Up in Smoke

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This goes out to all of my stressed sisters. Oh wait...that's all of us.

(Y/H)= your hobby
(Y/F/B)= your favorite breakfast

P.S: There is smoking in here. I know people think it's gross, and I personally don't like it, but it is for the aesthetic. You can't knock the aesthetic, man.

You were having such a stressful time in school. Midterms were coming up, you needed to prep for (Y/H), and your parents were already drilling you about college. Life just needed to stop for a moment and let you breathe.

To make things worse, you never had the time to see your boyfriend. Isaac had always calmed you down and helped you relax, but without him there, you were a stressed mess.

You tried everything: bath bombs (Stiles was scared of this until you explained that they weren't actual bombs), stress relief lotion, stress relief shampoo, warm neck cushions to soothe all of the knots, and yoga. Ok, the last one kind of worked, but you had to stop when the you figured out why the boys of the pack would coincidentally hold meetings wherever and whenever you were practicing your yoga positions.

Finally, about a week before exams, you had had enough of the stressful burden. At school that day, you had almost cried because of the pressure that you were carrying on your own. You simply couldn't take it anymore. So, Isaac was more than happy to take upon the task of de-stressing you.

On Saturday, you had set your alarm to go off early so that you could frantically try to cram in some study time. So, it was QUITE a surprise to you when you groggily lifted your head from the pillow to check the time. It was 3 hours later than you had originally planned to wake up.

You slapped your hand onto your bedside table and groped around for your phone. A chuckle from your right caused your to freeze,

"Looking for this, love?"

You whirled around in your bed to find Isaac propped up in his elbow with your phone held high in the air. You let out a gasp of surprise, but you quickly let your glee turn into rage,

"ISAAC! I have so much to do! There's physics to review, math to master, vocab words to memorize, chemistry to cry throu-"

He placed a finger to your lips while leaning close to your face. In a soft tone, he whispered,

"Put on some comfy clothes and meet me at my car. Breakfast is downstairs, and I'm going to take you somewhere special."


Soon after, you were eating (Y/F/B) and sitting in the passenger seat of Isaac's sleek silver car. You had no idea where he was taking you, but you dressed in a loose crimson sweater with black leggings and dark brown leather boots. Even though October had just begun, it was still quite chilly.

For a while, your boyfriend drove up a mountain. This truly confused you, since it was definitely out of Beacon Hills territory. Isaac passed a national park, and you gave him a quizzical look,

"What do you possible have in mind here?"

He shrugged as he pulled into the nearly vacant parking lot,

"Nature always seems to help me relax, so I'm going to try it out on you."

"Won't Scott have a hissy fit? You know...his sister...alone...with her boyfriend...in the middle of nowhere..."

This caused him to laugh hysterically,

"I never thought about that! But, let me tell you, that won't happen here. Now, get your mind out of the gutter and let's go enjoy Mother freakin Nature."


After a bit of searching, you found the perfect spot to sit. A flat rock was surrounded by trees, and it was  balancing close to the sloping edge of a mountain. It had a view of a colorful forest and small hills below it, and the horizon stretched for miles. Isaac laid down a blanket, and you both crawled on.

Isaac draped another fluffier blanket on top of you once you were comfortable, and he took out a pack of Marlboro Reds. You gave him a disapproving look,

"You know I don't like those. It kills attraction-"

"But it builds aesthetic", he interrupted, "And plus, I haven't had one in years. I stopped smoking for you."

You rolled your eyes and waved your hand,

"Whatever. If it's one time out of thousands, then I'll let you. I guess we both need to relax sometimes, in our different ways."

After lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag, he sighed in relief. At first, you covered your nose to distract yourself from the smell. Then, even though it sounds terrible, you got used to it.

Isaac's smoke swirled around you to create a hazy halo. With a deep sigh, you laid your head back against a tree that has grown just behind your rock. With the rough bark scraping lightly against your back, you pulled the blanket closer and sat there just...thinking.

All of the tasks that had yet to be done clouded your mind, but being around Isaac numbed the rising anxiety that threatened to shatter your peaceful mood. His calm and cool demeanor seemed to stretch over your own jumbled feelings to create a safety blanket for whatever you were forced to face. He was your rock, and you wouldn't trade him for the world.

As if sensing your waves of emotion, Isaac moved closer. His warm arm lazily dropped around your shoulders as you gave an involuntary shiver in the brisk autumn breeze. The musky, bitter scent of Marlboro was swept away by these very winds.

Isaac took one last puff before grinding the stump into the rock. Then, he casually tossed it over the side of the mountain so that he could turn his attention fully to you,

"Penny for your thoughts?"

You gave him a small smile, and when he started to speak again, you popped a peppermint into his mouth. It took him by surprise, but his expression made you laugh. Isaac's eyes softened to a loving look as he took your hand,

"I adore you. Your clear laugh, your spunky attitude, your ruffled hair...everything. I miss seeing you so carefree. Please take care of yourself, darling, and don't be so worried about things that won't matter later in life."

You blushed a deep scarlet at his sudden confession. With nothing else to say or do, you leaned in and gently placed your lips on his.

There it was. The perfect way to make you forget about your troubles. You pulled away and leaned your forehead on his,

"Thank you for this. It was exactly what I needed. And, I promise that I'll laugh more. But, you know that's a given whenever I'm around you. You're the key to my happiness, Isaac."

Good luck to all of my fellow students out there with midterms coming up. Don't forget to like and comment!!

Also, I don't usually promote my other stories, but it would be a great help if y'all could check out my other book, Extraordinary! I just need a few reviews so I can know if people like it or not. I would REALLY appreciate it!!!

Isaac Lahey imaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora