Chapter 46 - Slay Day

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Dana's pov -

I feel all giddy. I've never felt this giddy— that's a huge lie. I was all giddy when he kiss me!! He kissed me- I can't believe he kissed me.

I can't believe he did tho. I still feel like I'm dreaming. This can't be real.

"58.99" the cashier lady said while placed the bags full of Bella's cloth. I looked at the in slight shock.

Oh god we spread a lot.

I take my purse out to find some cash or something at least. No I'll just return some of the things—

"Thank you, here's the receipt. Have a nice day." I immediately lifted my head up to see her handing Grey the receipt. I looked at him feeling awful that he payed.

"You didn't have to grey." I looked at him with a unpleased look. He really didn't have to spend that much for something I should of payed for.

He picked up the bags and we started to walk to the exit. He's clearly not going to answer me.

I owe him a ton of money.

Once the automatic door slid open we walked out. A gosh of cold wind hit my face. Why does it have to be so cold here.

I hate it.

But it's the only time I can actually dress up without getting funny looks and comments. But most of all I am uncomfortable in the heat with 4 layers on.

He walked to the trunk of the car and placed the stuff down. He gets his keys out to click a button to unlock the truck. I watched his every move.

It was kinda pleasing.

Once he placed everything in, he closed the trunk and walked towards me. "Can I drive." I said with a smile placed along my lips.

I watched as his one eyebrow lifted and he looked at me in disbelief. He doesn't think I can drive huh..? Well guess what Mr. grey, I can....not..

I can't lie about that. I would just keep speeding and speeding until I hit something.

"Yeah..nah..I'll pass." Even his expression told me he didn't trust me in that drivers seat.

He walked to the drivers door and turned to me. He signaled me to get in the car.


I walked to the other side. I get in and took my shoes off immediately. I lifted my feet up on the seat. I fit perfectly. Luckily Im short.

"Okay the next destination is—" I paused as my phone buzzed, someone messaged me. Or emailed.

I take my phone out and looked at the one nonfiction I have.

'Please pick up your GNT results tomorrow whenever you get a chance.'

Oh god, it gave me flashbacks to when I took that pressuring test. It was horrible. It was hard! I studied all night, but it felt like what I studied was completely useless since none of the questions helped on the test.


I'm talking about studying. I'm not talking about me. I'm perfect, as always.

I'm a gorgeous perfect— slay


If I fail, then I'm going to—

Well, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to say such violent things.

I put my phone away. "I get my test results back tomorrow. I better be seeing a pass." I said clenching my fists tightly from the stress. Just thinking of it makes me feel panicked.

Tests suck.

I want to have a word with whoever invented it. Just a small chat. It may or not become violent.

I need boba.

"Anyways, tomorrow morning we are going to the hospital to pick up someone..." my tone for some reason started to drift off to a low upsetting one

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back in the seat. It feels horrible, she has cancer and I can't do much.

What I hate to remind myself is that she has.

Cancer stage 4. We have found out Recently when it started to violently spread through her helpless body rapidly.

It's a cruel thing.

She doesn't even have a family. I'm just glad she considers me as her mama. It makes me want to cry from joy.

"Hm, a kid?" His voice drove me back to reality. I opened my eyes and looked at him as he was focused on driving.

"Yeah..I'll surprise you tomorrow." I said with a huge smile on my face.

Mixed emotions currently.


I watched as we get near my apartment. Do I really want to be alone after that note? Yeah no thanks.

Why not make the little stalker jealous. A cute climax.

I really should start taking this seriously but I can't. It doesn't wrap about my brain like that.

"Are you free?" I said casually to him. I prayed he would be free.

He gets his phone out and checked something then puts it down. "Yeh.." why does he say yes in such a gangsta way.


"Okay park the car and let's go." I said and collected my things, such as my shoes..

His car entered the apartment complex and parted in-front.

"Good boy." I teased with a mocking high pitch voice.


He turned to me with scrunched  eyebrows, then his lips lifted and a chuckle left his lips. "Get out crazy." He said and gets out.

I stayed in the car with my jaw hung low.

He chuckled!


"OH MY BOBA." I yell in the car since he's already outside so he can't hear me. I kicked my feet rapidly like a crazy person.

"Ya allah!! He IS human!! Thank you!!" I said cupped my hands together for dua.

First, he kissed the corner of my lips, then he takes me shopping for Bella and paid for the children cloths! Then he chuckled??

This is a dream for sure.

Don't wake me up.


He opened the passenger door and looked at me confused. I finally decided to get out of the car.

"You smiled! You chuckled! Do it again." I said and get closer to him with my hands on his chest.

He looked away trying to push away what I said. "Let's go inside Dana." He said with a small corner smile. My feet were bare since I took my shoes off before didn't put them on.

His arms were wrapped around my waist firmly trying to look away and not look at me while I tease him.

I swear today's a amazing day.


Next chapter 😏

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