Chapter 20 - Forgot My Meds

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Rafael's pov -

What the fuck do I do?

"Dana." I said with my usual tone and I can feel her move. "Dana wake up." I said once again and see her eyes slowly flutter open.

She blinked a few times and then looked around. She looked up at me and I stared down at her. Fuck.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles with a soft sleepy voice and gets up. I nodded and looked away. My body is still in shock.

I'm acting fucking ridiculous right now. I looked out the window. I wait for her to get out. She whispered a buy and slowly left my car.

I turned my head immediately and watched her slowly walk towards her apartment door. I stood there till she's inside and that door closes shut.

After a few seconds I see her shut the door so I started to head out. I hate this fucking area. We're closing it down in a month or two but the owner is being fucking stubborn and won't allow us.

I head towards the gym to get my head away from everything.


Dana's pov -

"Please Bilal!" I said with a shaky tone, I have the urge to burst into tears any second. Bilal shook his head and walked past me to go to his room.

"Bilal I'm begging you. Please please please! You can't do this!!!" I scream with a shaky tone as tears slowly start to slip out.

He stared at me in anger as he turned around. "Enough Dana! I told you I won't allow you to talk to her again. So what? She's sick, not dying." He said harshly but didn't raise his voice like usual.

"I cried softly and groaned. "Shut up. Don't test me." He said pointing his finger at me and I softly cry.

"I want m-mama." I said crying and he shook his head. "Too bad." He said and went to his room.

I hugged my knees and rested my head on my knees while I cried. I overheard Bilal talk to papa and it was on speaker so I heard everything.

Papa said mama was sick and couldn't even get out of bed so he's getting a doctor.

It's all papas fault. He's forcing her to eat nothing but weird substances like zinc or small pieces of crushed iron!! He's a lunatic!

He thinks it would, "fix her" he's wrong! He's giving her so much medicines my mom shakes whenever I see her.

He's a cruel husband. I don't want a husband if they all are like that.

And now Bilal banned me from talking to mama.

I soon felt my eyes start to close.


It's been rough since yesterday. I know my eyes would be baggy so I applied a bit of concealer on.

I closed the door behind me and still see yellow tape everywhere with a couple of police officers still here and there.

I didn't even want to look at the still dry blood from that night. Sooner or later they will find out, that I witnessed it her the blood and that...

The killer possibly saw me.

I look ahead and see another one of greys car. He doesn't need to show off all his cars. We get it, you're rich.

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