Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I can't believe I let Harry talk me into being a cheerleader as his victim. The old black and red uniform I wore of Lo's was skin tight on my curves. I had a couple friends from the costume make up department fix my neck up so it looked like I had been bitten. Harry wore a black v-neck and his usual black skinny jeans with black boots. He let them put a little make up on to make his tan skin appear pale but he wouldn't allow much. After popping in his fangs and utilizing quite a bit of fake blood, his costume was complete.

"You look nothing like Edward" I crossed my arms.

"And you look nothing like Bella thank god. Kristen whatever her name is, is not in the least bit as attractive as you" he pulled me against his chest. "This fucking skirt is going to keep us from going anywhere" his lips brushed mine.

"You look like a zombie" I poked at his face.

"Well it's definitely not your brains that I want to eat" he smirked.

"A perverted zombie at that" I laughed.

"I'm here to suck your blood" he put on a terrible Dracula voice before gently bitting my neck with his fangs.

"Ahh someone help me!" I wailed.

"Don't worry the green ranger is here to save you" Niall karate chopped Harry's arm.

Harry looked at him like he was stupid.

"Get away from me" Harry shook his head.

"You were suppose to go along. Don't sign this one up for role playing" Niall teased.

"Depends on the role play" Harry ran his tongue over his bottom lip and winked at me.

"Dirty one you are" I laughed.

"This mask is fucking hot" Niall pulled the fabric over his head. His blonde hair sticking up and messy.

"Where's Lo?" Harry asked.

"Finishing I hope. I'll go check" he released his hold on me and I made my way to her room.

"Are you ready Lo?" I opened the door as she was slipping on her black heels.

"Yep what do you think?" She twirled. She was dressed like Christina Aguilera in Burlesque. The Express scene to be exact.The tight curls and heavy make up being the perfect touch to complete her look.

"Ow ow you look amazing if I do say so myself" I laughed.

"Why thank you. Is my ass showing to much?" She smirked.

"If you mean is it very visible then yes" I smiled.

"Perfect! Is Niall out there?" She scrunched her curls.

"Yep in all his green power ranger glory" I laughed.

"Good lets go" she grabbed my arm pulling me out of the room.

As we rounded the corner..

"Damn!" I looked up at the source of the outburst. Harrys mouth hung slightly open as his eyes rested on Lo. I crossed my arms clearing my throat and glaring at him.

"Um ...sorry I ...uh...I'm going to get a drink" he walked into the kitchen.

Niall hadn't moved since she walked in the room his eyes locked on her outfit.

"Liam here yet?" I cringed at the thought of Lo and Liam.

Niall's blank stare turned to a glare at her question.

"No" I dryly responded.

I walked to the kitchen Harry was bringing a beer to his lips.

"Better?" I raised a brow.

"Sorry but did you see what she was wearing" he gestured to the living room where Lo and Niall were probably starting world war 3.

"Yes." My answer clipped.

"Love don't be mad it just caught me off guard is all" he grinned walking over to me. "I only want you and this cheerleader costume in my bed" his hand slipped up the back of my skirt giving my butt a gentle squeeze.

"Charming. Stop I'm still mad at you" I tried fighting a smile.

"I'm sorry please forgive me" he nipped at my neck. Making me giggle.

"Fine one pass." I smiled.

"Won't happen again I swear" he kissed my lips. "But seriously this costume is going to be the death of me" his eyes ran over my chest.

He pulled me against him connecting our lips. A knock on the door caused us to break the kiss too soon. Lo walked past the kitchen letting whoever was at the door in. Harry grabbed my hand and we walked to the door with Niall following behind.

"You look absolutely beautiful" I heard Liam's voice from the hall.

"Thank you" she chimed. "Ready?" She turned back to us.

We all nodded. Liam was wearing a cop costume. How ironic.

"Thank god you didn't go with the police officer costume" I whispered to Harry.

"We would of looked like the village people" he whispered back. I covered my mouth to keep from laughing to loud.

We were set to meet everyone else at a near by bar. We decided to walk to avoid arguing over who would be the designated driver.

"How are your feet?" I teased Lo who I'm sure was regretting the heels.

"Killing me" she sighed.

I laughed holding tighter to Harry's arm. It was pretty chilly out and I didn't wear a jacket.

"I could carry you" Liam offered.

Niall rolled his eyes.

"No it's ok we are almost there" she smiled looking back at Niall. He pulled his mask up so it rested above his forehead. His eyes locked on hers.

When we arrived at the bar it was packed with people in cheesy costumes like us.

"Ed has a section in the back" Harry informed our group.

We made our way through the crowed. An area roped off that had a large group of party goers is where we stopped. Harry gave them our names and we were let in.

"Charlie!" Ed hugged me immediately. I smiled hugging him back. "I can't believe you're still with this guy" He teased.

"She can't resist me" Harry interrupted.

"Shut up" I hit his arm.

He laughed his arms sliding around my waste.

"What are you a zombie?" Ed laughed.

"I'm a vampire!" Harry yelled.

"I told you! You look like a zombie Harold" he put his lips right next to my ear.

"Don't make me take you in the bathroom for my midnight snack" I turned my head towards him. He put on a huge grin.

"You need help" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not drunk enough for this" Ed took a swig of his beer and walked away.

We both laughed as we made our way to the bar. Once I got a couple drinks in my system I noticed the music was loud but had a good beat. I pulled Harry to the dance floor. He was reluctant at first until I swayed my body in front of him.He could no longer resist my request, as he stood behind me holding tight to my hips. I swayed to the music my butt brushing against him. Between the alcohol and my movements Harry was excited to say the least. He dipped his head down next to my ear.

"I didn't know you were such a good dancer"

"There's a lot you don't know Styles" I teased, hooking my hand on the back of his neck. My back pressed to his front as his grip tightened. His lips were on my neck instantly. I closed my eyes letting the music take us away.

"If you two are not to busy we are going to head to another party" my eyes fluttered open. Harry seized his actions and looked up.

Louis stood in front of us smirking before taking a drink of the beer in his hand.

"We're busy, beat it Tomlinson" Harry went back to his previous task.

"Harry stop being rude" I pulled away from him."where to next Louis?" I smiled.

"I don't know some party that Ed was invited too" he smiled before walking away.

Harry turned me around locking his hands at the small of my back. I rested my hands on his shoulders.

"I don't feel like going anywhere else" he whined.

"It will be fun! Come on Harold!" I teased.

"Let's find a real nice closet and I can show you what these fangs are for-"

I covered his mouth.

"You did not just suggest we find a closet to have sex in?" He nodded. I removed my hand.

"I need another drink" I shook my head.

"And then can we find a closet?" a smug grin playing on his lips.

"We will see.." I winked as he backed away towards the bar.

"Ooo naughty girl" he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

I laughed walking over to a empty booth and sitting down.

"Finally get bored with the Brit?"

I rolled my eyes knowing who was standing next to me.

"No. Never." I looked up narrowing my eyes at him.

"Doubt that babe" he grabbed my arm pulling me out of the booth.

"Let me go !" I barked.

"Keep your voice down!" He snapped

He pulled me over to a secluded area away from the rest of our group.

"Remember what I said about keeping your mouth shut!" He growled.

"Fuck you Liam you should be lucky I haven't told Harry any of the shit you have pulled." I pushed him.

The drinks in my system were making me feel brave.

"Are you threatening me?" He laughed.

"Maybe I am! I'm done with this twisted game you are playing! I'm going to tell everything if you-"

He grabbed my throat.

"Shut the fuck up!" His eyes narrowed.

I scratched at his hands but it wasn't phasing him.

"I will have you Charlie. Even if I have to take it from you!" He smirked. His hand was removed from my neck.

I stepped back. Terrified of my attacker. He moved closer.

What? What did Liam want from me?

"What are you talking about taking?" I spoke barely above a whisper.

He smiled cupping my chin in one of his rough hands. I pushed him away but he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me to him.

"No let me go" I tried wiggling free.

"Stop fucking fighting me Charlie" he Slid his hand up the side of my leg and under my skirt.

"No! Stop!" I tried pushing him away again.

"To answer your question. I want everything!" The look on his face was twisted. A mixture of anger and...lust? My heart was racing. He released me and took a step back.

"If you won't give me what I want I'll just take it from Lo" he smiled before turning and walking away.

I searched the crowed looking for Harry. I spotted him walking away from the bar drinks in hand. I pushed through the crowed until I reached him.

"Charlie what's wrong?" He looked worried. "Why are you crying?" He sat the drinks down and wrapped his arms around me. I hadn't noticed I was crying I just knew I was scared.

"Love what's wrong what happen" I looked up at him but I caught Liam glaring at me. He was leaning against the wall Lo next to him clearly wasted. He smirked before bending down and scooping her up into his arms.

"Charlie talk to me! What's going on?" Harry demanded.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when Harry shook my shoulders.

"You have to stop him!" I tried pulling way from Harry but he held me in place.

"Love stop who?" I looked back and Liam was out of sight.

I manage to jerk away from Harry making my way towards the exist of the VIP area.

"Charlie are you ok?" Ed was in front of me.

"I need to find Lo" I tried moving past him.

"Well we are all going to another party I'm sure she will be there" I scanned the bar I didn't see Lo or Liam anywhere. I tried moving around him again but a large hand gripped my arm.

"Charlie what the fuck are you doing? Why are you running from me?" Harry looked angry.

I was torn between telling on Liam and protecting Lo. Either way she was in danger and I needed to find them.

"I'm drunk and I need to find Lo I'm sorry" I forced out.

"Love relax she's fine she's with Liam I'm sure. Come sit with me you don't need to drink anymore" he guided me back to the booth.

"Here sit down just breath for a minute" he slid in the booth next to me.

He rubbed my leg under the table and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You want to tell me what happen?"

This was it. Do I tell Harry or do I try and handle it myself? I needed to protect Lo but I'm not sure if me telling would just put her in more danger. The warm tears hit my cheeks before I could stop them.

"Love what is wrong why do you need Lo so bad I was away for five minutes" he wiped my cheeks.

"He's going to hurt her" I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Who is? Niall? He gets angry bu-"

"No not Niall Harry. Liam!" He looked confused.

"What are you talking about?" He turned towards me.

"I need to tell you something..."

I explained everything. From the night Harry was roofied to what Liam had done only minutes before I found Harry. When I was done his fist rested on the table in front of us.

"Say something?" I pleaded.

"How could you not tell me?" He spoke through clenched teeth.

"Harry please don't be mad I thought I was protecting you both" I picked at the skin around my nails. I was unable to make eye contact with him.

"Fucking Liam! I told you from the beginning he couldn't be trusted Charlie!"

My eyes shot up meeting his.

"Excuse me? When I realized you were right I tried telling you and you didn't believe me!" I scooted away from him.

"I thought he was ok because he helped me I thought you were over reacting"

"He didn't do shit to help you! He knew where you were the whole time!"

"You didn't tell me that though Charlie! Don't blame this on me!" He growled.

Harry had never been this mad at me. We had had small arguments but this was different.

"I know I'm sorry I just thought it would get worse if I said something" the tears threatened to fall again.

Harry sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. His eyes closed as he was in deep thought.

"What are we going to do?" I softly spoke.

"We are going to do nothing. You are going to stay with Ed I am going to get Niall and we will find Liam and Lo" he stood up.

"No I'm coming too!" I clambered out of the booth.

"No you have done enough!" he snapped.

It hurt to have him talk to me that way. I only kept the secret hoping I could handle it myself. Harry's frustrated appearance scared me. He was so angry. Either way I didn't deserve to be treated like a child.

"I'm sorry Harry I told you I was trying to protect you" I crossed my arms.

"Well let me do the protecting Charlie" he barked. "If you would have just told me the truth from the beginning I could of put a fucking stop to this shit!" His hands flew up to his hair as he tugged it in frustration.

He was right. I couldn't argue that.

"Just fucking stay here." He stomped off I assume to look for Niall.

I sat back down letting the tears fall for the third time tonight.

"Hey is everything ok?" I looked up my eyes meeting a tall and very pretty blonde. Her costume a simple toga wrapped around her thin frame.

"I'm fine" I half smiled.

"What's your name?" She smiled sliding into the opposite side of the booth.

"Charlie" I looked down.

"I'm Lea." She smiled again. "Now Charlie you are way to pretty to be crying alone in a booth on Halloween. What happen?"

"I really don't want to talk about it but I may have ruined my relationship with my boyfriend"

"I doubt that. In that outfit? I'm sure he will get over it" she laughed.

I joined her. Though I knew she was wrong. Harry was pissed when he walked away. I wasn't sure what our fate was.

"Well besides boy troubles how are you liking this bar?"

"It's ok I like the music" I looked around at the few people still left in the VIP area.

"Yea my boyfriend knows a few guys that know Ed so we were invited" she smiled.

"Who's your boyfriend?" I was now curious of who was here with the gorgeous blonde.

"Zayn Malik" She beamed.

"Oh I know Zayn" I smiled.

"Really? He's so quiet I can't believe he has any friends" she joked.

"He's nice." I smiled.

I really wanted to know more about Lea and Zayn but I was interrupted by a tall figure standing over me.

"We can't find them" Harry looked to Lea and back to me. "Who is she?"

"Lea. She's Zayns girlfriend" I stated standing up.

"Who are you looking for?" Lea questioned.

"My friend Lo and this guy Liam"

"Oh I met Lo! She was trashed when I last saw her. Her boyfriend said he was going to take her home"

Harry looked at me. A new wave of anger twisting his beautiful features.

"Are you saying he left with her" Niall stepped in.

"Yea like ten minutes ago I saw him carrying her something wrong I thought they were dating?"

"We need to get back to the house" Niall started to walk away.

"Wait I have the keys to our apartment he won't be able to take her there"

"Then they are going to his" Harry turned looking around."Ed! Hey you have a car here?" He walked over to his friend.

"Yea why? We are about to leave.." Ed looked confused.

"I need it real quick it's an emergency" Harry pleaded.

"Yea..yea ok... is everything alright?" He pulled out his keys.

"It will be. Ill call you" Harry took the keys. "Come on Niall"

"I'm coming too!" I jogged over to them.

"Charlie" Harry warned.

"She's my friend! I'm coming this time!" I stood my ground.

He sighed and nodded. We made our way to the parking lot. Harry hit the unlock button letting us know the black suburban was ours. We climbed in and Harry pulled off.


"I really don't think you want to talk to me right now Charlie"

"Ok enough!" I had had it with his attitude. Yes he had reason to be upset but fighting wasn't going to solve anything. "I am sorry! I don't know how many times I have to say it! I should of told you I know that! I made a decision and it was a bad one but talking to me like you are is not helping!" I yelled at him.

"Charlie all of this could have been avoided if you had just spoke up!"

"So all of this is my fault even though he told me not to say anything or he would hurt you? I thought I was protecting both of you!" I felt the heat on my cheeks I was so angry.

"Well you didn't say anything an now where is Lo?" He looked at me.

"Guys fighting like this is not good-"

"Shut up Niall!" Harry and I yelled in unison.

"We can talk about it later" Harry growled.

"I'm done talking to you" I crossed my arms looking out of the window.

"Done talking to me? You are done talking to me?" He banged his fist against the steering wheel.

"Yes I'm done" I was on the verge of smacking him.

"Ok." He focused on the road.

Ten minutes later we pulled up to Liam's frat house.

"Charlie stay here" he got out and I climbed out too.

"I said stay in the car!" He yelled.

"No I'm going in to help find her" he shook his head. The anger evident on his face.

We made our way to the door. Not bothering to knock. We walked to the basement stairs Niall leading the way down. I was in the middle and Harry followed behind. Niall tried the door but it was locked.

"Open the fucking door!!!" Niall slammed the side of his fist repeatedly. A second later the door opened. Lo lay on the bed asleep.

"What are you doing here?" Liam looked at all of us me in particular.

Before anybody could respond Niall had Liam against the wall by his shirt.

"I swear to god if you hurt her ill fuckin kill you!" He slammed Liam into the wall.

"Get off me! She wanted to come here!" He yelled back.

"She was wasted when you took her out of the bar I saw you" I spat.

"So! She still said she wanted to come with me. I didn't do anything wrong let me go!" Niall brought his fist back and then connected it with Liam's nose.

Harry pulled Niall away and pushed him towards the bed.

"Niall just worry about Lo" Liam bent over holding his face.

"Look here you fucking dick. Charlie told me everything. I should kick your fuckin ass right now" Harry grabbed him by his shirt.

"Fuck you Styles and Charlie!" Harry pulled Liam's head forward.

"Stay away from Charlie there will be no pass next time." A grunt was heard as Harry pulled his fist away from Liam's stomach. He slid down the wall now holding his bloody nose and stomach simultaneously.

"Get out!" Liam coughed.

Niall picked Lo up carrying her out of the room.

"Stay away from her!" Harry growled again.

"Harry let's go" I pulled his shirt.

"Listen to your girl Styles" Liam taunted.

"Fuck you!" Harry kicked him in the stomach. Liam fell over gasping for air. My hand shot to my mouth.

"Harry come on" I reached for his arm again.

"I'm coming Charlie just don't ok" he moved past me and out of the room. I looked back at Liam.

"I warned you" he growled.

"Just leave us alone Liam" I pleaded before leaving the room.

Complete silence was how we drove home. Nobody said anything. Harry pulled up out front Niall got out and took Lo upstairs.

"I need to take the car back to Ed" Harry ran his hands through his curls.

"Are we going to talk?" I looked at him.

"Not tonight" he dryly replied.

"Ok thank you for proving you were different" I rolled my eyes getting out of the car.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean?" He climbed out of the truck and walked over to me.

"Nothing Harry" I didn't stop walking towards the building. I was going to cry again and I didn't want to do it in front of him.

"Charlie.." He grabbed my arm.

"Don't touch me!" I pulled away from him. "You don't get to talk to me and treat me like you have done tonight and still get to touch me" I turned and made my way into the building. Going up the stairs I heard the car speed off.

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