Despair (Part 2)

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I'll be introducing one of my personal OC characters in this chapter! Let me know what you think of her!

Your eyes felt heavy as you opened them and gazed into complete darkness. The air was stale, and when you tried to stretch, your limbs were constricted by the tight confines of a small box. There was a loud sound from above you...and that was when you knew.

You were being buried alive.

Your confusion was swiftly replaced with panic as you began to scream and pound your fists against the shallow ceiling of your prison. The rumbling from above halted, and you didn't stop your racket until the lid of the coffin was lifted.

A girl with dark brown hair that fell in loose waves peered down at you. The black hat that she wore casted shadows on her delicate facial features, and her completely black outfit nearly made her blend in with the night. She was propped on her shovel as she let out a mirthless laugh,

"Well, you seemed pretty dead to me when they placed you in the coffin. Why the sudden return?"

Your throat was dry and your voice cracked as you responded, "I think that I WAS dead, but I have no idea how I came back..."

The girl jumped into the hole and held out her hand. You took it and tried to get to your feet, but you didn't have much balance. You lurched to the side as the girl grabbed your waist,

"Hey now, you just resurrected. There's no need to die again because of clumsiness. Now, why don't you tell me your name and how you got here?"

You watched as the girl closed the coffin and sat on top of it. With some difficulty, you joined her,

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and I was bitten by this savage animal. I remember dying in some sort of office. My boyfriend was there, and so were some of my other friends. What's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Clover. What were you bitten by? Where's the bite mark?"

You stared at the girl in bewilderment, "How are you not freaked out by this?"

She rolled her eyes and swatted her hand in your direction, "Trust me, (Y/N). I've had my share of the supernatural. I'm just trying to figure out if you're end goal is to eat my brains or not."

"I don't have any cravings for organs, so I think that you're safe, for now. I was bitten by this lion-hybrid thing. I killed him, too."

Clover held her hand in the air, "Nice! Was it a clean kill?"

You high-fived her, "Right into the heart after he bit me! So, why are you digging graves?"

Clover stood, "I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. After I get you out of this six foot hole in the ground, I say that you should get a new change of clothes and go talk to Deaton. I'm sure he's the only one to accept this development."

"Well, what about my friends? What about my family?"

Clover hopped out of the hole and helped you climb out after her,

"You're a hunter, right? I don't know exactly how you came back, but hunters don't take it lightly when they turn into supernatural creatures.

"Your friends might be a bit frazzled as well. You died a few days ago. Just be happy that your body isn't desiccated."

Your eyes widened, "Are you saying that I may be a supernatural creature now? That can't be true! Why am I here?"

Clover shrugged as she threw her shovel into the air and began to spin it around like a baton,

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now