Empty (Part 2)

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My inspiration for these last two imagines came from the song Nothing by The Fray.

Isaac's POV

It had been a year since (Y/N) and I split. I stayed at the Argent household until that terrible day arrived, and then I moved to France with Chris. When he moved back to America, I stayed. I didn't even say goodbye to (Y/N), even though it killed me to think about how I had hurt her.

In France, there weren't any girls that could compare to both (Y/N) and Allison. I made a few friends from the new school that I attended, and they even accepted the fact that I was a werewolf. We hung out, went to parties, and just had a good time whenever we were together. Even if it was temporary, I could forget about the deep emotional pain of my split with (Y/N).

My friends were all the same age as me. Archer, Darren, and Teague welcomed me into their squad, and Archer was even a fellow werewolf. Since the legal drinking age in France was 18 years old, we were able to go to the bar whenever we wanted. It happened during a regular Saturday trip.

We were bundled up against the cold January wind as we made our way down the street. We all took turns to surprise the other by shoving someone into the snow. I had just shoved Teague into a deep snow bank when the memory hit me full-force.

(Y/N) and I were running around in front of her house. She dumped a large bucket of snow onto my head as she laughed on top of the roof. I tried to be mad, but I couldn't shake my adoration for her as she got down from the roof and ran inside.

I walked in after her, and I admired the way that she looked. Rosy cheeks, hair slightly wet from the melting snow, eyes alight with amusement as she continued to giggle about her sneak attack...

She was beautiful. I hugged her and never wanted to let go.

The shock of cold was the only thing that brought me back to reality. The guys were laughing as Archer reached out a hand to help me up. We spoke in French, but the translations changed to English in my brain,

"Hey, man, what made you zone out like that? You're supposed to run after you shove them. That way they can't get their revenge, like Teague just did."

I shrugged and pushed my hands into my pockets as we approached the door to the bar. The image of (Y/N) was still stubbornly stuck in my mind, "Eh, it's no big deal. I'm just thinking about my ex back in America. It was my fault that we broke up."

Archer looked at me with sympathy as we walked in and sat down at our usual stools, "Man, what did you do?"

I felt fresh shame flood through me as I took a deep breath, "I guess I cheated on (Y/N). There was another girl that I had my eyes on, and she wanted to dance with me at this party. Her name was Allison. I didn't tell my girl about the party, and she told me to leave the house when I got home. I went to stay at Allison's house, but she died not long after because of...supernatural business."

Archer seemed shocked at my words, so he offered to pay for my beers. He leaned over, "I'm going to get you so drunk. You'll forget about all of those feelings, and you're going to have a good time."

Sure enough, he got me there. I was an emotional drunk, but I was usually happy. That wasn't the case this time. I was depressed and irrational.

I ran out of the building screaming (Y/N)'s name. All of my friends ran after me as I sprinted down the street, and Archer tried to hold me back. I was inconsolable as tears rushed down my cheeks, and I couldn't stop repeating,

"She'll take me back if I go to her! I have to tell her that I still love her! I have to go see her!"

Darren grabbed the back of my shirt and shoved me against a nearby wall, "Isaac, mate, get it together! You can't go see whoever this (Y/N) is! Archer told us that she's in America! You are halfway across the world!"

Isaac Lahey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now