Chapter 21 - Vomit

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Rafael's pov -

I looked at her as she walked slightly behind me with her head looking down at the hospital tiles as we get out.

Is she upset? No she was fine literally a fucking minute ago.

I was fucking surprise when she yelled. But immediately she cooled down and said she purposely yelled to get me to listen to her or some shit. It was like one second she was okay and the next she was super...hyper?

One thing for sure, this women can fucking yell.

I get towards my car and went to the drivers seat. I see her get in and I opened my door and got in too.

I put on my seatbelt and I heard hers click too. I don't know why I said yes. I was too busy staring at her fucking face then listening to any words she was saying.

Her soft plump lips were moving but I couldn't hear anything until this women fucking screamed.

Fucking crazy

I have to control myself. Lately I have lost track at work and fucking can't get her out of my head.

I know how I feel about her but Im never going to discuss it, either myself or anyone else.

I see a cafe near by that most likely has donuts. I parked near it and looked at her.

"I'm tired you go." She said and put her tiny fucking feet up on the seat and hugged her knees laying her head on her knees.

"What flavor." I said getting my phone. "Umm chocolate, and get me a vanilla iced latte with whip cream and chocolate sauce." She said in one breath and looked at me.

I stared at her perfectly plump lips. Fuck not again.

I looked away and nodded. I didn't even know what she said hopefully she said a donut. Fuck.

I get inside the shop and the smell of coffee entered my nose. I walked to the counter and a blonde lady stood there smiling at me.

I didn't care and looked down at the menu on the counter. "Uh 2 boxes of chocolate donuts. Uh, uh, uh, and uh a uh um a drink" I said unsure of what a fucking girl like her would want.

"Alright what drink?" She said Typing on the computer. I looked down at the menu and curse for not listening to her.

"Fuck." I said and get my phone out to call her.

"Is it for your girlfriend? She might like the vanilla iced latte. That's popular here" the women said.

"Alright" I said plainly and get my black card out and paid. 'Girlfriend'



Dana's pov -

I gulped as I looked down at my hands. They were trembling crazy. Oh no, it started.

I whimpered and distracted myself by pinching myself. Maybe I would stop shaking.

I can hear echos of Laura and Ella laughing from before. I know Grey didn't notice anything...yet but the rest surely did.

He looked zoned out until I screamed before.

I jumped slightly when the door suddenly opened. I looked at grey as he held two boxes of donuts and my drink.

I squeal and immediately grabbed the drink. I stuck the straw in and put my mouth on the straw as the flavors filled in my mouth.

No whip cream or the chocolate syrup but that's okay.

I looked at grey as he passed the two boxes at me and I placed it on my lap.

"I'm sooo excited!!!!" I said with a giggle and jump on my seat. I know I look childish and hyper but—- DONUTS LIKE COME ON!

I get one of the donuts and stared at it for a second. I know if I eat this, the sugar will give me a sugar rush, and I'm not on my meds. I'm surprisingly chill so far.

The day has been going chill and normal. I haven't shook a lot in front of anyone nor stuttered badly. Usually my stuttering would be so bad I just stop talking cuz Bilal gets pissed off. Man has issues.

I'm proud of myself for keeping it normal so far. I'm sure he hasn't noticed anything out of the ordinary. I'm just a little scared after a little while.

I physically can't stop talking then. Oh god I hope I don't get a seizure if the sugar rush gets me too hard. So I do the stupid thing I know that will make my heart unhealthy beat faster. I take a huge bite of the donuts.

I know if I eat this now I won't be able to stop. I would most likely throw up from eating too much. You only live once.

And after my 6th donut I reached my hand out to grey so he can take a bite too.

He stared at my hand and the donut. Then he looked away and shook his head. "I don't like sweets." He said coldly and I shrugged.

"I feel bad for you then. You're missing out." I said and continue eating the donut. Slowly I can feel my taste buds go plain. That's normal for me. It's part of the 'I didn't take my meds after years'

It's a reaction, a bad one. Telling me to stop but you only live once sooo....

I have a death wish.

I reached for another donut and see the two boxes empty. Oh damn. I sighed and held the empty boxes. I wiped my hands and my mouth with a tissue. I looked at grey and see him driving still.

Hmm where we going?

I shrugged and looked out the window. Suddenly my heart started beating rapidly against my chest, my legs were shaking badly and I held them so they stop but they shook more rapidly.

It looked like the flash. Haha I'm the flash. Immediately I stopped giggling to myself as I see my hands shaking and I felt super cold.

It's hard to breath.

I have to throw up.

I looked at grey whos focused on driving.
I feel my eyes tear up as I looked at him. I feel sick.

Yes I cry whenever this happens. So what?

"G-g-grey.." I said breathily trying not to burst into sobs.

He looked immediately at me and looked down and then up at me. "Dana?" He said confused and his tone mixed with— wait maybe concern???

I don't know cuz I've never heard him sound concern before.

"I-I—s-stop t-th-the car." I said as my lips shook slightly. I feel it coming up. Curse me for eating all those donuts and the drink. He immediately skirt the car towards the side and looked at me very....

Worried?? Confused? Mad?? I'm not sure. I fell like throwing up so I can care less.

I unbuckle the seat belt with my shaky hands and open the door fell to the cement floor while throwing up. I let it all out.

I feel so sick. This is going to hurt.

I pulled myself up a little so I don't get dirty as I throw up. Even though my knees felt so weak. I wasn't going to fall right back down,

But Suddenly I felt a very big rough hand around my waist tightly and another hand on the ends of my scarf holding it so the fabric doesn't get dirty. Oh my Allah.



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