayden, Mason has Cory... No way. Either Derek or Aiden is saving me a seat?!"

Allison rolled her gorgeous brown eyes, "You missed the one person that is. Isaac saved you a seat right in front of the tv. Wait a second, if you made sure not to say his name...then you thought it was too good to be true! You like him, oh my god, I KNEW it!!" You slapped a hand over her mouth, "Shh, geez, ever heard of werewolf hearing?"

So, that's how it happened. Allison sat on one side of you, and Isaac lounged on the other. Lydia had announced that the only movies that she could find were Disney films. During a heated dispute where Stiles wanted to watch Tangled, Scott wanted to watch Aladdin, and Liam wanted to watch Pocahontas, you yelled, "Peter Pan!!" All of the girls plus Isaac had agreed with you, so the majority ruled.

Stiles whistled when Wendy first appeared, and that resulted in Lydia playfully hitting his shoulder, "Don't even think about it, Stiles. She's 13!!"

You were so caught up in the movie that you didn't realize that Isaac had yawned and placed his arm across your shoulders. You felt someone poking you in your left bicep, and you turned to see Allison grinning at you like a maniac. You blushed, shook your head, and focused your attention back on the screen where Peter was telling stories to the mermaids.

Isaac leaned closer to you, "So, who would I be in this movie?" You smiled, "Hmm, probably Cubby." He laughed quietly, "Coach said the same thing and Danny and I proved him wrong. Do you need me to do the same to you?"

Your eyes widened, "Oh, uh, heh nah I believe you, trust me. Um, who would I be?" Isaac smiled at your awkwardness, "Let me think. Probably Tinkerbell." You raised an eyebrow, "Because I'm jealous?"

Isaac leaned even closer to your face, "Now, what would give you a reason to be jealous? I meant because she's beautiful, like you."

You blushed even more and giggled, "Oh, well thank-" Isaac suddenly leaned down to give you a kiss, so you immediately closed your eyes. When nothing happened, you snuck a peek. Isaac was glaring across the room at someone who had erupted into insane laughter.

Stiles had thrown a piece of popcorn at Isaac, and it had bounced off of his nose when he had almost kissed you. Nobody but Stiles had seen it, so everyone was glancing around in confusion to try to find the cause of Stiles's glee.

To your delight, Isaac stood up with the entire bag of popcorn, crossed in front of the tv that depicted Captain Hook in a sword fight with Peter Pan, and dumped the whole bag on Stiles's head.

THAT made everyone laugh. Stiles stood up to Isaac, even though he was shorter, and declared, "Free-for-all food fight!!" He dumped his bowl on Isaac, which started food throwing frenzy.

Allison jumped up and tossed gummy life savers at you, trying her hardest to land one on either your head or your nose. You laughed and assaulted her with a barrage of (Y/F/C), and soon Lydia joined the candy fight with her powdered sugar Chex-Mix.

When all of the food was scattered across the couches and blankets, everyone breathlessly collapsed in their original seats. The food fight had quickly morphed into a pillow fight, and then Scott had made the final attack by dousing Derek in an entire can of Coca-Cola.

Derek retreated to the bathroom to brood and clean himself up while everyone calmed down and finished watching as Peter sailed the golden ship to London. Isaac turned to you once more, but this time, he was covered in butter grease, salt, and confectionary sugar, "Do you want to try that again, but without the flying snacks?"

You nodded, and the two of you finally kissed. When you broke away, you saw Stiles look at Lydia, "How about we try th-"

Before he could finish, Lydia tackled him in a hug and kissed him like Isaac had done to you. Allison and Scott as well as Liam and Hayden shrugged and kissed as well. Mason winked at Cory, and they joined the kissing trend.

Aiden tried to raise his eyebrows at Derek, who was looking around in surprise at everyone locking lips. Derek, though, glared at Aiden, "Don't even think about it."

And from that day forward, all of the Stydia, Mory, Scallison, and Layden fans rejoiced. Including you, because I mean, you had Isaac Lahey.

Don't forget to like and comment! Sorry again for taking so long to update:) Happy Easter!!

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