Chapter 1

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"One more box!!" My roommate sang as she rushed passed me and up the stairs to our new apartment.

"Finally!" We had been moving all day, in the rain. I was exhausted and ready for a long shower, then spending the evening and the next few days unpacking before classes started.

I glanced out of the small window on the door to our apartment building. It was still coming down pretty hard. Great. I ran out and climbed into the back of the Uhaul. When she said one box, she neglected to mention it was the box holding our 52 inch Flat screen.

I cursed her under my breath as I slid the massive television to the edge of the truck. I stood there trying to plan out my weak attempt to get the TV from the truck to the building, without it floating away in this Noah's ark style storm.

"Need some help love" the deep voice pulled me out of my thoughts. My eyes shot up from the box and caught the eyes of a dark haired guy standing on the ground below me. His smirk was a little unsettling, but also captivating.

Did I hear a British accent?

His eyes seemed to glide from my face down to my chest, before his tongue ran over his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes crossing my arms.

"Actually my sports bra is doing a good job of holding my chest up. I don't think I'll need any assistance" The sass in my voice encouraged his smirk to spread.

He shook his head loosening a few deep brown curls from the beanie he was wearing. A small laugh escaped his lips before he shot back.

"I meant with the TV"

"Sorry it was hard to tell by the way you were gawking" Sarcasm overflowing my tone.

"Smart ass" he laughed

"Excuse me?" My annoyance with him was rising rapidly.

"What's your name" he questioned still eyeing me.

"Help me get this TV to the second floor and I'll tell you" I promised him, rolling my eyes as I turned back to the huge box.

"Ok let me put my stuff down and grab my roommate. Then we will get this upstairs for you" he winked before walking into the same building I was a new resident.

Great he lived here too.

A few minutes later the two boys were climbing into the truck. The dark haired guy towered over me. It had been hard to judge his height while he was on the ground. The blonde that joined us was a few inches shorter than him, but still much taller than my 5"5 frame.

"Hey I'm Niall" he smiled, reaching a hand out. I shook it and returned the gesture. He was Irish no doubt.

"Brittney" I lied, I wasn't going to give them my real name..not yet anyways.

"Brittney?" The dark hair guy questioned. A smug grin playing on his lips.

"Yea. Brittney..Why?" I questioned back.

"You just don't look like a Brittney" he shrugged and laughed it off.

"And what exactly does a Brittney look like?" I raised my brow.

"Blonde..big boobs" he held his hands out in front of him to emphasize his statement. "A little ditzy. Kinda like Niall" he pointed to his friend.

"Fuck you Styles! Help me lift this!"

I tried not to giggle as they hit each other back and forth. They lifted the TV and I jumped to the ground. The rain had started to die down, but that didn't keep the two boys from getting soaked on the way to the door.

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