Chapter 2 - FBI!!!!!??

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Dana's pov -

Once I get off the local bus i had to take a short walk from the station to the hospital building. I look at the hospital building ahead of me. I've come here for a week now and it's still gigantic to me.

I walked in front of the doors and they automatic opened by themselves. It's still pretty cool to me. Pakistan stores don't have this. Maybe some do but that's in far away rich cities. I'm Pathan so where I live is kinda far from the big apple cities. The part of Pakistan I live in is closer to Afghanistan. I am half Afghanistan too.

Yes that means I have the typical hazel eyes with lighter skin. My entire family is like this besides my mom, she has bright green eyes and snow like skin. She's gorgeous. My dad on the other hand has hazel eyes with lighter skin. Pathans are most or usually lighter skin. Or for me, the village side. Unless they are men and always doing work in the sun. But ladies are always inside.

I don't mind, anytime I do go out, maybe to meet my grandma or something; there's always men lurking around staring at you like prey. My mom and I do get looks. Even with a face covered they still can see our eyes. My mom is drop dead beautiful, I get my features from her besides the eyes. She looks young too!!! I wish she got a better life though. She had no education but she wanted to be a fashion designer but no one let her get an education.

'Education isn't for a women' they said, her family said, my dad said, his family said. But I secretly helped her make cloth and sneak outside and sell it to other houses.

My thoughts were distracted from a familiar voice, "Dana your late, go put your stuff away  and get your schedule for today's patients you have."

I turn my head to Laura she's the head nurse, she's basically In charge of all the training nurses like me. I didn't waste any time and went to the nurses locker room and put my bag away. I then head out to Laura again.

"Sorry it's hard to find bus—" i tried to explain to this women why I was late but she shook her head, "don't try to find excuses just come with me." She sighed and handed me the clipboard of one of the patients.

I sighed and nodded. I'm not in the mood for her rudeness, I was late so that's on me.

I take a few breaths in and smile forcefully. "Of course Laura!" I said with kindness spreading my words. Laura is a 29 year old women with dark blond hair. She has brown eyes and is tall.

I'm 5'2...don't just don't even think about calling me short. My moms short and so is my dad. Actually my dad only 5'6 and my mom is 5'4 so that's where my genes came from. My brother is 5'7 which isn't bad.

Laura gave me her infamous eye rolls and We started to walk to the a patient that I'm assigned for today. I take a glance down at the clip board and frown, the person arrived just last night with a gunshot wound. It gave other information.

Then Laura stopped by the door he's in. She's always next to me or behind me to see if I'm doing something wrong and if I do I would have to take more training.

"You know what to do." She said whispering and I nod. I slowly knock on the door and a muffled 'come in' spoke out so I opened the door and Laura closed the door behind us.

I walked to the man, his arm wrapped up in white gauzes. I smile at him began to look at him charts again. "Hello, I'm Dana and I'll be your nurse." I said and placed the board down and started to get tray which had everything I had for his shot today. I slowly began to open the wrappers of the shot.

"Oh hi okay, I'm Ryan, i actually had a question." He said with a polite smile and I smile back. "Yes?" I said softly and he began to speak, "when could I leave?" He said looking at me as I open the other shot.

I looked at Laura who was writing down a couple things and looked at me with one eye brow up. I panicked for a few seconds but I checked his chart again and nod. "Well, since you have a gunshot wound you will be released tomorrow afternoon and since it's on your arm that's why they are releasing you a bit earlier." I said softly to him.

I wonder what happens to him cuz in his information it doesn't really say anything that says how he got shot.

He nodded at my respond, "great! Thanks" he said smiling  and I smile back. Then I started to rub the wet alcohol wipes on his arm for the shot.

After awhile and a few other patients I was finally on my break.

"You did okay.." Laura said while writing stuff down on her aboard and started to walk again. Just okay? I really thought I did great...but it's okay I would just try harder the next time.

"But—" I tried to talk but this Laura she never lets anyone talk. She put her pointer finger on her lip. "Shhh Dana" she said and rolled her eyes. "I'm so sorry madam, I didn't mean to talk back." I said smiling and acting kind. She looked taken back.

"Why are you being so nice" she said crossing her arms and I smile at her. "You know what they say, kill 'em with kindness" I said softly with a genuine kind voice. She just looked at me blankly and walked away the other way.

Man..she's the only one that talks to me..I just want a friend but she's so mean to me. But

I began to walk down the hallways, I take my phone out and see a text from Bilal...
Why is he texting me. I opened the text and was going to read it but my head jumped into something very hard.

I winced in pain and rubbed my forehead. I looked up at the thing I bumped into and my gaze met cold grey eyes. He's tall. I never seen someone so tall. He was well build too. It's obvious he lives in the gym. He was muscular, very muscular. With many tattoos. He was wearing a uniform. I see on a badge. Written—

OH! He's a FBI!! Oh wow!! That's pretty cool. I've never actually seen one in real life. "Watch it.." his cold voice came to me like rocks. His voice was very deep with coldness filled in it.

"Oh!!! I'm soo sorry I didn't really see you" I said laughing nervously at him and he just stares coldly at me. My eyes caught his uniform again and I couldn't help myself—  "Ooo you're a fbi." I said while accidentally touching his badge. He moved away from me and glared at me.

"Fucking move!"


Tighten your seatbelt cuz it's about to get interesting

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