Evasive Maneuvers

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This brilliant idea is all thanks to @sleeplessaly !!
(B/F/N)- best friend's name
(Y/L/N)- your last name

When people around the town of Beacon Hills heard the name (Y/N) (Y/L/N), they usually paired it with the blue eyed specimen otherwise known as Isaac Lahey. The pair of you were inseparable since childhood.

You were always there for him whenever his dad was being abusive, and you knew that he was always waiting with open arms when you had a problem in your own life.

Throughout the first years of high school, you started noticing differences. He was the same old Isaac that you had always known, but he was maturing very nicely. Whenever you hung out with him, you couldn't help it as your eyes began to take in his defined jawline, the spark in his blue eyes, and the slight prominence of his muscles. However, you knew that he didn't see you as anything else but his best friend.

One day as you were walking into school, you heard whispers and murmurs in the hallways. Once you had made it to your locker, you noticed that other students were glancing your way and then quickly avoiding eye contact when you caught them. Your best friend darted over to you,

"Hey, (Y/N)! How is he? The whole school is talking about it."

Your eyebrows naturally drew together as you stared at (B/F/N) in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

(B/F/N)'s eyes widened as they stared at you in astonishment, "I thought you would be the first one to know! Isaac's dad died last night and no one has heard a thing from him! I even heard that he might be getting arrested! It's a big scandal and all-"

You didn't say a word to (B/F/N) as you scrambled to get your things, slammed your locker shut, and sprinted into the bathroom. Once you had made it into a stall, you hung your bag on a hook and used speed dial to reach Isaac. You knew he always had his phone on him, but it went to voicemail six times before you restrained yourself from throwing your phone against the wall. However, you weren't going to give up yet.

You thanked the stalkers that worked at the Snapchat industry as you pinched the screen to bring out the locations of your Snapchat friends. You immediately found that Isaac was at his house, so you ran out of the school before the bell rang to try to find him. When you failed to contact him through any of his social media, you knew you had to track him down.

It only took you a few minutes to get to his house because you knew its location by memory AND you were going way beyond the speed limits. Desperate times called for desperate measures...except for that one time that you tried to grab fast food before school. That still counted as pretty desperate, right?

Anyways, you stomped up his front walkway and didn't even bother knocking as you threw open the unlocked front door and stormed in. You dramatically kicked down the door to his room, and Isaac looked up in surprise from where he bent over a large suitcase. You crossed your arms and began your rant,

"EXCUSE ME, but if one of my best friends is going through a crisis, I will do anything in my power to help them! How could you leave me in the dark about this? (B/F/N) had to tell me everything, and I...where are you going?"

You finally allowed yourself to notice your surroundings. His room looked as if a hurricane had gone through it, and he was still working on stuffing clothes into his already bulging suitcase. You stared him down as he zipped up the bag, sighed, and finally turned to stand in front of you,

"Listen, (Y/N), I can't explain everything right now. I have a lot going on that you don't need to be involved in, so I suggest you just forget about me, alright? There are plenty of other guys at the high school that would love to take my place as your best guy friend."

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now