Chapter 56 - His Place!

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Dana's pov -

I can't believe I'm face to face with him! He's the reason why I'm currently stress. He's the reason why I'm involved in the case and the police don't even know about it. I could get arrested for that.

This has to be a nightmare. Why didn't Bilal be friends with someone besides this jerk. I don't curse but if it's this man I will curse and i know that's not good but it just— ugh I can't explain this terrible feeling I have for this man.

He knows who the killer is. I know it's his boss. But who's his boss??

I turned around to my dear brother that brought this disaster on me. Bilal grinned at the terrible man in front of us and gestured him to make himself comfortable.

I unknowingly clenched my fists rock hard at this action. He shouldn't be around a terrible man like him. But I know going against Bilal will lead me to more trouble and only more damage. I gotta be subtle and smart about this.

I stood there slightly frozen at this moment. I am doomed man. I can't even feel safe at my own home anymore. How dare Bilal bring some random terrible man here while I'm here. Brain cells went out the window.

"Why are you standing there like a idiot! Go get him some food." Bilal scolded and sat down next to his, 'bestie'

They make a cute couple.

I did my best to not burst out to them so I made my way to the kitchen i will change my outfit after this ridiculous moment. I didn't know what to cook him because he's not Asian or pathan. I looked through the empty looking fridge and pulled out a can of tomato sauce.


They like pasta.

I get some meatballs out but decided not to be that nice about the meal because at the end of the day he knows who the killer is and he's sitting in this apartment— at my apartment while I should of called the police reporting him.

I'm terrible, I'm worse than him and Bilal combined. What's his name anyways?

I take a deep breath and began cooking. Km not gonna lie, I was exhausted already from today and this— it's just too much for one night. But I can't say no.

Once the pasta was done I put it in two plates and on a tray. I hate serving someone sick as him. I clench my jaw tightly, I'm hating myself for doing this.

Bella's grandmother was killed— Bella's only family! And that man in my tiny living room knows who did it and works for him. I feel sick. I am absolutely not okay for this. But I'm strong and nothing will bring me down.

Not to sound cheesy but I will get through anything. And I will.

I put the plates down on the coffee table and met eye to eye with the sick looking eyes. He took of his mask revealing a crooked nose and a small lips with a cut on them. He was very very pale. His hair was blonde.

I've described him many times to myself every time I see him. He's never changed one bit— besides the fact that he gets bruises and cuts every time I see him or the way his eyes look high every time.

I glared at him with unpleased expressions. I watched as Bilal is talking to him and eating his pasta.

"What's her name?" This man knows my name and he knew my number. His boss is most likely my stalker.

I shouldn't be so settle about this and should report this but a part of me still thinks the notes send to my house was a prank from some young kids. I would also be in big big trouble by everyone especially Bilal. He would send me back to our parents in matters of seconds.

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