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Due to consistent issues I've made a short list of rules before you start reading:

1. There are going to be typos. Either ignore them or stop reading. I don't make errors on purpose, obviously. So pointing them out (in rude ways) isn't necessary.

2. Please don't tell me how to write my story. It is MY story and I will write it how I see fit :)

3. Yes the boys from 1D are characters, but if I change something about them don't comment telling me I need to correct it. This is a FICTIONAL story. None of the characters involved reflect the boys or any other celeb in real life. They are used for visual and name purposes only. We all know the difference between real life and fiction. If you're one of the people who can't seem to decipher the two, this may not be the best story for you...(Please see rule two if you still aren't picking up what I'm putting down)

4. If you're going to comment hate every other chapter and I notice. I will just block you and delete your comments. You will be able to continue reading, but no longer be able to comment. If you ever get tired of the story just remove it from your library. I give you permission to take the easy way out. Don't comment "this story is stupid" or "I'm over this book". Just be done with it and move on. It keeps you from looking like an ass and it's honestly just the mature thing to do. Constructive criticism is one thing. Bullying is another. Know the difference if you're going to read my work.

(Updated Rule as of 8/12/2015) ⬇️

5. This is your only mature content warning. There is sex. There is violence. There is sexual violence. If that's not your thing I advise finding another story. There are potential triggering parts of this story. I want you to know what you're getting into. I've not had any issues so far but I want to be open before you start reading.

7. All I want is for everyone that reads Breathing to enjoy it. I write this story for fun. It's not a career and you didn't pay for it. So if you don't like it, I am completely ok with it, honestly :) But before you comment hurtful things, think about how you would feel if you put time and effort into something and people ripped it apart with hateful comments. I'm not a bitch. I just have no patients for rude people or bullying. It's not necessary and no matter what you say I'm going to continue writing and my real supporters will hopefully continue reading :)

Now I present to you:



I watched the rain beat down on the ground through the coffee shop window. So much was on my mind. I didn't know where to go from here. A few months ago I was happy... I had a plan.

I looked down at my dress, hoping it wasn't too much. In a few short months it wouldn't fit anymore. How was I going to tell Him? He had his own plans and with recent events I wasn't sure if I was a part of them anymore.

We were both almost done with school. I knew how bad he wanted to go home... back to London. He wanted nothing more than to be with his family. My plan was to move to California. Film was my life and as much as I loved New York, it wasn't home anymore.

A lot had changed in the last year, and I was starting to feel like a lot would be changing in the near future, my body being one of those things. Deep in thought, I didn't even realize I had chewed the nails on my right hand down to the skin, a nasty habit I have when I'm nervous but I'm sure I'll never break.

I took a sip of my tea, feeling it's warmth slide down my hoarse throat, soothed the nerves temporarily. The previous night had been spent crying my eyes out over the unplanned news I'd received earlier in the day.

How could we have been so irresponsible? It would be one thing if we were in high school blinded by our first love and ignorant to the idea that unprotected sex could lead to this...but we were 21 and 22. No excuse, just plain stupidity.

I heard the door jingle and heavy boots padding across the floor. They stopped to my left. A black backpack was tossed two stools down and a warm presence took its place next to me.

"You sounded weird on the phone" He huffed as he grabbed the menu in front of him.

"Yea..I um..I guess I'm just nervous" I stated not making any eye contact.

I could feel his eyes on me staring. I knew his eyebrows were furrowed and confusion would be taking the place of his usual smug grin.

"What can I get for you to start?" The annoyingly chipper waitress asked before anything else could be said.

I could tell he didn't even look at her when he quickly replied.

"Just a water for now"

"One water, I'll be right back with that" she chirped and padded off towards the kitchen.

"Char..What's going on? You are starting to worry me, Love"

I could feel the warm tears building behind my eyes, but I needed to tell him before they broke free of the weak barrier.

"Char look at me. What's wrong?" I could hear the worry in his voice.

God just say it Charlie. You're pregnant.

I'm pregnant...

"I um...I went to the doctor...yesterday. You know, for um that stomach thing..that I've uh been dealing with..." I trailed off still trying to force the words out of my mouth, but having no such luck.

"Yea what'd he say? Is everything ok?" He sounded a little more relaxed, but that wouldn't last long.

"Um..Harry I'm..-" I was cut off as the annoying waitress pranced back up setting the water down in front of him.

"Can I get you two anything else?"

I glanced up as Harry rolled his eyes and dismissed her with a shake of his head. Her smile faded and she stomped off. Not the attitude she had been expecting from the green eyed boy next to me.

"Ok go on Char what'd he say?" He picked up the water. Unfortunately for me that was the moment my mouth caught up to my mind.

"I'm Pregnant" I blurted out.

I never knew silence could be so loud until I heard the sound of his glass crashing to the floor.


Authors note: This is my first story. I don't really know what I'm doing, but I hope anyone who reads it likes it :)


If you would like to translate Breathing, I am fine with that. Please just give me credit. Thank you.

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