Chapter 31: Cig

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Me, Elena, Enzo and Savannah all arrive at a party Michael is hosting.

"Yooo you came." Michael slurs stumbling towards us, alcohol in hand.

"Thanks for inviting us." I yell over the music and grip Elena's waist tighter.

"Have fun, Captain. Iiii love youuuu." He places a kiss to my cheek making my eyes widen.

He turns around and takes two steps before turning back around.

"That was me suck-sucking up to be goalie, by the wayyy."

"Try harder." I smirk.

"I can suck your dic-"

"Nope, okay that's enough." I cut in on him.

"I'm going to the toilet." Elena says and i nod letting get of her as Savannah and her go together.

I know everyone who's here so i'm not worried that anything will happen to her.

"You two are festy as." Enzo says.

"Who? Me and Elena?"


"One day when your in love, i'll be thinking the same."

He lets out a scoff, "I don't think i'll be like you two. All over each-other. Ew."

"Your weird." I shake my head.

"I learnt it from you."

"Shut up."


I look around for my Elena. I can't find her anywhere and i'm getting really worried. She's been gone fifteen minutes and Savannah just appeared with me and Enzo saying she went outside.

I step outside and my body freezes as i see her smoking a cigarette.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" I growl going towards her.


"Take that out your fucking mouth right fucking now, Elena."

"It's just one at a party, i'll be fine."


"What?" She giggles.

I grab the cancer stick out her mouth putting it on the ground and stamping it out.

"What's wrong? Why are you acting like this?" She asks.

"Vaffanculo." I sneer going back outside and finding Enzo.

"I'm going home. You'll take Elena?"

"Yeah sure, everything okay?"

"She smoked a cigarette."

His eyes harden in anger before softening, understand why i'm so angry.

"I'll bring her home." He says.

"Thank you." I mutter leaving the sweat fest and getting into my car.

Tears roll down my cheeks as i drive home all types of memories flooding my mind.

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