Chapter 29 - Get You To The Moon

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Dana's pov -

I didn't feel like letting go any time soon. I know I shouldn't even be saying this but, this is the best hug I've ever gotten.

I clung myself on him like I forgot my rules. My sanity.  I didn't feel like crying. Especially around never. I know he's never seen me cry and I hope it stays like that.

Every-time he looks at me longer than 2 seconds I feel the need to look away, so I'm guessing he didn't see my puffy eyes. Plus, it's dark outside and the lighting inside was very dim and bad.

I'm glad though, Allah saved me.

I was pulled out of the hug and immediately realized I was hugging for a bit too long. He must feel uncomfortable.

Why didn't I pull away first? Why did I even hug him...

"I'm sorry." I said softly and he stared at me as I looked down rubbing my sore wrist.

There was a huge silence for some long seconds but then I heard his cold deep voice spoke. "Alright...get in the car." He said. This words send shivers down my spine.

He really is bad at sharing feelings. Or talking in general. I'm surprised he's talked to me a lot— more than usual.

I looked down at my hands as the sore spot was aching on my wrists. Am I that sensitive gosh...but that didn't bother me today.

Today was different news. Bilal is acting different. He's never home and he's always on the phone with someone. He would say something about. 'I want her gone' but it makes no sense to me.

I know he's talking to my dad. And he talks about how I don't know betas going on but I really want to know.

I take deep breaths and closed my eyes for only a couple seconds. I take a glance around the hospital hallways and approach near the familiar door.

I smile softly and entered the door after knocking. I closed the door behind me and looked up smiling at Bella but mommy smile slightly dropped as I watched her state.

Her luscious long beautiful hair is now only filled with lots of bald spots. Her once healthy skin looks pale and sick. Her once strong bright eyes now held a sign of tiredness.

Her grandma herself has been transferred to the hospital, she fell sick. Mostly because of old age. Bella only has a grandma left in her entire family. I did my best to held a wide smile.

I watched as her body looked very unhealthy skinny, her cute chipmunk chubby cheeks were not there anymore. Her face was skinner.

I approached her body which is filled with wires and medical constructions. I take a huge deep breath in and watched as her face lightened once she saw me.

"Dana!!!" She squealed and looked excited, more than ever. I smiled dearly at her and sat down on the chair next to her bed. I held her hand which had some wires attached so I tried to be careful.

"Hi are you feeling." I said in a very quiet soft whisper to her and she smiled. "I'm okay! Are you staying longer this time??" She said with excitement and I smiled my best at her.

"Sure my love, can you tell me why you didn't want your roommate anymore? You'll be lonely." I said while tenderly stroking her hand.

She looked down at her lap as her smiled dropped. "She s-said...s-she's scared of me" she spoke with a very broken voice almost as if she's going to cry.

My heart ached at the words that left her precious lips. "Oh god...why did she say that?" I said with a sore spot forming on my heart as I watched her tear up.

"She said b-because I-I have cancer." She said as a soft cry left her mouth making me look at her with tears forming too.

"Oh love." I said and got up and sat on the bed. I pulled her in my embrace, I was careful not to trigger her wires. I pulled her in for a warming hug and she cried softly in my arms.

"Love, your cancer doesn't spread like that.
The child must of misunderstood. I'm sorry my love. You're a very strong girl." I said calmly and held her.

Her head dropped to my lap and laid there sniffing away. I take a few deep breaths in and out before looking at her again.

"A-are you scared of me too?" She said with a shaky voice breaking my heart in half. I lightly rubbed her weak hair and shook my head.

"Never. You're my precious girl right?" I said trying to lighten the mood and she let out a little giggle making me smile again.

"Thanks!...Dana...?" She said as her giggles quiet down and so did mine. "Yes love." I said in my light hearted tone.

She got up and turned to me. "Is nana sick?" She said with a worry child and I didn't know what to say.

"Your nana...has a tiny cold but will be better inshallah my love." I said softly and laid her head on my chest again.

She suddenly sat on my lap surprising me but I held her too. "Can I come to your house when I get better?" She said innocently making my heart go weak.

"My house isn't the right place my love.." I chuckled trying not darken the mood for her. I don't want anyone to yell at her if she ever came home with me. A big example who I'm talking about is; Bilal. They will kill me.

"Oh.." she said sounded sad and I wanted to hit myself for that. "But we can go somewhere far away and get a new house, we can live together." I chuckled and softly rubbed her cheek.

She giggled and nodded. "Can I have a baby bunny! Pease!" She said giving me her puppy eyes as if I'd ever say no to her.

"I'll give you the whole world if you asked me to also." I said honestly with a unfamiliar strong mother aurora.

"Yay! But I want two bunny's so the other one doesn't feel lonely." She said smiling and laid down on my chest looking lost in her thoughts again.

It breaks my heart to see her feeling lonely. "My love, I'm here for you." I said softly and she smiled brightly at me and closed her eyes. I pulled the blanket on us and laid myself on the pillow too. Waiting for her to fall asleep.

I waited patiently outside the building for Grey to pick me up. It's night already and I need to get home.

I see a family police car park by me and I walk towards it. The windows were black so you can't see who it is.

I shrugged and open the door anyways. I see Grey on his phone. I sat down and closed the door besides me.

He didn't drive away yet.

"Hi grey, I'd like to go home tonight. I'm kinda tired." I said playfully and he put his phone down finally.

"Let's talk Miss. Noori." He said in a very very deep serous voice. Oh no.

That's my man 🥹🫶 


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